

Research on Knowledge Management Mode for High-Tech Virtual Enterprise (HTVE)

【作者】 韩赟

【导师】 高长元;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 知识经济时代,高技术企业的技术开发风险和市场不稳定性更为显著,企业自身知识资源的有限性和市场机遇的时效性使高技术企业越来越多地采用企业间合作的方式来弥补知识缺口,高技术虚拟企业(High-Tech Virtual Enterprise;HTVE)应运而生。实施知识管理是以组织间学习为主要协作手段的HTVE成功的关键,大多数学者看重对企业知识管理理论和基于计算机技术的知识管理系统的研究,由于HTVE跨组织边界和地理位置分散的特点,企业知识管理的研究成果已不能满足HTVE知识管理的需求。对HTVE知识管理模式的深入研究,旨在构建面向HTVE全生命周期的知识管理的理论框架,通过对知识管理的主体、客体、活动、过程等的研究,为解决基于主导高技术企业知识缺口的HTVE知识管理问题提供理论指导。论文从高技术企业弥补知识缺口的需求开始,针对HTVE跨组织边界的知识管理过程,根据HTVE的生命周期角度各阶段的知识管理主体、内容和任务,以此构建适合HTVE的四维知识管理模式,该模式的构建过程通过HTVE全生命周期的知识管理来实现。设计了基于外生因素和内生因素的高技术企业知识缺口弥补流程,通过知识需求分析、知识供给分析进行知识缺口的识别,针对不同战略价值的知识缺口,通过成本-收益分析确定高技术企业已具有部分弥补缺口的知识积累时,构建虚拟企业是弥补知识缺口的最佳方式。基于HTVE生命周期,分析知识管理过程及各生命周期阶段的知识管理任务,并以此确定跨组织边界的知识管理需求;分析企业的知识管理模式及其适用条件,结合HTVE知识管理需求,提出HTVE的知识管理模式应以人文管理模式为主,辅以编码化模式,并建立了HTVE的外部环境会、联盟文化、技术体系和组织间学习的四维知识管理模式,包括构建契约网络、建立学习机制、实现组织间学习和建立知识管理的支持系统。对于HTVE组建期的知识管理,分析合作伙伴选择的知识因素是HTVE构建的前提,以此通过建立柔性组织结构,选择联盟控制方式、制定科学的知识管理战略和形成鼓励共享的联盟文化来建立HTVE的组织间学习机制;基于模块化思想和知识分工理论实现HTVE的任务分解。应用动态博弈模型分析了联盟伙伴间信任关系的重要性,依据价值链理论,设计出HTVE组织间学习的层次、过程和内容,以建立起组织间学习模型;在此基础上提出基于知识地图的成员间知识获取方式;为实现基于知识地图的知识获取,设计了基于本体论和语义网的知识表示与存储方式,建立起HTVE知识转移的小世界网络模型,以深入研究HTVE的知识转移机制;知识转移的目的是为了推动合作的知识创新,基于Nonaka提出的知识转化模型建立起HTVE的SECIs模型,深入分析HTVE知识创新的过程。解散期要对HTVE的知识协作收益进行分配,依据多赢、风险收益最优化等原则,重点研究了知识层次上的知识收益的分配模式。知识管理绩效评价是知识管理的重要内容,HTVE的知识管理绩效评价和单个企业不同,基于AHP和模糊综合评价法建立了知识管理绩效评价模型,以为HTVE更好地实施知识管理提供评价工具。建立基于知识地图的知识管理支持系统,构建HTVE四维知识管理模式的技术层面,通过知识管理业务流程和系统流程分析,设计了五层知识管理体系结构,在此基础上分别设计出系统的网络平台结构、功能结构,并对知识地图和知识协作系统进行了详细设计,最后应用ASP.NET、XML语言和SQL Server 2005完成了平台的开发。完成HTVE知识管理模式的构建之后,应用海尔三洋合作的冰箱技术改进项目作为HTVE的实证研究背景,分析了核心企业的知识缺口及其互补性,并通过组建期和运行期的知识管理实践来验证HTVE四维知识管理模式的可行性与有效性。HTVE知识管理模式的研究对提高我国高技术企业竞争能力具有重要的实际意义,为高技术企业知识缺口弥补提供有效的途径,同时也为以知识共享和技术合作为主要合作方式的HTVE的管理模式的研究奠定了坚实的理论基础,对组织间的知识管理理论与方法的研究具有重要的理论价值。

