

On the Inheritance and Development of Hetuvidya in Chinese Language-Area

【作者】 张晓翔

【导师】 翟锦程;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 逻辑学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 汉传因明是在汉地传承与发展的因明,从古至今,已呈现出明显的五个发展阶段。本文以两条交织的主线贯串于五大发展阶段,其一是汉传因明传承与发展的历程和概况,这是本文研究的基石,二是对汉传因明传承与发展状况的考察,即是研究的最终目标,其中探讨了汉传因明传承的特点、规律,以及研究与发展的趋势,并研究了汉传因明兴衰的原因及影响。第一至五章是从两个方面对汉传因明的五个发展阶段的细致考察,第六章是对汉传因明传承与发展的整体研究。第一章,古因明的传入。主要研究了古因明传入的背景及概况,并提炼了《方便心论》、《回诤论》、《瑜伽师地论》、《顺中论》、《显扬圣教论》、《阿毗达磨集论》和《如实论》等古因明典籍的基本理论内容,阐述了古因明传入的影响,以及未能广为传播的原因。第二章,新因明的传入与弘扬。在探讨新因明传入背景和概况的基础上,研究了玄奘对因明本土化的贡献,窥基、神泰、文轨、慧沼、智周、净眼和义净等法师的因明思想,以及在家众吕才的因明思想,并关注了儒释之辩,考察了因明传入日本、朝鲜的情况,以及唐代因明的地位及影响。第三章,衰微期的因明传承。在考察宋、明时期因明传承状况的基础上,重点研究了延寿、真界、王肯堂、明昱、智旭等学者的因明思想;并反思了因明衰微的原因。第四章,汉传因明的复苏与传承。考察了20世纪初汉传因明复苏的背景,五十年代以前因明研习高潮期的主要表现和成就,以及五十至七十年代汉传因明缓慢发展的原因和状况。概述了这一时期因明传承与研究的特点:以在家学者为研究主体,以文献校勘、翻译、整理为重点,以因明基本理论的阐释为中心,并开始关注因明与逻辑的比较研究,开创了汉传因明研究的新局面。第五章,汉传因明的复兴、研究与发展。详细论述了20世纪后期汉传因明复兴与研习的状况,以及21世纪初汉传因明的研究与发展;并探讨了当代因明研究的几个特点:研究主体多样化,研究领域扩大化,研究内容集中化、理论化,研究方法、角度多元化,因明研究有序化等。关注了因明研究的焦点问题,如因明论著的翻译、对勘研究,同品、异品的定义及相关问题的论争,因三相的研究,因明论式的研究,唯识比量的研究,因明“喻”的研究,因明中谬误的研究,因明学者的思想研究,发展史方面的研究,因明的比较研究,因明的应用研究,因明划归佛家(教)逻辑之辩,因明与《文心雕龙》的关系,汉传因明研究的得失,以及其他方面的研究,并尽可能为客观、科学地解决部分学术争议问题创造条件。第六章,汉传因明传承与发展的特点、省思及展望。汉传因明的传承与发展具有鲜明的阶段性与时代特征,与社会政治环境密切相关,并随佛教、唯识宗的兴衰而兴衰;从整个发展历程来看,其宗教色彩逐渐减弱,并且影响日渐广泛;其研究由一元化向多元化转型。汉传因明的传承与发展受社会政治、文化环境的影响,以及传统思维方式、学者主观因素、因明自身因素和弘传对象的制约;要保持汉传因明可持续、健康发展,必须注重因明功用性的发挥。汉传因明的研究还需要与中国文化建设、世界文化交流和佛教自身发展相结合。

