

On Cultural Communication

【作者】 杨玲

【导师】 欧阳康;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 《文化交往论》主要研究全世界范围内人类各民族或者国家发生在文化领域的交往实践活动的是否可能以及何以可能的问题,其核心议题是“研究不同文化背景的人们在互动的过程中如何建构和理解意义系统”,主要包含着“跨文化交往的现实何以可能?”、“不同文化是否可以被相互理解或可通约?”、“不同国家、不同民族的文化能否在现代性和全球化不断推进的21世纪获得新生与发展以及如何能够积极自觉地实现自身的现代化转换和其转换的现实难题何在?”等具体问题,其特殊视角是解除人们成长于其中的文化所带给他们的观念阈限,主旨在于寻求以文化交往实现机制为基础的对存在于全球普遍交往实践中的中国文化顺应世界现代化进程和中国特色社会主义建设要求的合理建构。本文以为,文化交往作为人类社会实践活动的一种方式,其实质是作为交往主体的人自身的实践所致,表现为不同主体之间的物质、精神与制度方面的交互作用,它既包括不同个体之间的文化交往,又包括不同国家、民族之间的文化交往。对文化交往的关注就是人类自从社会产生以来探索社会之谜、自我之谜的冰山一角。文化交往研究将回返到主体作为一定文化体系中的具体存在而获得的真正区别于自然世界的特殊规定性这一深度,通过对它的合法性前提、现实困境及其实现机制等进一系列问题的梳理,来提升人类对于包括自然世界和人文世界在内的整个世界的认识和反思,这一课题的研究既以社会认识论的基本方法为前提,也必将对社会认识论的论域、对象和方法加以拓展和深化。本文共计六章。导言首先提出了文化交往作为问题得以提出的理论价值和现实意义,指出了研究得以展开的基本思路和主要方法。第一章,开篇致力于对论题“文化交往”的本质和内涵的界定。主要以学术界已经出现的相关提法和范畴为比照,在辨析文化与文明、文化与哲学、文化交往与经济交往、政治交往、军事交往、物质交往、精神交往以及文明交往等区别的基础之上,提出笔者对于文化交往本质界定的解读,明确划定出研究对象的界限和范围。第二章,从历时态的角度系统梳理文化交往的历史进程,并在对文化交往的史实判断的基础之上提炼出文化交往的一般规定。本章立足于世界文化史,集中考察世界范围内人类文化交往的悠久历史,通过对人类社会的古代农业时代(从远古到15世纪之前)、近代工业时代(从15世纪到19世纪)和现代信息时代(从19世纪至今天)这三个不同历史阶段文化交往概貌的勾勒与分析,找寻文化交往的基本形式、具体特征、主要规律以及社会功能,并在此基础上对贯穿于文化交往史进程的几个关键问题即文化交往的自然局限、思想误区及其观念阈限等三个层面做基本的论述和阐释。第三章,着力从哲学本体论层面分析并试图挖掘文化交往存在的基本前提。本章首先从发生学意义上挖掘文化交往发生的历史原因、现实条件等问题,然后就文化交往实践中应当涉及到的社会历史前提和理论前提进行简要分析,进而提出文化交往作为社会现象和生命现象而存在的现实依据,并在此基础上就其作为人类努力寻求更加美好的生存生活之道的现实存在方式之一得以继续存在及其发生发展的可能性做了进一步的追问和探索。第四章,从共时态的角度指出并剖析了文化交往的几个理论难题和现实困境,即文化主体合法性问题及文化主体间沟通与理解可否通约的问题等。本章首先从文化主体确定的条件、自我意识及文化主体的现实建构等方面对文化体系代表者即文化交往主体的合法性问题做出解答;接着在指出文化交往从可能到实现之间以及从理想到现实之间存在的难以逾越但又必须厘清和跨越的实践过程之基础上催生出对文化主体间沟通与理解可否通约的深层解读;最后在本章尾声将不同类型的文化交往实践所凸显的深度、广度及其复杂程度各异的现实难题清晰地展示给读者。第五章,在第三章对文化交往的本体论探源的前提下,再从认识论的视角就文化交往的现实困境进行哲学反思。文化交往是不同文化主体之间相互理解和认识的社会实践活动,从认识论的角度来看,主体的认识活动本身就存在着以主体——客体的方式进行的对于客观事物的认识和以主体——主体的方式进行的对他者的认识等两种不同的形式,在包括物和同样具有主体性的他者这双重认识对象的认识活动中,文化交往实践的现实复杂性便由此清晰地凸显出来,尤其是不同文化的主体对于他者的认识如何转化成一种平等的理解和有效的交往。为了揭开这类复杂性问题之谜,本章就从文化交往实践过程中涉及到的交互主体性问题、文化交往的哲学解释学层面的问题定位以及文化交往实践中的几个主要关系在内的三个层面展开分析,努力挖掘文化交往实践中存在的一系列现实困境的认识论视角下的可能性根源。第六章,对全球普遍交往实践中的中国与外域文化交往的概貌、问题和建议等问题进行一种“回归”中国现实的反思和观照。和世界其他任何一个努力追求进步繁荣的民族、国家一样,承载着中华民族丰富灿烂文化的中国面对的是一个与来自全球范围内的承载着不同文化理念的各文化体系进行交往的现实与未来,这绝非易事。上述基于历史分析之上的关于文化交往的现实困境和实践机制的认识虽然远远没有展开,也一定还存在着许多进一步探讨的问题,但是,它的确为中国的社会发展及其现实具在的文化交往提供了重要的启示。路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。中国文化的进一步巩固、发展与繁荣需要在势不可挡的与外域文化交往的实践进程中找到生长的活力与空间,本章紧承前文,期望仅具阶段性的思考和尚不充分的论述能够为开启和深化“文化交往的中国之路”这一极具变动性的复杂研究有些许启发,而这也恰恰是本文立论的根本落脚点。最后在结语部分,展望未来,指出人类文化交往应当在逐步文明化的进程中走向最终成熟。文化交往所追求的终极目标是全人类的自由与和谐,而这也恰是它走向最终成熟的标志。人类文化交往的文明化理当是全人类智慧、善良和爱心的持续不断积累的共同结晶,和睦与和谐是人类的理想境界,自尊和尊他是人类的文明愿望。尽管在人类文化日益普遍交往的现实境遇中,不和睦与不和谐、自卑与排他始终是人类这种理想境界与文明愿望的伴随者,但是,文化交往的逻辑是文化主体间在疏远与亲近之间保持平衡状态的前提下每一方都在抱着对异己文化尊重宽容的广阔胸怀和对异己文化充满智慧的合理判断、成熟应对基础之上的对人类共同理想的不懈追求。

