

Creating Entrepreneurial University: The Pathway of Management Transformation

【作者】 刘叶

【导师】 刘献君;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 高等教育学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 这是一项关于华中科技大学应对变化的环境而进行路径变革的案例研究。研究的主要目的在于揭示华中科技大学应对学术资本主义的特有策略以及解释为什么在中国特有的文化传统中是此种反应方式,进而从一个侧面折射出中国大学应对学术资本主义的主要反应方式。这不仅促进国际间的交流和对中国大学特有发展方式的理解,而且为同类高校走出困境提供决策参考以及引领同类大学的发展。研究通过持续的面对面访谈、实地考察以及史料的整理与收集获得丰富的资料。研究借助于大量的一手资料,包括访谈所获口述资料、校史、校报、档案资料、科技产业年鉴、会议文件、个人传记、教育统计年鉴等内部资料成功建立案例研究的理论假设和提出问题。通过进一步的校史描述与分析,研究证实了华中科技大学确为通过创业管理路径的选择建设一流大学的反应策略成功应对学术资本主义的新要求。继而通过理论归纳与构建,顺利建立源自于该案例的管理理论模型。在此基础上,以沃里克大学为例佐证了该理论模型,继而推广之,延伸到一系列大学的解释范畴。通过对华中科技大学的案例研究以及双案例检验,本研究获得了一些有别于已有研究的新发现。首先,欧美大学以及华中科技大学在新时期的变革经验告诉我们,变革是应对变化的唯一选择。华中科技大学的发展本来就是一部管理变革史。从管理学的视角透视华中科技大学的发展史,清楚发现,华中科技大学之所以发展迅速,是因为面对社会转型及时变革的结果。就是因为在不同的转型期,华中科技大学及时通过传统管理向创新管理的变迁、进而由创新管理向创业管理的转型,使得华中科技大学由组创起步迅速走向学术积累,继而迅速迈入跨越发展期。其次,变革路径的选择依赖于传统文化与历史传统。唯有对文化传统的守望与超越方可适应性生存与发展。传统文化将会是变革路径抉择的永久制衡力量。最后,华中科技大学在新的时期勇敢迎接挑战,视问题为机遇,通过以创业机会、创业资源、创业团队、创业价值和创业文化这五个核心要素协同下的创业管理变革实现了创业转型。这所创业型大学的建立是一种通过管理变革的路径实现的,在其致力于转型的过程中,紧紧以抓住创业机会为核心,因为这是华中科技大学追求卓越的秘笈;以创造性整合创业资源为基础,因为这是华中科技大学把握发展机遇的前提;始终根据开发机会为导向动态性组建创业团队,因为这是华中科技大学实现卓越的组织保证;始终以创业价值为主导,因为这是华中科技大学追求卓越的内驱力;始终以形成创业文化为目的,因为这是华中科技大学保持卓越的精神共契。总体上,华中科技大学的转型折射出中国大学管理思维与行动方式由“有多少钱做多少事”的传统管理方式向“办多少事找多少钱”的创业管理思维模式的变迁。华中科技大学的变革道路说明从创业管理变革的路径来建立创业型大学的可行性与必要性。况且,双案例复制的结果也证实了高校创业管理理论模型的解释力。

【Abstract】 This is a case study of pathways of transformation of Huazhong University of Science and Technology which has reacted to the changeable environment.The prime objective of the research is to reveal the specific strategies which has responsed to academic capitalism and explain why Huazhong University of Science and Technology has reacted to it in this way in the unique cultural tradition in china, what’s more,this research will reflect the main responding mode of universities of china facing academic capitalism from one side.An objective of the completed study is not only to promote the international communication and understanding of the unique way of development of universities of china,but also to provide decision making for the Higher Education Institutions of the same type and lead the development of them.Through continued face to face interviews, field trips and the arrangement and collection of historical data,I obtain abundence materials.With a lot of first-hand data, including oral information from interviews, school history, newspapers, archives, technology industry yearbooks, conference papers, personal biography, Statistical Yearbook of Education.Using these materials, the theoretical assumptions and questions have been successfully proposed. Through further description and analysis of history, the theoretical assumptions has been confirmed.Then,through theoretical induction and construction, a management model derived from this case has been established. On this basis, taking the University of Warwick as an example to support this theoretical model, and then promote it, extends to the interpretation category of a range of universities.Through this case study on Huazhong University of Science and Technology and double-case examination,some new findings which differs from previous studies have been obtained.First of all, the transformation experience of European and American universities and Huazhong University of Science and Technology in the new era tells us that transformation is the only option to cope with change.The development of Huazhong University of Science and Technology has always been a management change history.To examine the development history of Huazhong University of Science and Technology from the perspective of management,we can find that clearly the reason why Huazhong University of Science and Technology has developed so rapidly is that its change in time facing the social transformation. Because in a different transition,through transformation from traditional management to innovation management,and then from innovation management to entrepreneurial management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology developed from the Initial stage to academic accumulation rapidly, then quickly leaps into the development of period. Second,the choice of pathways of transformation depends on the traditional culture and historical traditions.Only watching and surpassing the cultural traditions can the universities be adaptive survival and development. Traditional culture will be a permanent balancing force of the choice of pathways of transformation. Finally,in the new era, Huazhong University of Science and Technology has accepted the challenges bravely, seen problems as opportunities and achieved the entrepreneurial transition through entrepreneurial management reform which include five core elements,such as entrepreneurial opportunities, entrepreneurial resources, entrepreneurial team, entrepreneurial culture, entrepreneurial values.This entrepreneurial university has been established through the way of management transformation,during the process of transformation, to take grasping the entrepreneurial opportunities firmly as the core, because it is the pursuit for excellence;To base on integrating the entrepreneurial resources creatively, because it is a prerequisite to grasp opportunities for development;To form entrepreneurial team dynamicly according to the need of developing opportunities, because it is superior organizational guarantee; Always to base on entrepreneurial values, because it is the internal driving forces for the pursuit of excellence; Always to aim to form entrepreneurial culture, because it is the common spirit of maintaining excellence.Overall,the transformation of Huazhong University of Science and Technology reflects that a transformation of management thinking and action of universities of china from "how much money to do how many things" to "to do how many things to hunt for how much money". The road of Huazhong University of Science and Technology illustrates that it is possible and neccesary to create entrepreneurial universities through the way of management reform. Moreover,the result of double-case copying has also confirmed the explanatory power of management theory model.
