

Study on Mechanism and Technology of High Efficient Utilization of Phosphorus Resources at Cotton Field in Oasis

【作者】 陈波浪

【导师】 蒋平安;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 草业科学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 新疆地处我国干旱半干旱区,绿洲面积8万平方公里,占平原面积的7.8%,是新疆农业的主体,补给新疆95%以上人口的生活资源;棉花是绿洲种植业中的主导产业,在新疆国民经济中占有十分重要的地位,目前棉花种植面积为178万hm2,占新疆耕地面积的40.6%,棉花产值占农业总产值的50%左右。但棉花生产中养分资源的高效利用与管理技术还存在一些科学问题需要解决,养分资源的高效利用成为新疆棉花产业发展的一个制约因子。为此,本论文以棉花磷素高效管理技术为主要研究对象,采用田间试验、盆栽试验和室内分析相结合的方法,深入研讨不同气候区质地类型、肥料用量和种类对棉田土壤磷素有效性的影响和不同棉花品种的磷素利用效率,得出如下结果:1.盆栽条件下不同质地棉田磷素有效性研究施磷均能显著提高三种质地棉田土壤速效磷含量,三种质地速效磷增幅的大小顺序为砂壤土>壤土>粘土,但速效磷含量在各处理的高低为粘土>壤土>砂壤土,速效磷随生育期变化三种质地一致,均在花铃期达最大值,全磷变化没有速效磷明显,基本在0.6-1.6g·kg-1之间变化,三种质地棉田土壤上棉花对磷素的吸收均表现为粘土>壤土>砂壤土,且棉株磷素吸收积累量主要集中在生育中后期(花期、花铃期和铃期),砂壤质、壤质和粘质棉田三个时期各处理棉株磷素吸收积累量分别平均占整个生育期的90.2%、85.7%和78.8%。三种质地磷素吸附与解吸试验表明,磷吸持指数(PSI)、土壤最大缓冲容量(MBC)和吸附量均随粘粒含量的增加而增大,即粘土>壤土>砂壤土,而易解吸磷(RDP)、解吸量、解吸率和标准需磷量(SPR)呈下降趋势,即砂壤土>壤土>粘土。以Langmuir方程估算棉田土壤的需磷量,砂壤质棉田需磷量为160.7kgP2O5-hm-2,壤质棉田需磷量为158.3kgP2O5-hm-2,粘质棉田需磷量为125.0kgP2O5-hm-2。2.不同磷肥用量对各生育期棉田土壤磷素吸持特性的影响各生育期磷素等温吸附曲线与Langmuir、Temkin和Freundlich方程拟合度都达极显著水平;磷的吸附饱和度(DPS)、零净吸附浓度磷(EPS0)、吸附量、解吸量和解吸率随施磷量的增加均呈增长趋势,而标准需磷量(SPR)呈下降趋势;以Freundlich方程估算原状棉田土壤各个生育期的标准需磷量,重过磷酸钙处理下,壤质棉田苗期、花铃期和吐絮期的需磷量分别为143.7、137.4和160.2 kgP2O5-hm-2,砂壤质棉田苗期、花铃期和吐絮期的需磷量分别为106.6、251.1和173.0 kgP2O5-hm-2;磷酸二铵处理下,壤质棉田苗期、花铃期和吐絮期的需磷量分别为155.4、132.8和153.1 kgP2O5-hm-2,砂壤质棉田苗期、花铃期和吐絮期的需磷量分别为115.8、236.4和179.0 kgP2O5-hm-2。3.不同磷肥用量对棉田磷素有效性的影响增施磷肥能增加棉田土壤速效磷、磷素活化系数以及全磷含量,北疆壤质、砂壤质棉田和南疆棉田各施磷处理土壤速效磷平均比对照处理增加302%、371%和127%,磷素活化系数平均比对照处理增加180%、259%和120%,但全磷含量只有大于1200kgP2O5-hm-2才与不施磷处理存在显著差异。增施磷肥能增加棉花产量、吸磷量和干物质的积累量,但过量施用磷肥并不能显著增加棉花产量、吸磷量和干物质积累量。北疆壤质、砂壤质棉田和南疆棉田棉株吸磷量分别平均比对照处理增加41%、31%和19%,干物质积累分别平均比对照处理增加20%、13%和26%。综合比较施磷效益,施磷量控制在150kgP2O5-hm-2左右既能提高速效磷的有效性满足棉花的需求又能增加土壤磷库和潜在供磷能力。4.棉田土壤磷肥用量估算方法比较利用肥效函数法、土壤吸附等温线法、土壤磷酸盐吸收系数法和磷指标法对磷肥推荐量进行了比较,砂壤质棉田由此估算的施磷量分别为148、173、168和150kgP2O5-hm-2,壤质棉田施磷量分别为138、160、153和172kgP2O5-hm-2,其中以土壤磷酸盐吸收系数法操作最简便且估算结果与肥效函数法相当。5.棉花磷高效基因型筛选的初步研究在苗期和蕾期筛选试验中,供试32个棉花品种在不同磷营养下表现显著差异,地下干物质、地上干物质、整株干物质、根冠比、植株磷含量、植株吸磷量和植株磷利用效率等指标的变异系数苗期在12.2-53.6之间变化,蕾期在19.3-85.9之间变化,低磷条件下,地下干物质、地上干物质、整株干物质、植株磷含量、根系活力和植株吸磷量均显著低于正常供磷水平,而根冠比和植株磷利用效率却高于正常供磷水平。通过不同筛选指标间标准差和变异系数的比较,确定相对磷利用效率、相对整株干物质、相对磷含量和相对吸磷量为棉花磷效率基因型筛选指标,同时以确立的筛选指标为对象进行聚类分析,得出供试32个棉花品种中新海18号、中棉42号、新海6号和新陆早7号为磷高效品种,新陆早13号和新陆早17号为磷低效品种,其余品种为磷中效品种。

