

【作者】 叶芳

【导师】 孙潮;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 法律史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 土地征收中的权力和权利构成中,征收权和土地规划权是两个公权力,不动产财产权与土地发展权是两个私权利。征收权与不动产财产权以及规划权与土地发展权冲突的实质就是公权力对私权利的合法侵犯。这个“法”即划定了公权力的活动空间和私权利的容忍范围。征收权是国家强制取得财产权的权力。征收权的客体是财产权利,包括物权和债权、动产和不动产。土地征收中征收权与不动产财产权的冲突的法律效果是不动产财产权变动,补偿请求权产生,回复请求权产生。平衡征收权与不动产财产权的路径是公共利益要件。应该把重点从公益要件的内容范围转移到确认公共利益的方法与程序上来。土地规划权是国家对土地利用行为进行限制的权力。土地发展权是私权,是独立的财产权,在大陆法上是区分地上权。土地规划权与土地发展权冲突的法律效果是土地发展权必须容忍而且没有补偿,但是如果超出必要的限度就必须补偿,在这个意义上就构成管制性征收。在实践中有司法界分法、私权内部规范法、补偿替代机制包括TDR、私人协议等平衡路径。我国土地征收中征收权与不动产财产权的冲突中,虽然立法中有公益要件,但实践中公益要件被虚置甚至变异。我国土地规划权全部为行政权,致使规划的公益担保受到质疑。我国的农村集体土地发展权被有意的制度安排给剥夺和征收了,我国特有的补偿替代机制是指标的转让。因此我国的平衡路径应该是寻求法治的保障。我国应该确立法治国的比例原则,借鉴区段征收、市地重划以及巩固成都实验的成果,运用比例原则来平衡土地征收中的权力和权利。我国还应该建立和完善公众参与,从程序要件中平衡土地征收中的权力和权利。

【Abstract】 Among the powers and rights in land taking issue, Eminent Domain and Zoning are powers, whereas real property rights and land development rights are private rights. The nature of the conflict between powers and rights, Eminent Domain and real property rights, Zoning and land development rights is the intervence to private rights by powers legally. The Law draws the line of powers execution and the rights tolerance.Eminent Domain is the power of government to take property. The objectives of Eminent Domain are property rights including personal property and real property, rights in rem and claims. The legal effect of conflict between power of Eminent Domain and rights of property is the damage of rights, meanwhile raising compensation claims and reversion claims. The approach of balance is public interest as the element of execution of Eminent Domain. The point is no more the content and scope of public interest, but the formation of public interest compared and balanced with private interest and the procedure of formatting.Zoning is the power government to limit land use. Land development right is private, property right and surface right in civil law system. The legal effect of the conflict between the power of Zoning and land development right is the tolerance of the latter without compensation. But if it goes too far, it is regulatory taking with compensation needed. The approaches of balancing are tests designated by courts, the rules within private rights and private contract etc.Public interest is designed to be the element in Chinese laws on taking issue, but it is nominal in practice and has already differentiated. The Zoning powers of China are all executive powers, which makes zoning loosing public interest guarantee. The development rights of rural lands owned by the collectives are taken. Chinese alternative compensation is quota transferring. That is why China should approach the rule of law. China should establish the principle of proportionality under rule of law. Referencing the experience of zone expropriation and rezoning in Taiwan jurisdiction and the achievements of Chendu land reform, China should apply the principle of proportionality to balance the powers and rights in land taking. China should also establish and improve public participation as procedure element of powers.

  • 【分类号】D922.181;D922.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1773
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