【Abstract】 In the era of knowledge economy, high-tech enterprises faces much more risks of technology development and market instability. Because of the limitation of knowledge resources and time-effectiveness of market opportunities, high-tech enterprises prefer to compensate for knowledge gaps by inter-organizational collaboration, hence High-Tech Virtual Enterprises (HTVE) come into being. It is crucial for a successful HTVE to implement knowledge management by inter-organizational learning. However, most of scholars made researches on the theories and the computer based system of enterprise knowledge management. Since HTVE has the characteristics of inter-organizational boundary and dispersed distribution in location, the existed research findings in enterprise knowledge management can’t meet the requirements of HTVE’s knowledge management. The dissertation makes thorough and deep research on knowledge management mode of HTVE, aiming to construct the theoretical framework of knowledge management for the whole life cycle of HTVE. It studies the subjects, objects, activities and process of knowledge management, hoping to provide theoretical directions for HTVE in resolving the problems of knowledge management.The dissertation begins with the requirements to compensate knowledge gaps of high-tech enterprises, and studies the process of inter-organizational knowledge management. Based on subjects, objects and tasks in different life stages of HTVE, four-dimension knowledge management mode is built, which is realized by knowledge management in whole life cycle of HTVE.The process of compensation for knowledge gaps of high-tech enterprise is designed according to the exogenous and endogenous factors. Knowledge gap can be identified by the analysis of knowledge requirements and knowledge supplies. When it is tested by the way of cost-profit analysis that HTVE has already had a part of knowledge accumulation for knowledge gaps, building virtual enterprise is the best choice.Based on the whole life cycle of HTVE, it analyzes the process and tasks of knowledge management, therefore the requirements of inter-organizational knowledge are identified. It also analyzes enterprise knowledge management modes and applicable conditions, and puts forwards that knowledge management of HTVE should take personalization mode as the principal, and take the codification mode as the subsidiary. It establishes a four-dimension knowledge management mode, namely external environment, alliance culture, and technology system, and inter-organizational learning, which includes construction of contract network, building of learning mechanism, realization of inter-organizational learning, and setting of support system of knowledge management.Analysis of knowledge factors of cooperative partner selection is the foundation of building a HTVE, in the construction stage. Inter-organizational learning mechanism is built by setting up flexible organization structure, selecting of control modes, laying out scientific knowledge management strategy, and forming of alliance culture. Mission distribution is accomplished based on modularization idea and theory of knowledge division.It applies dynamic game model to analyze the significance of intra-partner trust in alliance. According to value chain theory, inter-organizational learning model is set up by designing levels, process, and contents. Therefore it puts forward a way of inter-member knowledge acquisition based knowledge map. It builds small-world network model for knowledge transfer of HTVE through applying ontology and semantic web to represent and store knowledge in turn. The purpose of knowledge transfer is to promote the knowledge innovation. Therefore, it needs to further study on knowledge innovation, by setting up the SECIs model of HTVE, according to knowledge transfer model by Nonaka.In the dismiss stage, it needs to allocate the knowledge returns. Under the principle of win-win, optimum of risks and returns, allocation mode is designed in the knowledge layer. Performance evaluation of knowledge management is the important step for HTVE, but it is different from the performance evaluation of knowledge management of the individual enterprise. Model of performance evaluation of knowledge management is designed based on AHP and Sequential Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method.Building of information system platform for knowledge management based on knowledge map is technical level of four-dimension knowledge management mode. Transaction flow and systematic flow is analyzed, and systematic framework with five layers is designed. Subsequently, web structure and functions are designed, and knowledge map and knowledge coordination system is designed in detail. As last, the platform is implemented by ASP.NET, XML and SQL Server 2005.After construction of knowledge management mode, the collaborative project of refrigerator technical improvement from Haier Group and Sanyo Group is taken as an empirical analysis. Knowledge gaps of core members and their complementarities are analyzed under this empirical background. The practice of knowledge management in the construction and operating stage certifies the feasibility and effectiveness of four-dimension knowledge management mode.The study on knowledge management mode is of practical significance for high-tech enterprises to enhance competitiveness. Furthermore, the findings will provide effective ways for high-tech enterprises to compensate their knowledge gaps, also lay a solid theoretical foundation on the study of management mode for HTVE. Since knowledge sharing and technique cooperation is the primary cooperative pattern for HTVE, the dissertation also has great theoretical value for the theory and methodology research on inter-organizational knowledge management.
