

The Study on Career Motivation of Counseling Psychologist in China

【作者】 许丹

【导师】 李强;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 社会心理学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 二十一世纪最初的十年是我国心理咨询和心理治疗飞速发展的十年,不论是在专业化还是职业化的道路上都取得了长足的进步,心理咨询师便是这期间迅速发展壮大起来的一支职业队伍,并逐渐成为我国心理咨询和治疗行业的生力军。与心理咨询职业化发展形成鲜明对照的却是学界对从业人员了解的滞后,尤其是对心理咨询从业人员的职业健康和职业发展具有重要意义的职业动机,更是鲜有关注。基于这样的研究现状,本文在回顾国内外相关文献的基础上,以我国心理咨询和治疗行业的生力军——心理咨询师为研究对象,围绕其职业动机开展了一系列研究。首先采用深度访谈和内容分析的方法对心理咨询师的从业动机和个人经历进行了初步的探索,并以此作为修订“成为心理治疗师的影响因素(IBT)”问卷的重要依据。随后,以修订后的成为心理治疗师的影响因素(IBT)问卷、关系问卷(RQ)、亲密关系经历量表(ECR)和Marlowe-Crowne社会赞许性量表简版(MCSD-SF)为研究工具,采用问卷调查法对心理咨询职业的潜在从业群体——心理咨询师培训班学员、从业心理咨询师、医学专业学生、工程技术人员及教师的职业动机、个人经历和依恋方式特征进行了调查,并通过一系列研究探索这些因素对个体选择心理咨询职业的影响:研究Ⅰ探讨了动机、经历、依恋对心理咨询师培训班学员的从业意愿的影响;研究Ⅱ比较了心理学专业学生和医学专业学生在各因素上的差异:研究Ⅲ考察了这些因素对已从业心理咨询师的职业卷入度、择业主动性和职业喜爱度的影响;研究Ⅳ对心理咨询师和工程技术人员、教师的动机、经历和依恋差异进行了比较;研究V则对心理咨询师培训班学员和已从业心理咨询师进行了纵向的对比。通过一系列横纵交叉的对比研究发现,心理咨询师的职业选择是内部驱力和外部推力共同作用的结果,内部驱力包括职业利他、自我与人际和谐、人际卷入和职业回报的动机,其中职业利他动机对个体选择心理咨询起到唤起作用,直接决定着培训班学员从业意愿的产生及强度,但却不直接引起从事助人职业的行为;自我与人际和谐既是个体成为心理咨询师的动机也是他们参加心理咨询职业培训的原因,但它对培训班学员的从业意愿强度和最终是否成为一名职业心理咨询师都具有削弱和阻碍作用;职业回报动机对培训班学员从事心理咨询工作的愿望和踏上心理咨询职业道路的决策都有着巨大的推动作用;人际卷入动机则干扰着专职心理咨询师对工作的投入程度。成为心理咨询师的外部推动力主要来自于重要他人的激励和助人职业榜样的引导,外力的推动虽不如内部驱力那样强大,但作用却不容忽视。此外,坎坷道路、人际疏离和家庭烦扰等负面经历对心理咨询师的职业选择也有重大意义,它们不仅影响着学员的从业意愿和专职咨询师的职业卷入度,更对学员投身心理咨询职业有着决定性作用。依恋方式与个体成为心理咨询师的关系体现为,一方面依恋反映了心理咨询师一般人际关系方面的特征,影响着他们的职业选择;另一方面,从事心理咨询工作虽然不改变个体的依恋类型,但却调节着心理咨询师的依恋水平。在这些影响因素中,有的因素是仅对心理咨询师的职业选择发挥作用的特异性因素,如职业利他、自我与人际和谐的动机、坎坷道路、人际疏离和家庭烦扰经历以及依恋回避;有的则是对任何个体的职业选择都有影响的因素,如职业回报动机和他人激励、职业榜样经历。个体成为心理咨询师的职业决策可以划分为两个阶段,即职业意向的产生阶段和职业行为的表现阶段,不同发展阶段会受到不同因素的影响,职业利他动机仅在职业意向的产生阶段发挥作用,而自我与人际和谐动机、职业回报动机和人际疏离经历则只影响心理咨询职业行为的表现。本文作为对我国心理咨询专业人员职业动机的第一次系统梳理和深入探索,取得了一系列重要成果,提出的心理咨询师职业选择两阶段模型是对心理咨询师职业选择研究领域的一次纵向的拓展;在实证研究的基础上明确了各种职业动机在心理咨询师职业选择中的作用机制;并首次对影响心理咨询师职业选择的因素进行了独特因素和共同因素的区分;本研究第一次将依恋的概念引入心理咨询师的职业选择研究,揭示了依恋水平与心理咨询师职业行为的相互关系。最后,对本文在研究方法、研究设计及研究内容上存在的不足进行了分析并指明了未来的改进方向。结合我国心理咨询和治疗专业人员教育和培训的现状,本文从必要性和可行性两方面论证了在专业人员的教育培训中须增加职业动机的相关内容。希望通过本文唤起学界对心理咨询和心理治疗专业人员职业动机的重视,以降低其对心理咨询师职业生涯道路发展的负面影响,增强心理咨询师的自我保健意识和能力,提高他们的咨询效果,促进我国心理咨询行业健康发展。

