

【作者】 戴均

【导师】 王振亚;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 政治认同是人们从内心深处产生的一种对现存政治体系的情感和意识上的归属感。它作为社会成员和政治体系之间政治关系的交汇点,既是一种个体的心理状态和政治体系的合法性状态,又是政治体系努力获取政治合法性、社会个体努力获取认同性政治的过程与实践。转型社会是指在人类社会发展进程中的某一特殊历史时期。当代中国正处于社会转型的加速期,利益分化、社会分层、价值多元、文化变迁以及全球化语境正在消解人们原有的政治认同,并可能引发政治认同的危机。政治认同问题不仅关涉现代和后现代条件下个人的“本体性安全”和“本体性焦虑”,同时还关涉全球化条件下特定社会或组织如何实现自身凝聚力,以提升它们在各种新的社会竞争场域下的驾驭能力等命题。因此,如何构建持续的政治认同,是当前理论研究和政治生活现实亟待解决的重大课题。论文从转型社会的多元价值冲突入手,以冲突——危机——重构为主线,运用冲突理论、系统理论和认同理论的相关知识,指出价值是政治认同的核心变量,多元价值冲突是政治认同危机发生的根本原因。政治认同危机的消解呼唤社会核心价值观的重构,而政治认同归根结底是对社会核心价值观的认同。文章主要由导论、正文和结语三部分组成。导论首先阐述了转型社会中政治认同研究的目的和意义,重点梳理了国内外关于政治认同的研究状况,勾勒了论文的整体结构与框架,总结了论文的创新与不足。第一章讲述了政治认同的一般理论。文章从认同的一般内涵切入,分析了政治认同的概念和特点,并根据政治认同的心理过程、获得的主要途径、对象、状态等方面对政治认同的类型进行了多维的划分。然后在解析政治认同的基本变量的基础上,指出价值是影响政治认同的核心变量,价值与价值冲突是新时期探究政治认同问题的新视角。第二章揭示了当代中国社会转型中政治认同变迁的轨迹及特点。中国社会转型的“时空压缩”,促使社会结构的急剧分化,引发社会突出的结构冲突、利益冲突和价值冲突,推动社会主导型政治认同从意识形态认同向经济绩效认同、由经济绩效认同向以民生本位和社会公正为主导的政治认同的变迁。政治认同呈现出从被动到主动、从盲从到自觉、从感性到理性的变化特征,也呈现出复合型、碎片化的发展倾向。第三章分析了转型社会中的价值冲突与政治认同危机。文章以社会转型-利益分化-价值冲突的分析路径,对当代中国主要社会思潮的变迁,公平与效率、自我与社会、民主与秩序、自由与民主等四对基本价值冲突的内容和特点进行了考察,指出价值冲突是当前引发政治认同危机的关键性因素,价值认同是政治认同的核心。第四章论证了社会核心价值观的建构与政治认同危机的消解。多元价值冲突引发的政治认同危机本质上是价值认同危机,政治认同危机的消解吁求核心价值的重构。当代中国价值冲突的广度以及影响的深度决定了必须在遵循价值生成规律的基础上重构社会核心价值观。核心价值观本质上是一种共享价值观,人本、公正、共富、民主、宽容是核心价值观重构的内在诉求。利益整合、制度创新、教育引导是重构核心价值观认同的具体途径。第五章探讨了构筑政治认同的社会支撑系统的思路。核心价值观的确立为政治认同的重构提供了价值取向,坚实的社会基础和高效的社会机制则是政治认同重构的保障。其中,社会福利体系、基层社会组织方式的建构强化了政治认同的社会基础;公民参与机制、社会预警机制的完善优化了政治认同的社会机制。结语明确指出,社会转型使政治认同问题凸显,然而认同问题的出现往往是新认同产生的契机。目前政治认同的复合型、碎片化呼唤以社会核心价值观为主导的政治认同的建构。论文最后指出了政治认同研究的三个新动向:第一,政治认同的研究应该具体化和实证化,并建立相应的政治认同的评价指标体系;第二,进一步探讨自我认同、集体认同与国家政权认同的内在逻辑;第三,加强对“生活政治”领域里的“承认”的研究。

