

The Selection of Development Model of Chinese Private Higher Education

【作者】 查明辉

【导师】 关信平;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 社会学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 1999年高校开始大规模扩招并举办独立学院,中国民办高等教育发展开始进入调整阶段。目前,我国仍然很有必要大力发展民办高等教育,民办高等教育承担了重要的功能。在中国民办高等教育恢复发展的基本条件具备之后,由于诸多因素的影响,到二十世纪九十年代中后期,中国民办高等教育形成了市场化发展模式。中国民办高等教育的市场化发展模式表现出鲜明的特征:一是以市场需求为导向;二以招生工作为中心;三是人力资本培育处于次要位置;四是举办者处于民办高校权力的核心;五是绝大多数举办者以营利为目的;六是民办高校进行严格的成本核算。目前,民办高等教育的市场化发展模式面临严峻的挑战:一是生源减少;二是高等教育领域的恶性竞争;三是大学生就业难;四是鼓励与监管角色方面政府缺位;五是领导管理体制方面政府越位;六是民办高校办学目标错位;等等。中国民办高等教育的市场化发展模式很难再走下去。这些以组织平衡理论和社会转型理论能较好地解释。那么,下一步中国民办高等教育应当选择什么样的发展模式呢?本文接下来探讨了美国私立高等教育发展模式的特征,以从中吸取经验教训。经研究表明,美国私立高等教育没有走市场化发展模式,七十年代兴起的营利发展模式至今也没有占主导地位,目前美国私立高等教育仍然是非营利模式为主导。经比较中美多方面条件,说明中国民办高等教育发展不能以市场化模式为主导。综合考虑中国国情和美国私立高等教育的发展经验,本文认为,中国民办高等教育下一步应当以社会企业化发展模式为主导。中国民办高等教育选择社会企业化发展模式,不仅是必然的,也是可行的,具有重大意义。本文最后阐述中国民办高等教育社会企业化发展模式运行的政策环境:一是改善高等教育发展的外部政策环境;二是规划好中国各类高等教育;三是出台政策鼓励社会企业化民办高校发展;四是加强政府对民办高校的监管;五是民办高校社会企业家努力促进组织平衡。

【Abstract】 Since 1999, Universities and colleges began to recruit even more students and run independent colleges. So Chinese private higher education went into the stage of adjustment. In the present China has to rapidly develop private higher education for its important function.After Chinese private higher education were provided with basic development conditions, for some factors Chinese private higher education formed the mode of mercerization at the end of the 20th century.Chinese mercerization mode of private higher education shows distinctive feature. Firstly it is market-oriented; Secondly its center work is to enroll students; Thirdly it is subordinate to train the students’human capital; The organizers is the center of the power in the private universities and colleges; Most of the organizers’motive is to make money; The private colleges have strait accounting.In the present, Chinese mercerization mode of private higher education is confronted with serious challenges:firstly the number of students is decreasing; There is vicious competition in the field of higher education; Thirdly it is difficult to find a good job for the graduates; Fourthly the government is absent in the role of encouragement and regulation; Fifthly the government is offside in the leadership and adminstration system.Sixthly the organizers’motive is twisted, and so on. Chinese mercerization mode of private higher education can’t last again.These can be explained well by the system equilibrium theory and social transformation theory.So which developing mode must be selected for Chinese private higher education? The dissertation studied the characteristics of the mode of American private higher education for reference. And it showed that American private higher education didn’t choose the mercerization mode, the profit mode rising in the seventies does not become the main one, and the dominant mode of American private higher education is still non-profit mode until now. By comparing the conditions between America and China, it proved that Chinese private higher education can’t choose the mercerization mode for the dominant mode. In view of Chinese reality and American private higher education experience, the dissertation consider that Chinese private higher education will have to select social enterprise mode for the dominant mode. It is both inevitable and feasible for Chinese private higher education to select social enterprise mode. It is important to select social enterprise mode.At last, the dissertation elaborate the operational policies setting of social enterprise mode of Chinese private higher education. First the state must improve the external environment of higher education development; Secondly the state must plan all kinds of Chinese higher education well; Thirdly the state must issue the policies to encourage developing social enterprise private universities and colleges; Fourthly the government strengthen the supervision to the private universities and colleges; Fifthly the social entrepreneurs of private universities and colleges must do their best to maintain the balance of the system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期