

A Study of Influence of Human Self-recognition and Behavior on Environment

【作者】 吴建平

【导师】 高岚;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文围绕自我与生态的关系,对人类自我认知与行为在生态环境中的影响进行深入的理论探讨与调查研究,为目前人类面临的生态困境寻找新的思考点,为建设环境友好型社会从人的行为管理层面提出建议。本文采用理论研究与实证研究相结合的方法,以理论研究为主线,实证研究作为部分理论假设的探索性研究。本文吸收了人文社会科学与自然科学的研究方法,从生态学、经济学、管理学、心理学、社会学、哲学等不同领域进行多学科交叉研究。论文的主要研究结论:①生态危机是生态系统的失衡状态。现代工业社会,人的行为是造成生态平衡失调的主要原因。②人在生态系统中具有双重角色,依附于自然资源的消费者角色与控制生态系统的操纵者角色。操纵者角色的行为与人作为消费者角色产生了角色冲突,由此产生的行为问题与生态危机存在着内在的联系。③人与自然的关系体现在人类对自我的认识层面。人类对自我的认识,经历了自我——社会自我——生态自我的不同阶段。人类对自我认识的不同阶段,形成对自然的不同态度以及自我行为对生态环境的不同影响。表现为自我与自然的对立,社会自我对环境的破坏,生态自我对环境的保护。④社会自我把物质财富、身份、地位等作为符号系统成为自我的延伸部分,社会自我的行为造成巨大的生态压力,过度消费行为伴随着巨大的环境代价。⑤生态自我超越了现代西方哲学主客二分的观点,超越了人与自然的对立关系,是人与自然融为一体、合二为一的自我状态。生态自我体现了主体客体化与客体主体化的主客一体性思想。生态自我将自我的意义从个体扩展到生态,是自我向自然的延伸。生态认同、生态体验、生态实践是生态自我的三重结构。⑥环境友好行为是生态自我主动、自觉的生态实践活动,自我与自然最大重叠的人会表现出更多的对环境负责的行为。生态自我对环境友好行为有很好的预测作用,建立生态自我,倡导环境友好行为是从人的行为层面解决生态危机问题的途径。

【Abstract】 Based on the relationship between self and ecology, this study makes an in-depth theoretical research and investigation on how human self-recognition and behaviors influence ecological environment, in search of a new way for the ecological crisis and making suggestions for environment-friendly society from the perspective of human behavior management. The methodology combines theoretical study and empirical study, with theoretical study as the main method and empirical study as the exploratory research method. The study reviews some research findings in both humanity and social science and natural science and proceeds from the fields of ecology, psychology, sociology, philosophy and economics.The key ideas in this dissertation can be concluded as six points. First, ecological crisis is the result of ecological imbalance, which is caused mainly by human behavior in modern industrial society. Second, human beings play a double role in ecological system, the consumer dependent on natural resources and the controller of the ecological system. The conflicts between the two roles and the involved problems have an internal relationship with ecological crisis. Third, the relationship between man and nature can be sensed from the self-recognition of mankind. The self-recognition development goes through three stages—ego, social self and ecological self, through which different attitudes towards nature, and different influences of self behavior to environment are formed. At ego stage, ego confronts with nature; at social self stage, self destructs nature; at ecological self stage, self protects nature. Fourth, social self takes worldly possessions like belongings, status and positions etc. as the sign of self development. The pursuit of such possessions drives social self into blindness and overconsumption that cause great ecological stress and environmental destruction. Fifth, ecological self goes beyond the view of subject-object dichotomy in modern western philosophy and the oppositional relations between man and nature. It is a combination of the two, presenting the unification of subjectification of object and objectification of subject. It is an extension of self into ecology, an identification of nature and a move toward nature, with a tripartite structure—ecological identification, ecological experience and ecological practice. Sixth, environment friendly behavior is the proactive practice of ecological self. People whose self are mostly concerned with nature behave to be more responsible for the environment. Regression analysis shows that ecological self can predict whether the behavior is environment-friendly or not. Therefore, calling for ecological self and proenvironmental behavior is the channel to solve ecological crisis from the perspective of human behavior.
