

A Study on Modern City Commercial Security Based on Public Emergency

【作者】 李涛

【导师】 佘廉;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着现代城市的发展,城市规模逐渐扩大,人口密集,生产及生活设施集中,当突发公共安全事件发生时,在造成巨大人员伤亡和财产损失的同时,会使城市居民对粮、油、蔬菜、方便食品、消毒用品等生活必需品的短期需求激增,如果事先没有任何防备,加之城市设施的损坏,势必造成生活必需品出现不同程度的缺货断档并伴随价格的飚升,从而引发“城市商业安全”问题。而零售业作为城市的一种终端服务产业,其发达程度关系着城市居民的日常生活及生存质量,城市零售业网点的合理布局,无论对于维持常态下城市居民的生活便利,满足城市居民对生活必需品的日常需求,或是当突发公共事件发生时,向城市居民提供及时、充足的生活必需品应急供应,都有着极其重要的作用,是维护城市商业安全的核心要素。因此,本文尝试结合城市零售业的合理布局,对基于突发公共事件的城市商业安全这一命题进行初步探索,从理论及应用层面进行研究分析。全文的主要研究内容如下:一是对突发事件及城市商业应急物资供应体系进行了介绍。由于城市商业安全问题是整个突发事件应急管理问题的一个分支,因此,要研究城市商业安全问题,首先要明确什么是城市商业突发事件及应急管理,以及突发事件下应急物资供应问题。本部分主要阐明了突发事件对商品物资供应尤其是城市居民日常生活物资供应的影响,在此基础上,进一步提出了确保突发事件下城市居民生活物资供应的三大体系,即:国家应急物资储备体系、国家粮食储备体系及城市零售业网点布局体系,并对这三大体系的主要构成进行了论述。二是对城市商业安全的相关概念进行了分析,界定了城市商业安全的研究范畴。所谓城市商业安全就是城市居民生活必需品市场的安全供应及应急保障,既包括在城市日常生活中为城市居民提供充足、安全的生活必需品供应,也包括在重大突发事件发生时提供生活必需品的应急供应,以维持城市居民基本生存状态和生命安全。本文按照保障形式将城市商业安全分为“渠道安全”与“储备安全”;按照环境定位分为“常态安全”与“非常态安全”。同时,阐述了城市商业安全的基本研究命题、基本假设及城市商业安全各参与主体间的基本矛盾关系。三是在充分认识目前零售业布局存在的商业安全问题基础上,从发展机理、功能及运行机制方面对城市商业安全进行了深入分析。根据城市商业安全各参与主体的动态运行情况,阐述了城市商业安全的“三阶段”发展机理,即自发性机理、继发性机理和回馈性机理,在此基础上,分析了城市商业安全的三项功能即常态安全功能、非常态安全功能及可持续安全功能,并提出了城市商业安全的“四环节”运行机制,即预警与预控机制、响应与处置机制、恢复与补偿机制及评价与奖惩机制。构画了城市商业安全的理论与实践框架,形成了全文的核心部分。四是从决策分析的角度对城市商业渠道安全及储备安全问题进行了研究分析。.在综合考量的基础上,建立了城市商业渠道安全决策指标体系,通过层次分析法与熵权法相结合的决策分析方法,对多对象、多因素情况下的城市商业渠道安全选址问题进行了模拟决策。运用“存储论”的相关知识,对常态及非常态下城市商业储备安全问题进行了初步探讨。五是从政府管理角度对城市商业安全政策进行了研究分析。在分析西方主要发达国家零售业布局及城市商业安全政策基础上,针对国内零售业布局及城市商业安全政策的现状,提出了制定城市商业安全政策应遵循的基本原则,从城市商业安全的保障形式及政策效力等两个不同层面,论述了城市商业安全政策法规体系的主要内容。六是以武汉市为案例进行了综合分析与验证。通过分析武汉市零售业发展概况及存在的城市商业安全问题,结合城市商业安全的理论框架,构建了武汉市城市商业安全的结构体系和四环节运行机制,并提出了保障武汉市城市商业安全的对策与建议。