【Abstract】 "On Cultural Communication" sets the target on the following Questions:Are the ongoing communicational practice among all the nations and countries worldwide possible? And How is this possible? The central topic is "How people from different cultural background construct and understand meaning system?" mostly include the following concrete topics:"Is the inter-cultural communication possible?", "Is different cultures mutually understandable? Or say, commensurable?", "whether the countries and their cultures gain their new lives in the 21st century when modernization and globalization are taking their way? ". The unique perspective is to remove the conceptual limen brought by the cultural which people come on. The main interest is to construct the Chinese culture properly according to the actualizing mechanic to acclimatize to the global modernization progress and to China’s characteristic Socialist cause.We take cultural communication to be one of the human social practices, the essence of which is the communicating agents’ including not only the communication among agents and also communicating among countries and nations. This research will go back to the unique given things acquired by the agent through her idiographic existence and thus known from nature. The legitimacy premise, practical plight, and actualizing mechanic are summarized. The understanding of the whole world including human world and natural world is promoted. This research based on the basic social epistemological methods, and will widen and deepen the domain, object and methodology of social epistemology.There are totally 6 chapters, with a introduction raising the problem, the theoretical and practical significance, the logic and methodology.In the 1st chapter, we take up with the connotation and denotation of the "cultural communication ". According to the already existed suggestions and concepts, via an analysis through "culture and civilization", "culture and philosophy", "cultural, economical, political, military, communication, and material, spiritual and civilizational communication", we put forward an interpretation of the phrase" cultural communication", and gives a clearly defined domain of my research.In chapter 2, we systematically cards the historical progress of cultural communication from a diachronical point of view, and on this base, we draw a general definition of "cultural communication". This chapter is established in the history of world’s cultural history, and focus on the long history of cultural communication, i.e., the cultural communication in agricultural age (from the remote antiquity to 15th century), industrial age (15-19th century) and information age (the end of 19th century to today). Through a outline and an analysis of the main picture of the three ages, we try to find the basic forms, the concrete figures, the main rules and the social functions of cultural communication. Three key pronging problems are elementarily discussed and explained.In chapter 3, we try to analysis and dig the existential base of cultural communication on a ontological level. Firstly, we mine historical causes, and practical conditions of the happening of cultural communication from a genetical point of view. Then we briefly analyze the social-historical and theoretical premises, and bring forward the substantial base for cultural communication to be a social and vital phenomenon. On this base, we launch a further examination and exploration.In chapter 4, we identify and analyze several theoretical and practical plights of cultural communication from a synchronical point of view, i.e., the legitimacy problem of the cultural subject, and the possible communication and mutual understanding among the subjects. Firstly, we answer the formal by establishing conditions, self-consciousness and the practical construction of cultural spokesman, to say, the legitimacy of the communicating agents. And then, we give a deep explanation of whether the exchange and understanding among the agents commensurable. At last, we give a clear picture of the depth, scope, and the complexity of the practical communication that the different communicational practice types illustrate.In chapter 5, we give a philosophical reflection on cultural communication’s practical plight from a epistemological perspective on the base of chapter 3, the ontology of cultural communication. Cultural communication is the mutual understanding and cognition among different agents. From a epistemological perspective, knowing include two different side, knowing of the objective things and knowing of other persons, both in a subject--object mode. Cultural communication practice shows its complexity in this via-objects epistemological function. To uncover this riddle of complexity, in this chapter we try to mine the possible epistemological root of the practical plights of the real communicational practice from the following three layers:inter-subjectivity problem involved in the real communicating process, the identity of some problems in a philosophical hermeneutic level, and several main relations in the communicating process.In chapter 6, a "return analysis" is given as to the re-thinking and re-deeming of China’s reality. With a rich cultural heritage, China is facing the cultural communication with all cultures through out the world. That is not easy. The above analysis of practical plight and realizing mechanic, though far from its mature form, can surly make significant suggestions on China’s social development and the cultural communication involved. Chinese culture was found its vegetal vigor and space to its solidification, development and flourish in the inundated communication with other cultures. In this chapter we meant to begin and deepen "Chinese way of cultural communication", which is a highly changeable and complex research program, although my reasoning and discussion is neither conclusive nor sufficient. This is just the standpoint of my dissertation.
