

Jiangxi Provincial Cadres Training of the Chinese Kuomintang: 1932-1949

【作者】 黄宗华

【导师】 江沛;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 国民党江西省的干部训练是国民党整体干训工作的重要组成部分,江西省训练团是省政府进行干训的主要机构。江西省的干训,是在国民党的干训政策、蒋介石的干训思想以及国民党的整体干训氛围影响之下,结合省内的具体情况展开的。江西省的干训从1932年开始至1949年结束,历经四个阶段。县政研究会和县政训练所时期,各方面很不完善,但该阶段的干训在“协剿”方面发挥了一定效用,搭建了干训机构的基本架构。政治讲习院时期的训练重心转向区乡镇干部,组织结构、训练规模、训练内容、训练措施比之前有较大进展。地方行政干部训练团时期,无论从组织健全程度,还是从训练规模、正规化程度等方面来看,都是干训最繁盛的阶段。江西省训练团时期,由于机构的调整与裁撤、国民党的迅速溃败等原因,效果不可与之前同日而语,但转业军官训练是一个亮点。省训团的组织结构经过一个逐渐演变的过程,但机构设置与机构职责保持了相对的稳定,特别是从政讲院开始变化不大。省训团在发展变迁历程中,逐渐形成—整套教职员的选拔任用和考核制度,建立了一支相对稳定的教职员队伍,而且队伍的整体素质比较高。干训科目包括共同科目和专业科目,各个班(组)的共同科目大致相同,专业科目则和各班(组)受训学员的实际工作相联系。这种课程设置从总体上来分析与干训目标相匹配,但有些课程与学员的实际工作联系不紧密。而且,单科训练时间过短,使得学员不能对课程很好掌握。训练的教材,主要包括孙中山和蒋介石的思想言论、基本政治理论和国民党现行政策、中国历史地理、国民党历史以及传统知识和传统道德、党务、行政工作的实际应用技术等。此外,省训团和各县市训练机构还编辑了部分省情和县情教材。江西省对受训学员的选拔、训练、考核以及服务指导进行了全方位的设计。在选拔方面,江西省制订了严密的选拔程序,但对于学员的思想意识难以考察。对学员的训练,是以课堂讲授为基础,以训育、军事训练和军事化管理为重点,同时辅之于各种社团活动。这些措施有一定的合理性,但也存在一些问题,最突出的就是以军训的方式来对党政干部进行训练,没有考虑到党政干部的特殊性。江西省对学员的考核制订了详细的标准,但是考核方式存在机械、呆板、不能与人事行政相联系的弊端。对学员结业后进行服务指导具有良好的设计意愿,但学员对于无职无权的干训机构缺乏敬畏,因而敷衍了事,造成跟踪辅导流于形式。省训团在其发展历程中,与境内的其他干训机构之间存在着复杂的关系。省训团和庐山军官训练团同作为国民党的干训机构,从历史渊源、训练模式和内容、时代背景、战略任务等方面存在一定的关联。但二者在举办主体、训练对象、具体训练目标、训练方式上存在着较大差异。蒋经国主办的青干班,名义上附属于省训团,但实际是蒋氏的“独立王国”。至于江西各地的训练机构,从组织体系上说隶属于省训团,但象征意义多于实际意义,省训团更多的是对其进行业务指导。本文认为,以省训团为核心的江西省干训实践,取得了一定成效,也存在一些不足。它增强了学员的国家认同感和民族认同感,一定程度上提高了学员的理论水平和实际工作能力,推动了“三保”政策的实施,促进了民众组训与抗战动员工作的开展,加强了学员之间的沟通和交流,提供了干部考察和干部晋升的平台,强化了省政府对各地的了解与监控。但江西省的干训从总体来看是失败的,它没有从根本上提高干部的素质特别是精神素质,没有从根本上实现强化党组织的内聚力和扩大党务的目的。造成干训效果不佳的原因,既存在于训练本身,也存在于国民党江西省和整个国民党的深层次弊端。训练本身存在学员规避训练、单科训练时间太短、训练的方式方法存在弊端、考核标准与方式不科学、受训成绩的运用不够、讲师素质参差不齐、结业后的辅导工作有名无实等问题。但效果不佳的根源在于国民党的意识形态、制度规范、干部政策、组织结构、廉政建设、教育文化发展水平和干部素养、经济发展程度和干训经费等因素。

