

The Development History of Chinese Medical Inspection Diagnosis

【作者】 刘剑锋

【导师】 程伟;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 诊断方法历来被中医历代医家所重视,《望诊遵经·叙》:“非诊无以知其病,非诊无以知其所治也。”望色诊病是《内经》中首倡的中医诊断方法,《素问·阴阳应象大论》:“善诊者,察色按脉,先别阴阳,。。。。。。”。《难经·六十一难》更明确指出:“经言望而知之谓之神,。。。。。。何谓也?望而知之者,望见其五色,以知其病。”《内经》关于色诊的有关论述特别是以望面色为主的诊断方法,成为中医望色诊病的核心内容,历代医家均据此论述。但时至今日,临床上已经很少使用。本文作者通过古代文献及现代解剖文献研究,国家中医药管理局科技专项资助的临床研究,国家自然科学基金资助的实验研究等,表明:《内经》中望面色诊病的理论具有指导意义,但记载的面部望色诊病方法,不具有可操作性。望手部颜色诊病-气色形态手诊反而有着良好的临床效果。通过对手部气色的望诊,不但可以据《内经》相关色诊理论进行中医辨证,同时还与西医诊病有着较高的符合率,扩大了中医望色诊病的范畴,丰富了中医望色诊病理论,为临床提供了新的中医诊断方法。2005年被国家中医药管理局科技推广项目办公室列为推广项目,2008年列为国家中医继续医学教育项目,2008年世界中医药大会主题报告内容,2009年被国家中医药管理局列为中医技术操作标准化课题,2010年被国家中医药管理局发布为:中华人民共和国中医行业技术标准。已被广东省中医医院等国内多家临床单位广泛使用,传播到国外30多个国家和地区。

【Abstract】 The diagnosis metheod is always valued by doctors of traditional Chinese medicine in the past dynasties.《Wang zhen zhun jing·preface》said:look,listen,question and feel the pulse -- ways of diagnosis,acupuncture,moxibustion,herba and stone needle -- therapies;A patient must be examined before cured.Without examination,the disease could not be diagnosed,and the therapy could not known.Looking color medical consultation is a chinese diagnostic method which was initiated by“Neijing”《. Suwen·Yin yang ying xiang da lun》said:A doctor good at examination,first distinguishes Yin and Yang through looking the colour and feel the pulse.《Nanjing·the 61stNan》point out clearly:confucian classics said knowing through looking is magical.What is the meaning?Diagnosed a disease through Looking at the five colours.The view about color diagnosis in Neijing,especially the diagnosis based on the Wang-color,is the core content of the observation of the patient,which is the foundation of discourse for herbalist doctors in the past dynasties.However,at the present time,this kind of diagnosis is nearly not used any longer. The reason is simple.just for its weak maneuverability and limited value in the clinical application.Through philology , modern anatomy,clinical and experimental study,etc;the author proves that the looking color medical consultation in Neijing,does not have maneuverability.On the contrary,hand diagnosis has good clinical effect.Through looking the hand coulour we can not only discriminate in the way of traditional Chinese medicine,but also get a result,which have a higher coincidence with diagnosis in the way of the Western medicine. That is close to the knowing through looking in Nanjing.