【Abstract】 With the development of modern cities, its scales are enlarged very fast. The population is intensive, production and living facilities are also centralized. When public emergency happens, it not only brings out great casualties and property losses, but also results in short-term demand of essentials such as grain, oil, vegetables, convenient food and disinfected necessities. Without any prior preparation, shortage of essentials will threaten the residents. Then coupled with damage of city facilities, the price will soar. Retail industry is the terminal service industry of the city, the development of which directly influences on the quality of residents’daily life. Proper allocation of the retail industry will not only guarantee urban residents’necessaries of life and keep convenience of their life at normal state, but also play a vital role while emergency happens. When emergency happens, dispersive retail stores can provide sufficient necessities of life to urban residents involved in the accident timely, who play such an important role as the core of urban commercial safety. This dissertation attempts to make a preliminary exploration on the proposition of urban commercial safety through theoretical and empirical research on retail location. The research contents are as follows:Firstly, theories on emergency and urban commercial emergency supplies system were introduced. The problem of urban commercial safety is only a branch of emergency management. To comprehend urban commercial safety well, it must make clear not only the concept of urban commercial emergency and emergency management, but also problem of emergency supplies under emergency. This part mainly expounded the influence of commodity supply, especially necessity supply for urban residents under emergency. Based on the above research, three systems were proposed to guarantee necessities for urban residents under emergency, which were:national emergency supplies reserve system, national grain reserve system and urban retail location layout system. The main components of such three systems were discussed in this dissertation.Secondly, relevant concept of urban commercial safety was analyzed, and research category of urban commercial safety was defined. Urban commercial safety is the condition that necessity market functioning normally, which behaves as sufficient supply of necessaries for the safety of urban residents. It must be guaranteed not only at normal state, but also when emergency arrives. Especially when serious emergency occurs, it must ensure plenty of necessities for life to maintain urban residents’survival needs. According to ways be protected, urban commercial safety can be classified as "channel safety" and "reserve safety"; according to safety state, it can be subcategorized as "safety at normal state" and "safety at abnormal state" comparatively. This part also expounded basic research propositions, basic assumptions, and contradicted relationship of roles involved in urban commercial safety. Thirdly, deep analysis of urban commercial safety from aspects of developing mechanism, function and operation mechanism was done, which was based on thoroughly understand existed urban commercial safety problem of retail location. This part also proposed "three stage" mechanism of urban commercial safety by analyzing dynamic status of each participant. The "three stage" mechanism was composed of the spontaneous principles, the secondary principles and the feedback principles. On this basis, it analyzed three functions and proposed four steps operation mechanism of urban commercial security. Three functions were composed of normal security function, comparatively safe function and sustainable security function. Four steps operation mechanism was consist of early warning and pre-control mechanism, response and handling mechanism, rehabilitation and compensation mechanism, evaluation and reward systems. The theoretical and practical frameworks of urban commercial safety system were outlined at this part, which is important as the core of this paper.Fourthly, empirical research was been done on retail location from the perspective of "channel safety" and "reserve safety" of urban commercial safety. Urban commercial channel safety decision-making factor system was established by considering factors comprehensively. Based on which, and combining AHP and Entropy Weight method together, urban commercial channel safety location problem for several objects, multi-factor cases was resolved. Preliminary research of urban commercial reserves safety problems both at normal state and abnormal state were discussed by applying inventory theory.Fifthly, the research and analysis of urban commercial safety policy was done from the perspective of management and policies. After analysis of western countries’retail layout and urban commercial security policy, and consideration existed problem of the domestic retail location policy, this part put forward the purpose of establishing retail location decision-making policy and basic principles of the laws and regulations. Then it discussed main contents of urban commercial safety policy system from the aspects of security form and policy effective.Sixthly, Comprehensive analysis and verification were done by taking Wuhan as an example. Through analyzing retail development and existing urban commercial security problems in Wuhan, and combining with theoretical framework of city commercial security, it constructed the structure system of city commercial security and four link mechanisms in Wuhan, and put forward countermeasures and suggestions to implement urban commercial safety system in Wuhan.