【Abstract】 The cadre training held by Jiangxi Provincial Government in the Republic of China, was an important part in the overall cadre training of the KMT. The Jiangxi Provincial Training Corps was a major institution for its cadre training. Affected by the cadre training policy of the KMT, the cadre training ideas of Chiang Kai-shek and the atmosphere of the entire cadre training, Jiangxi Provincial cadre training was conducted by taking into account the specific circumstances of Jiangxi Province.The cadre training of Jiangxi consisted of four stages from 1932 to 1949. In the period of County Administration Research Council and the county government Training Institute, various problems were in the way. However, the training had certain effect on the "co-suppression", and set up the basic framework for the later cadre training institutions. In the period of Political Research Institute, the training focus was shifted to district cadres, and greater progress was made than before in organizational structure, training scale, training content and training measures. In the period of local administrative cadres training corps, the training saw its supreme prosperity for its degree of organizational integrity, the training scale and degree of standardization. During the period of the Jiangxi Provincial Training Corps, the effect couldn’t be compared with the previous stage due to the institutional adjustment and the KMT’s rapid defeat, but the veteran training was a highlight.The organizational structure of provincial Training Corps had a gradual evolution, but its institutional setting and institutional responsibility maintained relative stability. It had little change since the period of Political Research Institute in particular. In the course of development and changes, Provincial Training Corps gradually formed a set of systems for recruiting and assessing the working staff, thus forming a relatively stable and high-quality staff team.The subjects for cadre training were divided into common courses and professional courses. Each class (group) shared most of the common courses, but the professional courses were arranged according to the trainees’practical work. These training courses were generally coincided with cadre training goals, but some of them were not closely linked with their practical work. Moreover, the training time of single disciplines was too short for the trainees to make a good command of learning. The training materials, mainly included Sun Yat-sen and Chiang Kai-shek’s thoughts and remarks, the basic political theory and the Kuomintang’s existing policy, Chinese history, geography, the KMT history and traditional knowledge and traditional morality, the Common sense of party and administrative work in the practical application. In addition, the provincial and subsidiary training institutions had also compiled some books about the overview of Jiangxi Province and some local regions.Jiangxi Province made an all-round design in selecting, training, assessing and tracking and tutoring the trainees. The Provincial training corps developed rigorous procedures in selecting trainees, but it was difficult to test their ideology. The training was based on classroom teaching, with emphasis placed on discipline, military training and militarized management, while supplementing by a variety of association activities. These measures were reasonable to some extent, but there were problems too, the most prominent one being that according military training to the party and government cadres, without considering their special nature. Provincial training corps formulated detailed assessment criteria, but methods for assessment were inflexible, prim and failed to consider the real personnel administration. Providing services and instruction for the trainees after their graduation were believed to be helpful for them, but graduates held little respect and fear for the cadre training institutions because they had no power or resources. As a result, the trainees tended to skimp their work and the tracking and tutoring became mere formalities.Provincial training Corps had complicated relationships with other cadre training institutions within the Province in the course of development. Provincial Training Corps had certain correlations with the Officers Training Corps at Lushan in aspects of history, training patterns and content, historical background and strategic tasks as both were the cadre training institutions for the KMT. But in either case, big differences were found in hosting bodies, training objects, specific training objectives and training methods. The Youth Leaders training class was sponsored by Chiang Ching-kuo, which was nominally attached to the Provincial Training Corps, but was actually Chiang’s "independent kingdom." As for the training institutions throughout Jiangxi, which should belong to the Provincial Training Corps according to the organizational system, but the symbolic significance outweighed the practical significance, as the Provincial Training Corps just provided operational guidance most of the time.This paper argues that the cadres training of Jiangxi Province achieved some success, but it also had some drawbacks. It strengthened the trainees’sense of national identity, improved their theoretical level and practical working ability, promoted the implementation of the "Three Guarantees" policy, promoted and trained people to engage in war mobilization work, strengthened communication and exchange among them, provided basis for government recruitment and created opportunities for cadres promotion and enhanced the provincial government’s understanding and monitoring of all the regions. However, cadre training of Jiangxi Province was a failure on the whole. It failed to improve the quality of cadres fundamentally, especially the spiritual quality and failed to fundamentally strengthen the Party’s cohesion or to expand the Party. The reason lied in the training itself, as well as the deep-rooted drawbacks of Jiangxi Province and the Kuomintang. Training itself had some shortcomings such as lack of time in single discipline training, the defects in the training means and methods, unscientific evaluation criteria and methods, the frail use of training results, different quality of lecturers’ proficiency and their occasional absence from class and nominal instruction after graduation. But the root cause of the failure was the problematic ideology of the Kuomintang on Jiangxi Province, cadre policy, institutional structure, clean government building, cultural and educational foundation, economic development, cadre training fund, the system and standard building and other factors.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期