

Ventilation Methods in Guangfu Traditional Dwellings and Applications in Modern Buildings

【作者】 曾志辉

【导师】 陆琦; 叶荣贵;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 传统民居在长期的营建过程中,对各地的地方气候总会自发地形成一系列朴素而有效的适应方法。这些方法历经岁月的检验,在实际使用中不断地获得调适改良,最终定型为各种地域性传统民居的气候适应性方法和技术。地处亚热带湿热气候区的岭南广府传统民居,就在通风方面有着良好的气候适应性,它们通过各种巧妙合理的通风手段带走室内余热,排除湿气,以适应本地夏季湿热的气候特征。发掘与分析归纳当中的传统通风方法与技术,总结提炼广府传统民居的通风经验与理论,对我们重新理解与认识岭南广府的传统通风智慧,有莫大的帮助。通过调研分析,论文对广府传统通风方法与技术分为三个层次不同的层面,在此基础上,对各个层面的各种典型类型进行了通风及相关热环境的实地测量,以实测数据为支撑,总结归纳了广府传统民居不同层面上的通风特点与优点。第一层面为传统群组的布局通风。广府传统民居群组往往能对外界自然风进行引导,又能通过群组布局自身产生热压局地风,在宏观上保证了民居单体获得足够良好的外部环境。第二层面为传统民居的单体通风。以通风视觉的角度,论文将广府传统民居划分为三种基本类型与一些变体形式,对各种典型类型的实测结果表明,广府传统民居单体的内部空间及空间组合体系,能有效地导风入屋,引导气流的室内穿堂,并形成一定的热压动力通风,在中观上形成民居自身良好的户内通风环境。第三层面为传统民居的细部通风。广府传统民居有着众多极具特色的细部通风做法,它们是民居实际通风质量的微观保证。通过实测与CFD模拟,论文将探讨各种细部做法的实际通风效果及其作用机理。论文在对传统通风智慧总结的基础上,结合创新性思维,将广府传统民居中被证明有效的通风经验转化应用于现代工程设计实例当中。在规划、建筑单体与建筑细部三个层面上,都尝试将传统经验中的优秀做法内嵌应用到现代建筑通风设计当中,并通过实测与CFD模拟的手段,分析其现代更新与应用的实际效果。在量化数据的分析支撑下,探讨了所运用到的传统方法与技术的现代更新的途径,以及应用设计时的相关问题。分析结果表明,由于地域气候状况的相对稳定性,湿热的气候环境及通风散热除湿的营造要求,无论过去还是现在,都几无改变,广府传统的通风经验对现代通风设计仍然具有良好的适应性和比较直接的借鉴作用。总结广府传统的通风智慧,再结合当代新型的技术、材料和构造,可为现代建筑提供一条有效的改善通风的技术途径,很好地实现传统民居通风方法与技术的现代更新。

【Abstract】 In the course of traditional dwellings’evolvement, series of simple and effective methods have been formed to accommodate diversified local climates. These methods have been turned into different kinds of regional climate adaptation skills and techniques after continuously adjustments in practial applications. The ventilation of Guangfu traditional dwellings, which lies in hot and humid subtropical climate area, is outstanding in climate adaptability. For purpose to accommodate the hot and humid weather in summer days, diverse ingenious ventilation solutions are applied to remove indoor thermal force and to reduce humidity. Exploring and analyzing the traditional ventilation skills and solutions would be valuable for us to understand and acquire the wisdom of Lingnan traditional ventilation from a new perspective.Guangfu traditional ventilation solutions and techniques are divided into three dimensions to investigate and analyze in this paper. Ventilation and thermal environment of representative models in each dimension have been studied to reach the summarization of ventilation traits and values in Guangfu traditional dwellings. First dimension is the ventilation of traditional dwelling group. Guangfu traditional dwelling groups not only can channel external natural airflow into them, but also can generate internal thermal ventilation to ensure favourable outdoor environment for the dwellings on macroscopic perspective. Second dimension is the ventilation of single traditional dwelling building. Guangfu traditional dwellings are categorized into three basic types and some evolved forms in this paper. The outcome of actual measurement of each typical model reveals that the indoor space and its combinations of Guangfu traditional dwellings are capable to lead the outside airflow inside buildings as well as to engender internal thermal ventilation, as a result to provide the building itself an enjoyable indoor environment. The third dimension is the ventilation of traditional dwellings’detail. Multifarious special ventilation solutions are used in Guangfu traditional dwellings’detail to assure good quality for its actual ventilation on microscopic perspective. The practical effect and the action mechanism of different ventilation technic will be discussed in this paper by means of actual measurement and CFD simulation.Integrated with innovated thinking, traditional effective ventilation ecperience is converted into practical modern designs on the basis of the summarization of traditional ventilation wisdom. Traditional experience is applied into modern ventilation designs in planning desings, single building designs and archictural detail designs. The application effects are analysed through actual measurement and CFD simulation. Approaches to modern renovations of traditional technics and issues to its modern applications are also explored in this paper supporting by quantification data analysis. The outcome of analysis estimates that effective ventilation for thermal force elimination and humidity reduction is continuously demanding in hot and humid climate area. It also manifests that traditional experience of Guangfu ventilation solutions can be adaptable and be use for reference to modern ventilation designs. The compounding of traditional ventilation experience, contemporary techniques, modern materials and structures would provide impactful approaches for modern designs to improve ventilation effects and would achieve modern renovations from traditional ventilation solutions and skills.
