

Study on Water Resources Optimum Allocation in Typical Arid Basin

【作者】 何英

【导师】 姜卉芳; 董新光;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 水利水电工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 新疆水资源总量为864×10~8 m~3,年均供水量460×108m~3,其中农业用水占95%,亩均综合毛灌溉定额701 m~3,灌溉水利用率仅为44%,水分利用效率(仅指粮食作物)仅为0.7kg/ m~3,不及发达国家的40%,水资源短缺与利用效率低矛盾并存。特殊的地理位置决定了水资源是新疆国民经济发展重要战略资源,因此,对有限的水资源进行合理配置,实现高效利用是缓解水资源短缺、供需矛盾的必要手段。在农业用水占90%以上的新疆,灌溉面积急剧增加与水资源紧缺的矛盾日益突出。对于干旱区典型流域,在现状水利工程不变的情况下,要想扩大灌区灌溉面积,又不影响其下游生态环境及其它行业的发展,则必须提高农业用水效率,减少农业用水中的巨大浪费。而要在农业生产过程节约用水,首先应考虑灌区的水资源高效利用和合理开发,优化配置水资源。灌区优化配水是在尽量满足作物需水的条件下,通过对各级渠道流量的调度及配水先后的安排使整个渠系的弃水或水量损失最小以达到节水的目的。因此,研究灌区水资源优化配置管理技术,建立灌区优化配水模型,对于节约利用水资源,保持流域可持续发展具有重要意义。本文选取阿克苏河流域作为研究区域,阿克苏河是塔里木河流域的重要源流区,是塔里木河流域水资源的合理开发利用和生态环境保护建设的重点保证区域,如何有效利用阿克苏河流域的水资源直接关系到塔里木河流域近期综合治理规划目标的实现。在不减少阿克苏河向塔里木河下泄流量的情况下,若不改变现状水利工程设施,要想扩大阿克苏河流域灌区灌溉面积,就必须推行节水灌溉,节约农业用水。因此,本文首先对灌区水资源优化配置进行了研究,建立了灌区优化配水模型,开发了灌区优化配水系统,并将该系统应用于阿克苏河流域典型灌区——丰收灌区;其次,在灌区水资源优化配置的基础上,对阿克苏河流域水资源合理配置进行了系统的分析,拟定了一系列方案,分析了水资源优化配置方案。主要研究成果如下:(1)根据阿克苏河流域的特点,确定了本研究采用的水资源配置方法、原则和模式。采用WRMM(Water Resource Management Model)模型构建了阿克苏河流域水资源合理配置模型,并对模型进行了参数分析及率定。结果表明,该模型功能较强,模型弹性好,适应性强,模型结构简洁合理,可以很好的模拟阿克苏河流域水资源分配过程。(2)利用阿克苏河流域水资源合理配置模型,对阿克苏河流域现状水资源利用情况进行了计算分析。(3)根据阿克苏河流域现状水资源利用分析,分别拟定了4种不同的水资源配置方案,采用阿克苏河流域水资源合理配置模型对各方案进行求解,并对不同方案进行比较分析。(4)针对灌区优化配水问题进行了研究,提出了多种作物同时灌溉,基于遗传算法的渠系优化配水模型。在收集分析了阿克苏河流域阿瓦提县丰收灌区大量的有关用水计划、水量调配和用水总结资料的基础上,结合新疆灌区的特点,开发了灌区渠系优化配水系统。

【Abstract】 The Water Resources of xinjiang is 86.4 billion m~3, annual water supply is 46 billion m~3, of which 95% of agricultural water use,integrated gross irrigation quota 701 m~3 per mu, only 44% of irrigation water use efficiency, water use efficiency (only refer to food crop) is only 0.7kg / m~3, less than 40% in developed countries, water scarcity and inefficient use conflicts exist. Unique geographical position, economic development in Xinjiang water resources is an important strategic resource, therefore, the rational allocation of limited water resources, to achieve efficient use of water shortage is easing, supply and demand contradiction means necessary.In more than 90% of agricultural water in Xinjiang, a sharp increase in irrigated area and water shortages were mounting. For a typical basin, the status quo under the same water project, in order to expand the irrigation area irrigated area, without affecting its environment and other downstream industries, the need to improve agricultural water use efficiency and reduce the huge wastage of agricultural water. In order to save water in agricultural production process, first consider the efficient use of irrigation water resources and rational development, optimal allocation of water resources.Optimal allocation of water is in the best conditions to meet the crop water requirement, through the flow channels at all levels of water scheduling and distribution arrangements have abandoned the entire canal system of the minimal loss of water or water to achieve water-saving purposes. Therefore, the optimal allocation of irrigation water management technology, a model for optimal allocation of water for economical use of water resources and maintain sustainable development of river basin is important.This paper selected as the study area Aksu River Basin, Tarim Basin Aksu River is a major origin areas, directly related to the Tarim River comprehensive management plan objectives of the recent realization of the Tarim River Basin is the rational exploitation of water resources and ecological environmental construction focus on ensuring the region. Without reducing the Aksu River to the Tarim River Discharge for the case, if the status quo water conservancy facilities, to expand the Aksu River Irrigation Area, it is necessary to implement water-saving irrigation, agricultural water conservation. Therefore, this article first optimal allocation of irrigation water were studied to establish the optimal allocation of water model, developed irrigation water distribution system optimization, and the system typically used in the Aksu River Basin Irrigation District - Harvest Irrigation District; Second, in Water Resources Based on the optimization of the Aksu River Basin Water Resources Allocation in a systematic analysis of a series of programs developed to analyze the optimal allocation of water resources program.The major results are as follow: (1) According to the characteristics of the Aksu River basin to determine the allocation of water resources used in this study, methods, principles and models. By WRMM (Water Resource Management Model) model was constructed Aksu River Basin Water Resources Allocation Model, and model parameter analysis and calibration. Research shows that the model more powerful, model flexibility, and adaptability, the model structure simple and reasonable, can be a good simulation of water allocation process.(2) The use of the Aksu River Basin Water Resources Allocation Model, the Aksu River basin water resources utilization has been analyzed.(3) The use of water resources in the Aksu River basin analysis, were developed 4 different water allocation program, using the Aksu River Basin Water Resources Allocation Model to solve the various programs, and to compare different programs.(4) For the irrigation of Optimal Water conducted a study, also presented a variety of crops, irrigation canal based on genetic algorithm optimization of water distribution model. In the collection of the Aksu River Basin Irrigation District Awat County harvest a large number of the Water Plan, water allocation and water summary data, based on the characteristics of irrigation in Xinjiang, developed irrigation canal water distribution system optimization.
