

Academician System in Republic of China

【作者】 李来容

【导师】 李喜所;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 在西方学术发展史上,国家学术机构及其院士制度的出现与近代科学研究的发展程度密不可分,且成为一国学术专业化、职业化和体制化的一个重要标志。对于西方学术机构及其院士制度的源流及变迁,中国人经历了一个漫长和逐步深入的认知过程。至民国初年,由于西学输入的不断深化,一些学人积极主张仿效和移植西方院士制度。尽管这一动议受到学术基础薄弱、专业人才匮乏、外部环境限制等因素影响,迟迟未能付诸实行,但为之后的学术体制建设提供了可靠的参考建议。自20世纪30年代起,随着中央研究院及其评议会组织的先后建成与日渐完善,中国学术基本确立了以政府扶持为主导的体制模式,并逐步实现从传统至现代、由幼稚趋于成熟的转型。在此期间,中央研究院采取循序渐进的方针,一贯致力于国家学院体制的建设工作,尝试借鉴、模仿乃至创新西方院士制度,诸如设置名誉会员、评议会等。直至1948年,中央研究院结合本国国情,自主创建了中国院士制度,成功选举首届81名院士,并主持召开首届院士会议,以切实履行院士职能。这在中国学术发展史上无疑具有重要的里程碑意义,标志着以院士为主体的国家学院体制化建设的最终完成,及中国现代学术体制化建构趋于成熟。中央研究院在40年代酝酿创建院士制度,实际是积极与消极、内与外多重因素共同作用的结果。积极方面,一是中央研究院蔡元培、朱家骅等领导者们自建院之初就认识到设置院士是完善国家学院体制乃至中国学术体制的一个必要环节;二是民国时期中国学术的长足发展,及各学科研究基础的基本奠定,直接促成了大批学术精英的聚集与领军人物的崛起,进而为中国院士制度的创建提供了坚实的学术基础和充足的人才储备;三是随着中外学术交流活动的日益频繁,中央研究院与英国皇家学会、美国全国科学院等西方学术机构保持着较为密切的联系,对其自主创建中国特色的院士制度起到了一定的激励作用。四是民族主义语境下的学术独立观念成为中央研究院革新学院体制的一大动力,以树立我国在国际间的学术组织。消极方面,中央研究院虽设有多个研究所和评议会,但仍偏重于院内的自主研究和审议工作,对外尚不足以代表全国。加之遭受抗战的严重摧残,评议会年会一再延期,战前议决的一些重要议案也多未付诸施行,中央研究院指导、联络、奖励全国学术研究的职能已在无形中受到极大削弱。在面临自身不足的同时,中央研究院又受战时统制政策、朱家骅与陈立夫间派系矛盾等因素的影响,遭遇教育部的多方压制与竞争,甚至几于被裁撤兼并,处境异常艰难。这加剧了中央研究院维护学术领导地位的危机意识,谋求自身体制改革已是势在必行,建立新型的中国化的院士制度随即提上议事日程。1941年至1948年的8年间,中央研究院创建院士制度的渐进过程,实际经历了提出与确立、立法、筹备、候选人提名、资格审查、正式选举等多个步骤。总体而言,中央研究院主导的首届院士选举活动,尽可能地克服了战乱频仍、经济崩溃、政治腐败等客观条件的不利影响,取得了圆满成功,基本反映了当时中国学术界的整体概貌和最高水平,进而成为学术共同体内自主选举的一个成功典范。究其原因,主要包括四大关键因素,即保障院士候选人提名的广泛性与集中性,坚持提名、审查及选举过程中的谨慎态度与民主原则,树立客观、理性的学术标准,恪守学术独立与自主选举的理念。首届院士选举在确立起公正性和合理性的同时,也因属首创,个别条款欠妥,加之受到学界内的门户之见,及多年战乱、交通隔绝、信息传递迟滞等因素的影响,难免存在一些不足之处,诸如部分优秀学者的漏选,少数院士资格的浮夸及提名途径的异化。院士制度作为中国现代学术建制的重要一环,尽管迟至1948年才得以建立,且因政权更替而一度中断,但基本承袭了民国时期学术发展的主要成就,又对建国后大陆及台湾地区的相关制度产生了一定的影响,对于当今学术界亦具有深刻的启示意义。