【Abstract】 Xinjiang is part of arid and semi-arid area in China, whose oasis area is 80, 000 square kilometers, 7.8% of the plain area. The oasis is the mainstay of agriculture in Xinjiang, in the supply of consumption resources for above 95% of Xinjiang’s population. In the plantation of the oasis area, cotton cultivation is the major industry, playing a vital role in Xinjiang’s national economy. Now, cotton area is 1,780,000hm2, accounting for 40.6% of the cultivated land area, whose output amount to more or less 50% of the gross value of agricultural output. However, the deficiencies still exist in the efficient management and use of the nutrients in cotton production, which has become one of the limiting factors restricting the development of cotton industry in Xinjiang. In this case, this thesis takes cotton as the target and makes an in-depth research of the soil types, the fertilizer amount and types in different climatic region, and their impacts on soil phosphate efficiency in cotton fields, as well as the utilization efficiency of phosphorus of the different cotton species; by using field experiment, pot cultivation and indoor analysis. The main results were as follows:1.Study on phosphorus efficiency of cotton field under different soil textures on pot culture Application phosphate could significantly increase available phosphorus content. The increasing rate of available phosphorus was the highest in sandy loam and the lowest in clay, but the content of available phosphorus was the highest in clay and the lowest in sandy loam. The content of available phosphorus at flowering and bolling stage was the highest than other stage under three soil textures. The total phosphorus content of three types of soil texture changed from 0.6g·kg-1 to 1.6g·kg-1. The amount of phosphorus absorption was the highest in clay and the lowest in sandy loam soil. The highest amount of phosphorus absorption come out at growing periods(flowering stage, flowering and bolling stage and bolling stage ) and the partition rate of phosphorus absorption at growing periods in sandy loam cotton field ,in loam cotton field and in clay cotton field were 90.2%、85.7% and 78.8%.The experiment of phosphate adsorption and desorption under different soil textures showed that the order of phosphorus sorption index(PSI),max buffer capacity (MBC) and phosphorus absorption was the highest in clay and the lowest in sandy loam soil, but the order of readily desorbable phosphorus(RDP), phosphorus desorption and phosphorus desorption rate and the standard phosphorus requirement(SPR) was the highest in sandy loam and the lowest in clay soil, The estimated result with Langmuir equation showed that the SPR of sandy loam, loam and clay cotton field were 160.7kgP2O5hm-2, 158.3kgP2O5hm-2 and 125.0kgP2O5hm-2 respectively.2.Effect of applying phosphoric fertilizer on adsorption and desorption action of phosphorus in cotton field soil at different growing stages The adsorption curve of P was identical with the Langmuir equation, Temkin equation and Freundlich equation, and the correlation coefficients of all samples were significant at 0.01 level. Supplying phosphorus increased the degree of P saturation (DPS),equilibrium P concentration at zero sorption (EPS0),phosphorus absorption , phosphorus desorption and phosphorus desorption rate, but supplying phosphorus decreased the standard P requirement(SPR). The estimated result with Freundlich equation showed that the SPR of seeding stage, flowering and bolling stage and boll-opening stage in loam cotton field with single super phosphate (SSP) were 143.7、137.4 and 160.2 kgP2O5hm-2 respectively,the SPR of seeding stage, flowering and bolling stage and boll-opening stage in sandy loam cotton field with single super phosphate (SSP) were 106.6、251.1 and 173.0 