【Abstract】 political identification is the people from inside an existing political system of the emotion and conscious sense of belonging. Its members of society and political system as the intersection of the relationship between politics and is a kind of individual heart condition and the validity of political system and political system, political legitimacy, and society to gain access to individual identity politics and practice process. Transformation of society is the special period of development, but also the historical process changes with conventional meaning.Contemporary China is in the period of social transformation, the interest differentiation, accelerating social stratification and value, cultural diversity and the global context, the network area are undercutting people original political identity, political identity crisis. Political identification problem not only involves modern and postmodern conditions. "noumenon security" and "noumenon, anxiety" under the condition of globalization of social organization or how to realize our own ambition again, to enhance the unity of new social competition in the field of control ability. Therefore, how to construct the political identity, is continuous current theoretical research and political reality to resolve important theoretical and practical issues.The transformation of society from the pluralistic value conflicts in conflict-crisis -- as the core, reconstruction using theory of conflict and crisis theories and identity theory knowledge, that is the value of the variable, the core of political identity social transformation of the pluralistic value conflicts caused by political identity crisis is the fundamental reason. The resolution calls for political identity crisis core values, and the reconstruction of political identity ultimately is the core values of identity.This article is made up mainly by three parts:the introduction of the text, the text, more than text.The first chapter:the general theory of political identity. From the identity, analyzes the connotation of general into the concept and characteristics of political identity, and according to the psychological process of political identity, the main way and object, the state of political identity aspects of the types of multi-dimensional.The second chapter:the contemporary Chinese social transformation in the change of political identity. The social transformation "Time Compression“in China, "social structure, to compress the sharp differentiation, social conflict, the outstanding conflict of interest and value conflicts and promote social leading political identity from the ideological recognition to economic performance by economic performance, and to people with social justice for the change of political identity. Political identity from passive to active, from the implicit to consciously, from perceptual to rational gratifying change at the same time, political identity also presents the tendency, fragmentation. In the final analysis of the basic political identity based on variable, points out that the value of political identification is the core value analysis (variables, whether to "method" two characters) is a new period of political identity explore new perspective.The third chapter:the transformation of social value conflicts and political identity crisis. Based on the social transformation-interest differentiation-value conflicts from the path, the main trend of contemporary Chinese society and debates, fairness and efficiency, self and society, democracy and freedom and democracy in order, four basic value conflicts of the contents and characteristics of the investigation, pointed out the value conflicts caused political identity crisis is the key factor, the value recognition is the core of political identity.The fourth Chapter:the removal of the core values of social and political identity crisis. The pluralistic value conflicts caused by the political identity crisis is essentially value, political identity crisis to reconstruct the value of dispelling crisis. The contemporary Chinese value conflicts and the depth of the influence of the breadth of decision must follow the principles of value in reconstruction based on social core values. The core values is essentially a shared values, humanism, justice, sharing, democracy, tolerance is the core values of the inner demands, reconstructing the collision, the interaction of integration is the external logic, interest integration, system of education and guidance is to reconstruct the road of core values.The fifth chapter:Political identity is proposed to build the idea of the social support system. The construction of political identity needs to follow "parallelogram collaboration" principle. The core values of the establishment of political identity to reconstruct the value orientation, provide the core values of social identity also need based and operation mechanism of security. Social welfare system and basic livelihood of organization, the citizen participation pattern establishment for political identity provides social foundation support. Certain social value for interactive environment provides the practical field with the formation of social values, perfect for political identity intervention mechanism provides guarantee.Conclusion:the social transformation of political identity recognition problem, but the problem is often a new identity appeared. The current political identity complex, fragmentation call to social core values for the establishment of political identity. The key is to let the core value of true get the public identity. Therefore, on the one hand, we need to establish the core values of subject status, which will embrace national system, policy, On the other hand, to construct a set of evaluation index system of political identity status, we need to be more specific about the study of political identity humanize methodology.

【关键词】 价值冲突政治认同危机重构
【Key words】 value conflictsPolitical identityCrisisreconstruction