

Study on Development Modle and Strategy of Rural Poverty Reduction at New Stage in Xin Jiang

【作者】 刘维忠

【导师】 柯炳生; 陈彤;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 2001年,新疆通过实施“一体两翼,整村推进”的扶贫开发战略,按照“一个瞄准”、“三项重点”的工作思路和要求,收缩战线,突出重点,进村入户,整村推进,扶贫开发取得明显成效。但是,还存在以下突出问题。一是贫困地区农民增收步伐缓慢,实际生活水平与全疆和全国平均相比,差距有不断扩大的趋势。尤其是在一个通胀率较高的时期,这种差距扩大的趋势就显得尤为明显。二是按照目前“一体两翼,整村推进”扶贫开发战略,新疆农村扶贫开发的难度越来越大,许多影响农村扶贫开发成效的制约因素已经不是“村”这个范围所能解决的。三是贫困地区农村基础设施的建设水平,与全疆平均水平、全国平均水平的相对差距逐年扩大。四是贫困地区城镇体系建设严重滞后于扶贫开发的需要,城镇功能体系无法承受贫困人口的转入,对于人均占有生产资料较低、贫困人口又是集中连片的地区(如南疆三地州)更是如此。五是贫困地区市场发育和建设严重滞后于扶贫开发的需要,不能支持产业的快速发展,进而影响产业化扶贫的成效,影响特色农产品的销售效果。新阶段新疆扶贫开发不仅承担着解决和巩固贫困人口温饱的任务,更承担着缩小地区经济发展差距、促进社会和谐、政治稳定的使命。由此本文得出以下研究结论:1、调整新疆农村扶贫开发的目标。在巩固农村贫困人口温饱的基础上,通过发展城镇、建设现代市场体系和农村基础设施建设,逐步缩小地区间发展能力差距,通过不断提高农村基本公共服务均等化水平,逐步缩小城乡之间、地区之间的公共服务水平差距。以提高农村贫困人口发展能力为主线,促进贫困地区全面发展。2、调整新疆农村扶贫开发战略模式。将贫困地区发展城镇体系、建设现代市场体系和农村基础设施建设纳入扶贫开发范围,在县域内统筹安排。根据新疆的特殊情况和面临的新形势和新任务,必须把“一体两翼,整村推进”扶贫开发战略模式,调整为“三个基础,一体两翼,整乡推进”扶贫开发战略模式。即以农村基础设施建设、城市功能体系构造和市场功能体系构造为三个基础,以整乡(镇)推进为一体,以产业化扶贫、劳动力转移培训为两翼的扶贫开发战略模式。“三个基础”。(1)农村基础条件建设。包括:农业基础设施建设,重点要解决制约新疆农业生产持续稳定发展的“瓶颈”问题;农村社会事业基础设施建设,重点要解决制约新疆农村社会公共服务水平均等化的“瓶颈”问题;绿洲生态环境建设,重点要解决制约新疆农业生产和农村社会生态良好的“瓶颈”问题。(2)城镇功能体系构造。以县级城市和中心乡镇为主要建设对象,加强城镇基础设施和公共服务设施建设,提高服务功能和城镇综合承载能力。(3)市场功能体系构造。必须以现代物流为核心建立现代市场功能体系,以保证农民持续增收,帮助农民降低市场风险,帮助农民营销好特色农产品。3、重构农村扶贫开发工作机制。以贫困农民为主体,以贫困村(或者贫困乡镇,或者贫困县)为载体,进一步强化各级政府在扶贫开发中的主导作用,同时有效发挥社会力量和市场的作用,达到“三力”合发的联动效应。处理好政府主导与发挥市场机制作用和有效调动社会力量共同参与的协调关系是发挥“三力联动效应”的关键。建立四个扶贫开发新机制。一是建立政府扶贫资金持续投入机制和有效的分配机制。二是建立扶贫开发资金的整合机制。三是建立扶贫开发工作的动态识别和瞄准机制。四是建立和完善国家扶贫重点县、重点乡、重点村的置换机制。

