

Research on Support Policies for Grain Marketing in China

【作者】 王耀鹏

【导师】 金彦平;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 农林经济管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 粮食流通是连接粮食生产和消费的桥梁和纽带。粮食流通对保持粮食供需在总量、区域、品种和时间上的基本平衡,保证粮食供应、稳定粮食市场价格、引导合理消费,保障国家粮食安全具有不可替代的重要作用。另外,粮食流通还对促进种粮农民增收、提高农民种粮积极性、发展粮食生产,加快粮食种植结构调整具有重要的作用。因此,有必要对粮食流通支持政策进行系统、深入地研究。本文以公共财政理论、粮食基础地位理论和福利经济学理论作为粮食流通支持政策的理论依据,并对其进行论述,同时阐述了我国实施粮食流通支持政策的特殊性,总结了国外粮食流通支持政策的经验及启示。在此基础上,将粮食流通政策按照收购、储备、批发、运输、加工、零售6个环节和基础设施建设、质量、科技、信息4个领域共10个方面,分别对其支持现状进行深入、系统地分析,找出了存在的问题,分析了产生问题的原因,提出了改进的政策建议,主要包括:理顺中央储备粮和地方储备粮关系并合理确定中央储备粮规模,建立县级粮食储备和成品粮储备制度,增加植物油储备数量;主动扶持国有粮食企业消化政策性和经营性财务挂账;支持加工企业直接入市从种粮农民手中收购粮食;直接对低收入等困难群体发放成品粮油补贴,取消高等院校在校学生粮油补贴无差别发放政策;制定全国统一的粮食流通基础设施建设规划,加大对“北粮南运”等粮食流通基础设施建设支持力度;建立原粮质量干预制度,加强粮食应急供应质量检验能力建设;保证粮食流通科技经费投入和研究时间;整合现有粮食信息系统,建立起粮食生产者、经营者和消费者之间对称、开放的信息服务系统。根据实际情况,排列出了上述10个方面的支持顺序。粮食收购价格既对种粮农民增收、发展粮食生产具有重要的引导作用,又是粮食流通起点即收购环节的主要内容。本文对粮食收购价格支持政策进行了重点分析,从粮食的弱质性及其供求变化的“蛛网效应”和粮食价格支持政策国家需要的角度,解释了实施粮食价格支持的依据和合理性,运用供求模型对粮食价格支持政策进行了经济学分析,分析了由此给粮食生产者、消费者以及政府带来的福利损益变化。在此基础上,对我国现阶段粮食最低收购价政策产生的积极效应进行总结,找出了存在的问题:最低收购价制定不科学和品种、地区差价不合理;预案公布不及时;执行主体和具体委托收储库点关系不顺等。最后,提出了改进最低收购价政策建议:合理确定最低收购价水平;提前公布最低收购价政策;取消收购数量限制;在执行政策中引入竞争机制和理顺监督关系等。黑龙江省是全国重要的商品粮基地,对全国粮食流通具有举足轻重的影响。作者在实地调查研究的基础上,对黑龙江省粮食流通支持政策情况进行了案例分析,针对该省存在的大豆等粮食生产基础薄弱、粮食流通环节补贴不到位、基础设施落后、粮食外运能力不足、加工业发展滞后、国有粮食企业主渠道作用发挥受限、粮食风险基金缺口较大等问题,分别提出了改进建议,主要包括:将大豆列入最低收购价范围并提高保护价水平;改变补贴方式,加大对粮食加工转化支持力度;建立粮食产销区之间利益协调机制的4种具体模式等。在上述分析研究基础上,本文进一步把粮食流通环节和流通领域10个方面细分成23项重点支持内容,根据实际情况,排列出了支持的先后顺序和每项内容对应的财政、信贷、税收等具体支持方式,从而构建起了粮食流通支持政策体系,提出实施粮食流通支持政策的11项保障措施:提升粮食综合生产能力,加强粮食流通管理机构建设,理顺中央和地方粮食事权,加大财政投入力度,完善信贷资金支持方式,充分发挥国有粮食企业主渠道作用,完善粮食风险基金政策,大力促进粮食产销衔接,发展粮食现货和期货交易,加快粮食流通法制建设,加强监督检查。