【Abstract】 From ancient to nowadays, the inheritance and development of Hetuvidya in Chinese Language-Area has displayed five stages of development obviously. The two mainlines as a twisted-pair runs through the five stages of development, the one is the course and overview of the inheritance and development of Hetuvidya in Chinese Language-Area, this is the foundation of this paper; the other is the research on the state of the inheritance and development of Hetuvidya in Chinese Language-Area, this is the ultimate target of the research, and study on the characteristic and law of the inheritance of Hetuvidya in Chinese Language-Area, the trend of the research and development of Hetuvidya in Chinese Language-Area, and the reason and inflence of Hetuvidya in Chinese Language-Area to rise and decline. Chapter first to fifth research on the five stages of development of Hetuvidya in Chinese Language-Area detailedly in two aspect, chapter sixth researchs on the whole of the inheritance and development of Hetuvidya in Chinese Language-Area.The first chapter, the introduction of ancient Hetuvidya. Research on the h istorical background and overview of the introduction of ancient Hetuvidya, an d the basic theory of the classical books of ancient Hetuvidya, such as Upaya kausalyahrdaysastra, Vigraha Vyavartanl Karika, Yogacarabhumis astra, Madhya ntanu-gamasastra, Prakara□aryavaca-sastra, Mahayanabhidharma-samuccaya, T arkasastra and so on. And discussed the inflence of the introduction of ancien t Hetuvidya, and the reason of ancient Hetuvidya can not spread widely.ChapterⅡ, the introduction and carrying forward of new Hetuvidya. Research on the historical background and overview of the introduction of new Hetuvidya, and Xuan Zang’s contribution to localization of Hetuvidya, and the thoughts of Buddhist on Hetuvidya, such as Kui Ji, Shen Tai, Wen Gui, Hui Zhao, Zhi Zhou, Jing Yan, Yi Jing, and so on. This chapter also researchs on Lv Cai’s thoughts of Hetuvidya, and the debate between Confucianism and Buddhism, and the state of introducing into Japan and North Korea, study on the status and influence of Hetuvidya in Tang dynasty at last.ChapterⅢthe inheritance of Hetuvidya in decadency times. Reaearch on the thoughts of scholars, such as Yan Shou, Zhen Jie, Wang Kentang, Ming Yu, Zhi Xu, and so on, on the basis of the state of Song and Ming dynasty, and reflect on the reasons for the decadency of Hetuvidya in Song and Ming dynasty.Chapter IV, the recovery and inheritance of Hetuvidya in Chinese Language-Area. Firstly, research on the historical background of the recovery of Hetuvidya from the end of 19th century to the beginning of 20th century; Secondly, on the achievements of studying Hetuvidya before 1950s; Thirdly, reflect on the main reasons for developing slowly of Hetuvidya in Chinese Language-Area from 1950s to 1970s; Fourthly, study on the characteristics of the inheritance and research of Hetuvidya in Chinese Language-Area.Chapter V, the revival, research and development of Hetuvidya in Chinese Language-Area. This chapter studys on the state of Hetuvidya in the end of 20th century detailedly, and the research and development of Hetuvidya in the beginning of 21th century. Study on the characteristics of the research of Hetuvidya in Chinese Language-Area of this generation. And concentrates on the major fields of Hetuvidya study during this period on the basis of describing the academic activities and achievements of Hetuvidya detailedly, Such as the translation and proofreading of the treatise, the definition of Sapak□a and Vipak□a, Trairupya, the study of the way of argumentation, the Anumana of consciousness-only, the D□□□anta of Hetuvidya, the fallacy of Hetuvidya, study on the thoughts of scholars, the study on the history of Hetuvidya, the comparative study of Hetuvidya, the application of Hetuvidya, the debate between Hetuvidya with Buddhism Logic, the relation between Hetuvidya with The Literary Mind and Carving of Dragons, the gain and loss of the study of Hetuvidya, the study on others, etc. And lay a foundation for solving some dispute of academic objectively and scientifically as far as possible.Chapter VI, on the characteristics, reflection and prospects of the inheritance and development of Hetuvidya in Chinese Language-Area. The inheritance and development of Hetuvidya in Chinese Language-Area has some obvious stages and times characteristics, and related with the social and political environment closely, rise and fall with the Dharmalaksana Sect and Buddhism. The religious characteristics of Hetuvidya is weakened gradually and the effect is widespread gradually, judging from the whole developing process of Hetuvidya in Chinese Language-Area, and the study of Hetuvidya changes from unified to multified. The inheritance and development of Hetuvidya in Chinese Language-Area influenced by social political and cultural environments, restricted by traditional mode of thinking, the subjective factors of scholars, self-factors of Hetuvidya, and the objects of carrying forward and inheritance. We should pay attention to elaborating the function of Hetuvidya in order to keep sustainable and healthy development of Hetuvidya in Chinese Language-Area. The research of Hetuvidya in Chinese Language-Area need to combine with Chinese cultural construction, international cultural exchange, and self-development of Buddhism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期