

The Study of Consumer Behavior in Food Traceability System

【作者】 徐玲玲

【导师】 吴林海;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 食品贸易与文化, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 理论研究和全球经验表明,食品可追溯体系具有确保食品安全的基本功能,已成为全球性预防食品安全风险的主要手段之一。中国“三鹿奶粉”等重大食品安全事件的爆发,再次凸显在中国推广和普及食品可追溯体系的重要性、紧迫性。然而,食品可追溯体系非常复杂,涉及众多的行为主体,消费者、生产者和政府是其中最重要的“三元主体”。而消费者是可追溯食品的使用主体,其对可追溯食品的认知、态度和支付意愿等消费行为本质地决定了食品可追溯体系建设的动力、层次,内在地规定了可追溯食品的市场需求,深刻地影响着生产者的生产行为和政府的制度安排。可见研究食品可追溯体系中的消费者行为在中国食品可追溯体系建设进程中具有基础性、关键性的地位。因此,在加快社会建设、促进社会和谐的背景下,研究食品可追溯体系中消费者的行为具有非常重要的价值。丰富和发展具有中国特色的食品消费经济学理论,研究消费需求对食品供应链体系中生产者行为的影响,并为政府决策咨询服务,构成了本文研究的全部目的。本文的研究主要在理论和实证相结合的层面来展开。在理论层面,本文力求运用消费经济学、消费行为学和信息不对称等多学科的理论与方法,在遵循消费经济学的基本规律的基础上,从食品消费的特殊性与我国目前食品消费环境的基本特征出发,努力研究食品可追溯体系中消费者行为的普遍规律。在实证层面,主要以江苏省城市消费者为例,在消费者对食品可追溯体系的认知、态度、支付意愿与支付水平等多个层面、多个维度上系统地实证了消费者可追溯食品的消费行为与主要特征,创新性地运用Interval Censored模型研究了影响消费者对可追溯食品额外价格支付水平的因素,并试图提出了引导消费者行为和有效促进与支持食品可追溯体系建设的政策框架。本文的主要研究结论是:(1)与普通商品的消费特征相一致,可追溯食品的消费行为受消费者个体特征、心理因素与外部环境等因素约束,但可追溯食品的消费者行为有其自身的规律性,主要表现在:食品安全风险感知和食品安全信息的需求等因素影响消费者对可追溯食品的潜在需求;消费者对食品的认证信息、品种来源信息以及生产环节的卫生信息需求非常迫切;消费者对可追溯食品的接受是一个持续的过程;影响消费者支付意愿与支付水平的因素不尽相同;(2)可追溯食品的消费在不同的地区具有不尽相同的特点,经济不发达地区,影响消费者支付水平的显著性因素只有收入;经济欠发达地区,收入起主要影响因素的同时,对食品安全的忧虑、对可追溯食品的态度和学历显著影响消费者的支付水平;在经济发达地区,决定消费者支付高水平额外价格的因素主要是更高的收入水平和对食品安全信息的需要度。(3)从消费者视角出发,支撑食品可追溯体系建设的法规极少,难以为食品可追溯体系的建设提供法律保障;政府制度安排严重缺失,缺乏充分考虑消费者需求的可追溯计划,可追溯食品生产成本合理分担的机制尚没有启动建设等。本文创造性的研究是,在国内比较完整地研究了具有中国特色的可追溯食品消费特征,丰富和发展了中国特色的食品安全消费经济学理论;第一次在省级层面上大范围、大规模、大样本地展开了消费者可追溯食品消费行为的实证调查,方法科学、结论可靠、意义重要,为政府的决策提供有效的咨询范围,并已经转化为政府决策;率先在国内引入Interval Censored回归分析工具,展开了消费者支付水平影响因素的研究,研究论文在国内权威刊物和国际刊物上发表,获得国内外学界的认可。食品可追溯体系中消费者行为的研究值得进一步关注,未来研究的重点可能是:运用实验经济学的研究方法将对本领域的研究具有重要的作用,对完善具有中国特色的食品可追溯消费经济学具有基础性作用;密切消费者、生产企业与政府在食品可追溯体系中关联行为的研究,尤其是构建完整的可追溯食品生产成本分担机制等无疑是今后研究的重要内容;针对农村居民的消费实际,提出一揽子的政府决策建议,这对统筹城乡发展,使农村居民早享、共享和多享食品安全的民生福利具有重要的意义。

