

The Study on Logistics Industry Efficiency of Urban Agglomerationin

【作者】 樊敏

【导师】 刘秉镰;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 区域经济学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 城市群作为城市区域化和区域城市化过程中出现的独特地域空间组织形式,是城市化发展到一定水平和阶段的标志及产物。在世界城市群崛起的带动及我国城市化、工业化推动下,国内的城市群发展速度不断加快,新兴城市(镇)体系不断涌现,原有城市群边界不断扩展。特别随着“十一五”规划将城市群作为推进城镇化的主体形态,强调构建以城市群为主体的城镇化空间格局以来,以城市群为区域核心功能实体的新兴城市经济体系逐步成熟,城市群日益成为我国区域经济发展、产业结构调整的落脚点。与此同时,伴随经济全球化和现代信息技术的高速发展,物流作为现代流通方式的主要渠道和沟通生产与消费的重要枢纽,已在全球范围内发展成为具有无限潜力和发展空间的产业力量。城市群物流作为降低城市空间阻隔、沟通跨区域生产消费、提升经济效率的重要产业,其对促进城市群协调发展、推动经济一体化建设具有重要意义,业已成为城市群经济的动脉系统和衡量城市群经济发展程度的重要指标,长三角、珠三角、京津冀等发达城市群都将物流产业作为城市群核心产业加以重点发展。伴随对物流与城市群互动发展关系认识的逐步深化,学术界对城市群物流产业发展问题的关注日益提升,但众多研究主要集中于实证分析层面,以定性分析方法,基于资源优势、政策条件、发展机遇等因素,重点探讨城市群物流产业发展战略、物流节点布局等问题。尚缺乏以城市群物流产业效率量化分析为切入点,在定量分析城市群物流产业运作水平基础上,就城市群物流产业效率提升路径及策略加以系统化研究的成果。鉴于此,本文拟从城市群物流产业效率入手,通过对城市群物流产业效率构成加以内外划分,并基于三阶段DEA及VAR模型构建城市群内部运作效率及外部联动效率分析模型。其后从耦合角度深入剖析城市群形成及演化机理,依据城市群耦合协调度差异对城市群发展阶段加以四阶段划分,在此基础上结合城市群物流需求总体特征及演化规律,对城市群各发展阶段的物流需求特征进行界定,归结城市群不同发展阶段的效率提升要点。论文最后以京津冀城市群为例,依据社科院发布的《2008年中国城市竞争力》中城市群综合竞争力水平,选取长三角、成渝、武汉、辽中南四个能够真实体现我国城市群发展水平差异,客观反映东北、东、中、西部城市群区域差距的四个城市群作为比较对象,借助对京津冀城市群物流产业内外部效率的横向对比,基于城市群物流需求分析及效率制约因素剖析结果,对京津冀城市群物流产业效率提升路径加以选择,就当前城市群物流产业效率提升要点加以阐述,并从完善物流产业发展环境、加强物流技术创新、完善联动机制以及优化物流产业空间布局等四方面提出具体提升策略。

【Abstract】 Urban agglomeration as an unique form of regional spatial organization, is the sigh and product of urban development. The development of Urban Agglomeration in the world, and urbanization industrialization in China have caused the urban agglomeration obtain fast development, and a large quantity of new urban system emerge. Especially with the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" promote the urban agglomeration as the main form of urbanization, urban agglomeration is increasingly becoming the core of regional economic development and industrial structure adjustment.Meanwhile, with economic globalization and informatization, Logistics industry as the the main channel and important hub of production and consumption, have been an industry of infinity potential and large development space. Urban agglomeration logistics industry as an important part of Urban agglomeration can overcome the urban space barrier,communicate the cross-regional production and consumption,promote coordinated development of urban agglomeration and economic integration. Changjiang triangle, Zhujiang triangle, Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei and other developed urban agglomeration have taken Logistics industry as major industry.However, nowdays, the research about the urban agglomeration logistics industry always focus on empirical analysis,with qualitative analysis method, base on resource advantage, policy condition, development opportunity and other factors, study about urban agglomeration logistics industry development strategy, logistics node layout and other problems. There have been absence of research, with quantitative analysis, study on urban agglomeration logistics industry efficiency improving path and strategy. So this dissertation focus on urban agglomeration logistics industry efficiency problem, and construct the analysis framework.Base on the framework, this dissertation construct the analysis model with the three-stage Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) model and VAR model.Then reference from the coupling theory, the dissertation discuss on urban agglomeration formation and development mechanism, divide urban agglomeration development stage into four phases base on coupling degree. At last this dissertation take Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei urban agglomeration as an example, analyzes the urban agglomeration logistics demand, the urban agglomeration logistics industry internal operation efficiency and external interaction efficiency, discuss the main restrictive factors of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei urban agglomeration logistics industry efficiency, put forward the efficiency improve path, improve points and strategy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期
  • 【分类号】F259.2;F299.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1537
  • 攻读期成果