【Abstract】 During the History of academic development in the West, the emergence of National academic institutions and academician system related to the development of modern scientific research, And the two became an important sign which stand for specialization, professionalization and institutionalization of National academic. Towards the origins and changes of Western academic institutions and academician system, Chinese people’s perception has experienced a long and gradual process. In Early Republic of China, as the input of Western learning deepening, some scholars actively advocated to follow and transplant the Western academician system. Although this proposal was influenced by various factors such as weak academic foundation, lack of professional talents, and restrictions on the external environment, it didn’t implement for a long time. But for the following construction of academic institutions, it provided a reliable proposal. Since 1930s, Along with Academia Sinica and the Council built and improved gradually, Chinese academic had established the government support lead system model, And achieved the transformation from traditional to modern, fromimmature to mature. During this period, academia sinica took the step by step policy, committed to building the National academic system, tried to learn, imitate and even innovate Western academic system, such as setting honorary members and the Council. Until 1948, academia sinica created Chinese academician system independently combined with our national conditions, elected the first 81 academicians successfully, and hosted the first Academy meeting, in order to perform academicians’functions practicality. This is an important milestone in the development history of Chinese academic, marks the final completion of the institutionalized construction of National academic system which keeping academicians as the mainstay, and construction of Chinese modern academic system drive to maturity.Academia Sinica began to establish academician system in 1940s, dependented on multiple factors which including positive side and negative side, in side and out side. As the positive aspects, first, Leaders like Cai Yuanpei and Zhu Jiaye recognized setting academicians was a necessary section to improve the National academic system even the Chinese academic system; Second, the rapid development of academic during the Republic of China and a solid foundation laid for research basis of subjects, directly contributed to the aggregation of a large number of elite and the rise of leaders, and then providing a solid academic foundation and adequate reserve of talents for the creation of the Chinese academician system; Third, accompanying with the frequent exchanges between Chinese and foreign academic, Academia Sinica maintained close ties with the western academic institutions like the Royal Society of England and National Academy of Sciences of United States, This encouraged Academia Sinica to Create their own system independently with Chinese characteristics. Four, in contextual meaning of Nationalism, the concept of academic independence became a major driving force of institutional innovation of the Academia Sinica, so as to establish our academic organization in the international. As the passive aspects, although Academia Sinica had a number of research institutes and councils, but it still laid particular stress on the Sinica’s own research and deliberations, it was not enough to representative of the whole country. Combined with the baneful influence by anti-Japanese war, annual Council had repeatedly postponed, some important decisions before the war did not achieve the motion, the Academia Sinica’s functions as guidance, communication, reward of the national academic research were greatly weakened. While facing its own shortage, Academia Sinica also enslaved to Wartime control policy and factional contradiction between Zhu Jiaye and Chen Lifu, encountered Ministry of Education’s multi-faced repression and competition, even neared to dissolved, the situation was exceptional difficult. This exacerbated the Academia Sinica’s crisis sense of maintain the academic leadership, to seek its own reform is inevitable, to establish a new system of Sinicized academician system put on the agenda.From 1941 to 1948 in 8 years, the gradual process to create academician system, actually experienced multiple steps like propose and determine, legislation, preparation, nomination of candidates, qualification, election. Overall, the first academician election led by Academia Sinica, as much as possible to overcome the frequent as wars and economic collapse, political corruption and other adverse effects of objective conditions, got a valuable success, reflected the general picture and the highest academic level of Chinese academia at that time, and then became a success story of self-election in the academic community. The reason, including four key factors:to protect the extensiveness and concentration of academician nomination; persisting cautious attitude and democratic principles in the nomination, review, and electoral process; to establish the objective, rational academic standards; abide by the concept of academic independence and self-election. The first academician election established the rationality and the justice, but in the same time, as a pioneering work, it also influenced by some factors, for instance, several articles’defect, bias within the academia circles, many years of war, traffic isolation, and the delay of information transmission. So there were some shortcomings, such as the omit of some outstanding scholars, and the inconsequence of a few academician’s qualification and election.As an important part of Chinese Academy system, although academician system established as late as 1948, and interrupted by regime change at once, but it succeed to inherit the main achievement of academic development in the period of Republic of China, moreover, it has a certain influence upon the related systems in mainland China and Taiwan. For today’s academic circles it also has a profound inspiration.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期