【Abstract】 In2001, Xinjiang’s rural poverty reduction had made great achievement through the rural poverty reduction strategy“the integral with two wings, the whole forward”, according to the work way of thinking and request of“one aim”,“three essential point”, constringencying front, outstanding point, entering village, the whole village push forward.However,some outstanding problems appear.First,the poor region farmers’income increases slowly,even it deteriorates recently comparing the Xin Jiang province average and the whole country average, especially at a period of highn inflation-rate, this kind of margin extension of the trend seems to be very obvious.Second, according to the rural poverty reduction strategy of“the integral with two wings, the whole forward”, village development in Xinjiang has become more and more difficulty , it is difficult to deal with some restriction which limits the village,so only the ability of village can not solve it easyly.Third, comparing the Xin Jiang province and the chinese average of construction,the span of infrastructure strengthens.Forth, construction severity system of the poor towns in the poor lags behind the demand of the whole rural reduction, town function system can’t bear the turn of poor population who go into the city, especially to the person produce ,the data is lower,some areas where poor population is hub to hub in the region(such as the three southen state of XinJiang) are such so. Fifth,rural region market growth and construction severity falls behind the demand of rural poverty reduction, it can’t support industry of fast development, and then influences the effect of the industry, influences sale effect of specia features l agricultural products.The work of Xinjiang’s rural poverty reduction at new stage not only undertakes the mission of solving and strengthening the low demand of poor population, but also undertakes to reduce the region economy development margin,to promote society harmony, to stable the political stability.So this text makes the following research conclusion:1、Adjusting the target of the work of Xinjiang’s rural povetry reduction.At the base of strengthening foundation of the poor population’s low demand, throngh construction modern market system and village infrastructure construction, the rural towns gradually reduce the span of the ability to develop in the small region, through developing the average of the rural basic public services, gradually reduce the span of the average of the rural basic public services of small city and different areas.It could improve the development of the poor people’s lives as a main point, and promote the overall development.2、Adjusting the development strategy mode of Xinjiang rural poverty reduction.Bring devopment of poor areas’countryside, construction modern market system and village infrastructure construction into a poverty development scope, it should make an orchestration arrangement in the county。According to the special circumstances, new situation and new appointee duty, we have to change the primitive development modle o“fthe integral with two wings, the whole cityforward”to the next development modle of“the three basic foundations, the integral with two wings, the whole townforward”.Such for three basic foundations ,namely with village infrastructure construction, city function system structure and the system structure of the market function,wholly pushing the town and the countryside integral whole, devloping the poor throngh the industry, the labor force transfer training,such is development strategy mode."Three basic foundations".(1)The condition construction of the village foundation.Including:Agriculture infrastructure construction, the point want to solve agriculture bottleneck problem which limits stable development of agriculture;The business infrastructure of the village society construction, the point want to solve bottleneck problem which limits the public service level on an equal footing;The environment construction of the oasis ecosystem, the point want to solve bottleneck problem which limits stable development of agriculture and the good village ecology. (2)The system structure of the town function.Take the county citys and center villages as main construction objects, strengthen a town infrastructure with public service facilities construction, develop service function and comprehensive town loading ability.(3)The system structure of the market function.Have to take modern logistics as a core establishment modern market function system, assurance farmers’income increase steadly, help reduce the farmer lowe market risk, help farmer market good special features agricultural products.3、Structure development work mechanism of the rural poverty reduction .With poor farmer for corpus, with poor village(perhaps poor village, perhaps poor county) as subjects, in rural poverty reduction we can further enhance the predominance function of an all differert level governments, meantime elaborate the effect of the function of society and market, achieve "three conections" effect.it is the key that processing of good government predominance and market mechanism function plays an important part ,and the whole society works successfully.Establish new four development mechanisms. First,establish mechanism of the government’s steady input and effctive allotment mechanism.Second, establish integration mechanism of development funds for reducing rural poverty reduction.Third,establishment mechanism of the dynamic state identify and aim at at work of rural poverty reduction.Forth,establish displacement mechanism of establishing poverty point county, point country.

【关键词】 扶贫开发模式机制对策
【Key words】 Poverty reductionModeMechanismStraegy