【Abstract】 In the first decade of the 21st century, the psychological counseling and psychotherapy in China have developed rapidly. Both academic development and professionalization of it have made great progress. Counseling psychologist has been the main force of professional team which is strengthening during this period. Compared with the professional development of psychological counseling, academics knew few about professionals, especially their career motivation which is important for occupational health and career development.In this condition, this paper reviewed related literature and carried out a series of studies around career motivation of counseling psychologist. First, method of depth interview and content analysis were used to explore counseling psychologists’career motivation and personal experience. And based on these conclusions, a questionnaire named Influences on Becoming a Therapist (IBT) was revised. Then, the revision of Influences on Becoming a Therapist (IBT) questionnaire, Relationship Questionnaire (RQ), Experiences in Close Relationship Inventory (ECR) and short form of Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability scale (MCSD-SF) were used as tool, and questionnaire surveys were taken among trainees of counseling psychologist, counseling psychologists, medical students, engineers and teachers to learn their career motivation, personal experiences, and adult attachment characteristics, as well as its effect on their career choice. StudyⅠis about the impact of motivation, experience and attachment on working desire of trainees of counseling psychologist. StudyⅡcompared between psychological students and medical students on their motivation, experiences and attachment. StudyⅢexamined the effect of these factors on degrees of occupational involvement, love for occupation and career choice initiative of counseling psychologists. StudyⅣis a comparison among counseling psychologist, engineer and teacher in order to find differences in their motivation, experience and attachment. Study V is a vertical contrast between trainees of counseling psychologist and counseling psychologists who have engaged in psychological counseling. Some impressive conclusions were drawn through above horizontal and vertical comparison study. The career choice of counseling psychologist is impelled by the joint action of external and internal drives. The internal drive include professional altruism, self and interpersonal harmony, interpersonal involvement and occupational reward. Professional altruistic motivation arouses one’s attention to psychological counseling, which will determine the formation and intensity of psychological counseling trainees’working desire, but not cause the conduct of engaging in helping profession. Self and interpersonal harmony is the motivation for an individual to be a counseling psychologist, and also the reason of participating in training of counseling psychology. However, it will weaken the strength of trainees’working desire and the process to be a counseling psychologist. Occupational reward motive will promote working desires of trainees and career decision of counseling psychologists. The occupational investment of full-time counseling psychologist is interfered by career motivation of interpersonal involvement. The external impetus of becoming counseling psychologist comes from encourage of important others and guidance from helping professional model. Although these external drives are not such strong as internal driving force, the effect of them should not be overlooked.In addition, the rough and bumpy life road, interpersonal estrangement and family troubles, these negative experiences are important for counseling psychologists’ career choice, too. They affect not only on trainees’ working desires and occupational involvement of full-time counseling psychologist, but also on trainees to be a counseling psychologists. The relationship between attachment style and career choice of counseling psychologist is more complicated. On the one hand, attachement reflects the general characteristics of counseling psychologists’interpersonal relationships and affects their career choice. On the other hand, engage in counseling, will not change individuals’attachment type, but regulate the level of it. All of these factors can be classified into two categories. Some are particular for counseling psychologists’career choice, including professional altruism, self and interpersonal harmony, rough and bumpy life road, interpersonal estrangement, family troubles and attachment avoidance. Others are common for anyone no matter what kind of job they choose, such as occupational reward, encourage of very important person and direction of professional mode.And the process of counseling psychologist’s career choice can be divided into two stages. The first stage is the generating of intention to be a counseling psychologist, and second is the factual action of becoming counseling psychologist. Each development stage is subject to various factors. Professional altruism is crucial in the first stage, but self and interpersonal harmony, occupational reward and interpersonal estrangement are influential in the second stage.This paper explored the career motivation of counseling psychologist in China systematically and in-depth for the first time, which had made a series of important findings. The two-stage model of counseling psychologists’career choice proposed in this paper is a vertical expansion in this research field. The mechanism of career motivation in career choice of counseling psychologist is revealed on the basis of empirical studies. And impacts on career choice of counseling psychologists are distinguished to be unique factors and common factors for the first time. This research identified the relationship between counseling psychologists’attachment and their career choice. Finally, the shortcomings of this research on method, design and content are analyzed and suggestion on future direction is provided.Given the present condition of education and training of counseling psychologist and psychotherapist in our country, related content of career motivation should be added in the education and training of professionals, which is necessary and feasible. Great attention should be paid to career motivation of counseling professionals by academics, in order to reduce the negative impact on their career development, enhance their awareness and ability of self-care, improve their counseling effect, and promote the healthy development of psychological counseling in our country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期