kgP2O5hm-2 respectively, the SPR of seeding stage, flowering and bolling stage and boll-opening stage in loam cotton field with di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) were 155.4、132.8 and 153.1 kgP2O5hm-2 respectively,the SPR of seeding stage, flowering and bolling stage and boll-opening stage in sandy loam cotton field with di-ammonium phosphate (DAP)were 115.8、236.4 and 179.0 kgP2O5hm-2 respectively.3.Effect of applying phosphoric fertilizer on phosphorus efficiency Phosphate fertilizer could significantly increase available phosphorus and phosphorus activation coefficient as well as total phosphorus content of soil, the average content of soil available phosphorus in loam and in sandy loam cotton field of North Xinjiang and in cotton field of South Xinjiang increased 302%、371% and 127% than control experiment respectively, the average content of phosphorus activation coefficient increased 180%、259% and 120% than control experiment, the content of total phosphorus was significantly differences than control experiment when the rate of fertilizer is over 1200 kg·hm-2 . Phosphate fertilizer could increase cotton yield, phosphorus absorption and dry matter accumulation. However, excessive application of phosphate fertilizer could not significantly increase the level of cotton yield, phosphorus absorption and dry matter accumulation. The average content of phosphorus absorption in loam and sandy loam cotton field of North Xinjiang and in cotton field of South Xinjiang increased 41%、31% and 19% than control experiment, the average content of dry matter accumulation increased 20%、13% and 26% than control experiment respectively. The amount of applying P2O5 of obtaining the optimal available phosphorus, total phosphorus content of soil, phosphorus absorption and dry matter accumulation was 150kg·hm-2 .4.A comparative study on phosphate fertilizer application estimation method in cotton field soil The phosphoric fertilizer application amounts of sandy loam cotton field were 148,173,168 and 149kgP2O5hm-2 respectively calculated by using these methods of fertilizer efficiencies function, phosphate adsorption isotherm, phosphate adsorption coefficient and phosphate fertilizer index., the phosphoric fertilizer application amounts of loamy cotton field were 138,160,153 and172kgP2O5hm-2 respectively by using the last four methods. The method of phosphate adsorption coefficient is the easiest one to operate and its precision is equal to the method of fertilizer efficiencies function. 5.Study on screening for high phosphorus efficient in cotton In seedling stage and buddling stage screening experiment, 32 cotton genotypes had significantly difference in different phosphorus nutrition, the coefficient of variation about dry weight of root, dry weight of shoot, dry weight of plant, root shoot ratio, P percentage content, P absorption amount and P utilization efficiency changed from12.2 to 53.6 at seedling stage and changed from19.3 to 85.9 at buddling stage. Compared with normal P supply, dry weight of root, dry weight of shoot, dry weight of plant, P percentage content, root activity and P absorption amount decreased under low P supply., but root shoot ratio and increased under low P supply. The relative P utilization efficiency, the relative dry weigh of plant, the relative P percentage content and the relative P absorption amount were the primary index for varieties screening for high phosphorus efficient by comparing standard deviation and coefficient of variation. Varieties of XH18,ZM42,XH6 and XLZ7 had high P-absorption efficiency, varieties of XLZ13 and XLZ17 had low P-absorption efficiency, other varieties had moderate P-absorption efficiency by cluster analysis.

【关键词】 绿洲棉花磷素高效利用新疆
【Key words】 Oasiscottonphosphorushigh efficient utilizationXinjiang