【Abstract】 Grain marketing is the bridge and tie between gain production and consumption, it plays an irreplaceable and crucial role in balancing grain demand and supply in terms of amount, regions, varieties and time, ensuring grain supply, stabilizing grain market price, guiding rational consumption, and guaranteeing food security of the country.On the other hand, it has important reaction forces on increasing farmer’s income, raising their enthusiasm for growing grain, developing gain production and accelerating the adjustment of crop planting structure. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a systematic and in-depth research into the grain marketing support policies.This paper discusses the theory of public finance, theory of the position of grain as the foundation of economy and theory of welfare economics while taking them as the theoretical basis of grain marketing support policies. In the meantime, it states the particularity of grain marketing support policies adopted in China and summarizes concerned experiences of some foreign countries and revelations therefrom. On such basis, it divides grain marketing into 6 links (purchase, storage, wholesale, transport, processing and retail) and 4 fields (infrastructural construction, quality, technology and information), makes respectively in-depth and systematic analysis of their current support situations, finds out the existing problems and analyzes their causes, and proposes reasonable policies and recommendations for improvement. In particular, it proposes to straighten out the relation between the central and local grain reserves and decide reasonably the scale of central grain reserves, to establish county-level grain and processed grain reserve system, and increase the reserves of vegetable oils; to support actively arrangements of digestive and operating accounts of state-owned grain enterprises; to support processors enter the market and purchase grains from fanners directly; to issue processed grain and oil subsidies to disadvantaged groups and cancel the non-discrimination policy of issuance of grain and oil subsidies to students of high-learning institutions; to work out the plan for the construction of nationally unified grain marketing infrastructures and increase the support to the construction of grain marketing infrastructures like " transporting grain of the north to the south"; to establish shelly grain quality intervention system and strengthen the quality examination capability of emergent grain supply; to guarantee the input of funds for grain marketing technologies and research time; to integrate the current food information system and establish open information system proper for grain producers, operators and consumers. The sequence of supports afterwards is determined based on general analysis of the above-mentioned 10 aspects and current situations.Grain purchase price not only plays an important guiding role in increasing farmers’income and developing grain production, but also is an important part of the beginning of grain marketing or the purchase procedure. This paper attaches importance to the analysis of grain purchase price support policies, explains the basis and rationality of grain price supports adopted from the "spider-net effect" of grain demand and supply changes and the angle of the country’s needs in this regard, conducts economic analysis of the grain price support policies using demand-supply model, and analyzes the changes of welfare for grain producers, consumers and government. Based on that, it summarizes the active effects from the current minimum grain purchase price policy of China and finds out the existing problems, namely unscientific minimum purchase price, irrational price difference between varieties and regions, not timely pre-proposal announcement, and unsmooth relation between the enforcement bodies and specific entrusted purchase and storage places. In the end, it puts forward recommendations on the improvement of the minimum purchase price policy:to decide reasonable minimum purchase price level on the basis of the planting cost and an overall consideration of the other 10 factors and the calculation formula is listed; to recommends the policies of early release of minimum price and cancellation of purchase quantity limit from the angel of economics after an analysis of the changes of grain demand and supply when the government launches the minimum purchase price and its impacts on farmers’incomes using the economics model of minimum purchase price; and to introduce competition mechanism into the execution of minimum purchase price policy and smooth out the supervision relations and ensure concerned policies put into practices.Heilongjiang province is an important commodity grain production base of China and plays a crucial part in grain marketing of the country. With on-site investigations as the foundation, the author conducted case studies of the grain marketing support policies of Helongjiang and put forward recommendations on the improvement for major problems of the province like weak grain (bean for example) production foundation, inadequate subsidy for grain marketing, backward infrastructures, insufficient grain transport capacity, lagged development of processing industry, limited role of state-owned grain enterprises as major channels and large gap of grain risk funds; in particular, the author proposes to include soybean into the minimum purchase price and improve the level of protected price to protect the soybean industry, change the subsidizing method and increase support to grain processing and transformation, and establish 4 specific models that balance the interests of the grain production and circulation areas.Backed by the above analysis and researches, this paper further breaks down the 10 aspects of grain circulation links and fields into 23 major support contents, list out the sequence of supports and specific methods of financial, credit and tax support for each content based on practical situations and thereby establish grain marketing support policy system; and it puts forward the 11 guarantee measures for implementation of grain marketing support policies:to improve the general grain production capacity, strengthen the construction of grain marketing management institution, smooth out the authorities of the central and local government over grain, increase financial investment, improve the credit fund support method, give full scope to the role of state-owned grain enterprises as major channels, promote vigorously the connection between grain production and sales, develop sport and futures trading, accelerate the building of legal system of grain marketing, and strengthen the supervision and examination.

【关键词】 粮食流通环节流通领域支持政策
【Key words】 graincirculation linkcirculation fieldsupport policies