【Abstract】 Theoretical research and global experience shows that food traceability system has basic function to ensure food safety, has become one of the principal means to prevent food safety risks. The outbreaks of "Sanlu milk powder" and other major food safety incidents in China again highlight the importance and urgency of promoting and popularizing Chinese food traceability system. However, food traceability system is very complex, involving many actors. Consumers, producers and the government is the most important“Three of the main body”. Consumers are the main user of food traceability system, their knowledge, attitude and willingness to pay to certified traceable food has determine the power and hierarchy of food traceability system, inherently provides markets demand of certified traceable food, and impact the production behavior of producers and the government’s institutional arrangements. Researching consumer behavior of food traceability system has basic, critical position in the process of building the Chinese food traceability system. Therefore, under the background of speeding up social development and promoting social harmony, studying the behavior of consumers in food traceability system has a very important value. Enrichment and development with Chinese characteristics, food consumption, economic theory, investigating the impact of consumer demand on producer behavior in the food supply chain, and provide advisory services for government decision-making, constitute the whole purpose of this paper.This research mainly starts from the combination of theoretical and empirical level. In theory, this paper seeks to use consumer economics, consumer behavior and information asymmetries and other multi-disciplinary theory and method, follow the basic laws of consumer economics, from the particularity of food consumption and the basic characteristics of the current food consumption environment in China, studying the universal law of consumer behavior in food traceability system. In the empirical level, we take urban consumers in Jiangsu Province, for example, study consumer knowledge of food traceability system, attitude, willingness to pay and the premium level to systematic demonstrate consumers consumption behavior of certified traceable food and their main features, innovative using Interval Censored model to study the factors which impact premium level of consumer paid to certified traceable food, and attempts to made policy framework to effectively promote and guide consumer behavior to support food traceability system.Main conclusions of this paper are: (1) the basic characteristics of consumer behavior on certified traceable food are the same with ordinary food, for example consumer behavior on certified traceable food is influenced by individual characteristics, psychological factors and external environmental factors, but the characteristics of consumer behavior on certified traceable food consumer behavior has its own laws, mainly: perception of food safety risk and needs of food safety information affect consumer’s potential demand for certified traceable food; consumers’demands for information like food authentication, the sources of breed and health information of production processes are very urgent; consumer acceptance of food traceability is an ongoing process; factors which affect consumer willingness to pay and the pay levels for certified traceable food are different. (2) consumption of certified traceable food in different regions have different characteristics, in economically underdeveloped areas, the significant factor affecting the premium of the consumer to pay is only income; in economically underdeveloped regions, income, concerns about food safety, attitude and education of consumers are significant factors; in the economically developed areas, the factors deicide consumers to pay high prices for certified traceable food are mainly higher income levels and the need for food safety information. (3) From a consumer perspective, laws and regulations which support food traceability system are rare, it is difficult to provide enough support for the construction of food traceability system; the government institutional arrangements and the schemes about traceability are seriously missing, the reasonable cost-sharing mechanism has yet not constructed.The Innovations of this research are that firstly, we completely studied consumption characteristics of Chinese consumers on certified traceable foods, enriched and developed the food safety economics with Chinese characteristics; secondly, we did the empirical research on consumer consumption behavior on certified traceable food at the provincial level, and used large-scale and large-sample for the first time in China. The conclusion can provide effective decision-making scope of consultation for government; thirdly, we first use Interval Censored regression model to analize the factors affecting premium level of consumer, research paper has published in the domestic authority publications and international publications, access to domestic and international academic recognition.the research of consumer behavior in Food traceability system is worthy of further attention, the focus of future research might be: the use of experimental economics research methods will play an important role in this area, can perfect food Consumer Economics with Chinese characteristics; close the research of consumers, manufacturers and government behavior in traceability system, in particular to construct the mechaniam of sharing additional cost of producing certified traceable food is no doubt of a important content in the future; proposing a package of government policy proposals according to actual infact of consumption of rural residents, which will be of great significance for urban and rural development, and for rural residents to early share and enjoy the food safety.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期