

On the Christianizing of Byzantine Empire from 4th to 9th Century

【作者】 张日元

【导师】 陈志强;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 世界史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 所谓拜占廷帝国,是指以君士坦丁堡为首都的东罗马帝国。公元330年,君士坦丁大帝正式启用新都“新罗马”(即君士坦丁堡)。此后,拜占廷帝国虽以罗马帝国继承人自居,但随着时间的推移,它已经不断地远离罗马世界的原有特征。拜占廷帝国开始出现新的转型,其最明显而典型的表现是拜占廷帝国在4世纪接受基督教为国教。基督教这个曾经“小而默默无闻”的宗教从此在拜占廷帝国迅速崛起,成为帝国唯一正统宗教信仰;到9世纪时,拜占廷帝国已经完成了宗教信仰上的转型。随着拜占廷帝国的基督教化,基督教也逐渐融入了帝国的政治、经济、社会与文化中,并成为决定拜占廷帝国发展的一个主要因素。所以,基督教在拜占廷帝国的历史发展中扮演了一个极其重要的角色,以至于有学者认为不了解拜占廷基督教就无法了解拜占廷历史。本文的目的是,从宏观的角度对4至9世纪拜占廷帝国的基督教化加以探讨,以期能够回答如下两个问题:首先是基督教为什么会成为拜占廷帝国的唯一正统宗教信仰;其次是基督教融入帝国后产生了什么重要影响。拜占廷帝国早期,基督教迅速崛起,帝国基督教化获得前所未有的发展,这与基督教本身所具有的特点是分不开的。与异教相比,基督教的一个重要特点是,它自出现时起就是一个有“组织”的团体,并且在拜占廷帝国早期其组织逐渐变得更加完善,更具有排它性。完善的教会组织成为基督徒对抗异教、传播基督教的坚固堡垒。对时人精神需要的迎合也是拜占廷帝国早期基督教化发展的一个重要原因,基督教不但对当时人们所关注的问题,如人死之后会是什么样子、以及现世为什么存在这么多痛苦等作出了自己的宗教阐释,而且还给当时的人们提供了一付“治剂”——皈依基督教。“圣徒崇拜”是拜占廷帝国早期最活跃的基督教信仰,它充分体现了基督教本身所具有的重要特征。一是圣徒崇拜对一些盛行的、传统的异教习俗予以接纳和改造;二是它不但给当时拜占廷人们的焦虑心态提供了精神上的安慰,而且还为他们提供了世俗的帮助。在政治上,拜占廷帝国早期,基督教既为帝国君主提供了新的神圣君权论,也在实际的政治运作中对当时的世俗统治起到了重要的辅助作用。于是,基督教得到了拜占廷帝国君主的大力扶持。君士坦丁大帝通过确立基督教的合法地位,为基督教化的进一步发展铺平了道路;塞奥多西大帝通过确立基督教的国教地位,为基督教取得对异教的胜利提供了合法依据;查士丁尼大帝则通过自己的神圣基督教帝国理论与实践,将基督教化运动推向了巅峰。同时,基督教在得到帝国君主扶持的过程中,逐渐融入帝国政治,在拜占廷帝国形成了一种“教俗一体”的政体。在融入拜占廷帝国政治的同时,基督教也融入了帝国的经济与社会。自313年《米兰敕令》颁布后,教会从拜占廷帝国早期的君主那里得到了一系列的经济特权,为教会经济的崛起获得了重要的推动力。而且,拜占廷帝国早期的教会与其以前相比,拥有了更多的经济收入之源。于是,在拜占廷帝国早期,教会经济逐渐成为了帝国内不可忽视、甚至影响政局的一股强大的经济力量。同时,在拜占廷帝国早期,随着基督教的传播与其自身经济力量的壮大,基督教也开始扮演了一个重要的社会角色。一是担负起了社会救助这一重要社会职责;二是基督教伦理开始融入世俗社会伦理中。在拜占廷帝国早期,随着帝国基督教化的发展,如何处理与古典文化之间的关系成为基督教不可规避的一个问题。基督教对古典希腊、罗马文化采取了一种“接纳”和“为我所用”的态度,逐渐形成了独特的基督教文化。基督教文学与艺术是基督教文化中最重要的两个组成部分。综上所述,拜占廷帝国早期,基督教从一个教徒人数约占帝国总人口十分之一的小教派迅速发展壮大,成为帝国唯一的国教,其原因不外乎如下四点:一是基督教迎合了当时人们的精神与现实需要;二是它在政治上迎合了帝国统治者的政治需要,得到了统治者的扶持;三是它对异教信仰与古典文化采取了“接纳”的态度;四是它拥有完善的教会组织。正是基于以上原因,在拜占廷帝国早期,基督教逐渐融入了帝国的政治、经济、社会与文化中,形成了“教俗一体”的政体、强大的教会经济、基督教社会救助和社会伦理、以及独特的基督教文化。

【Abstract】 Byzantine Empire is Eastern Roman Empire which capital is Constantinople. In the year AD 330, Constantine the Great made "New Rome" (namely Constantinople) the new capital of Byzantine Empire. After that, although Byzantine Empire regarded herself as the successor of Rome Empire, as time went by, Byzantine Empire was growing different from Rome Empire. Byzantine Empire was in new transition, and accepting Christianity as state religion in the fourth century was the most pivotal one. From then on, the "small and unknown" Christianity developed quickly, and became the only legitimate religion in Byzantine Empire. By the ninth century, the transition of religion in Byzantine Empire had ended.With the Christianizing, Christianity was exerting an influence on the politics, economy, society and culture of Byzantine Empire, and it became one basic element to decide the way of the Empire’s developing. Christianity plays a very important role in the history of Byzantine Empire, and some scholar even says that you should know Christianity if you want to study the history of Byzantium. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Christianizing in Byzantine Empire from 4th to 9th Century, and to find the answer to the following two questions:the first one is why Christianity could become the only legitimate religion of Byzantine Empire, the second is what important results appeared after Byzantine Empire’s accepting Christianity.Christianity developed very quickly in the early period of Byzantine Empire, and this mainly depends on the characters of Christianity itself. Compared with Paganism, That it is an "organizing" group from the beginning is one important character of Christianity. During the early period of Byzantine Empire, the organization of the Christian Church was becoming more perfect and more exclusive. The perfect organization of the Christian Church was the strong fortress for the Christians fighting against Paganism and spreading Christianity. To meet the spiritual need of the people was also an important impetus for the Christianizing during the early period of Byzantine Empire. Christianity not only gave the answer to the questions that the people at that time were caring for, for example, what would be after ones death and why there were so many sufferings in the world, but also gave a "cure" for that——to be a Christian. The Cult of Saints was the most active Christian faith in the early period of Byzantine Empire, it embodied fully the main characters of Christianity itself. On the one hand, the Cult of Saints adopted the popular and traditional conventions of Paganism, on the other hand, it met the needs of the spirit and the world of the people.About politics, in the early period of Byzantine Empire, Christianity offered a new "holy theory" to the sovereign, and at the same time, it also benefited the sovereignty by its administrating in localities. As a result, Christianity got the great support from the emperors of Byzantine Empire. Constantine the Great paved the way for the further development of Christianizing by establishing Christianity as legitimate religion. Theodosius the Great made Christianity fighting against Paganism legal by establishing Christianity as state religion. And Justinian the Great made the Christianizing full development by his theory and practice of holy Christian Empire. With the support of the emperors of Byzantine Empire, Christianity began influencing the politics of empire, and at last, it formed the "Byzantine Theocracy"At the same time, Christianity had the great influence on the economy and society of Byzantine Empire. After the time of the Edict of Milan in 313, the Christian Church got a series of privileges of economy, and these benefited greatly the development of the economy of the Christian Church. Moreover, the Church of the early period of Byzantine Empire had more ways of revenues than before. As a result, the economy of the Christian Church became a strong power of economy in Byzantine Empire, which could even influence the Sovereignty. With the spreading of Christianity and its large economy, the Church began to play an important social role in Byzantine Empire. The Christian Church began to take fully on the responsibility of almsgiving, and at the same time, the ethics of Christianity had much effect on that of the world.In the early period of Byzantine Empire, how to deal with the relations with the Classic Culture was a question that Christianity had to face. Christianity adopted the Classic Culture of Greek and Roman, and the distinctive Christian Culture came into being. Christian Culture mainly includes Christian Literature and Art.In summary, in the early period of Byzantine Empire, Christianity became the only state religion of Byzantine Empire from a minor religionary party which covered only 10 percent of the population of the Empire. The answer may be the following four points:the first one is that it meets the needs of the spirit and the world of the people; the second is that it meets the sovereign’s political needs and gets the support from them; the third is that it adopts the Paganism and Classical Culture; the fourth is that it has a strong organization of the Christian Church.Based on these reasons, Christianity influenced the politics, economy, society and culture of the empire in the early period of Byzantine Empire. And the "Byzantine Theocracy", large economy of the Christian Church, Christian almsgiving and ethics, the distinctive Christian Culture came into being.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期