

Study on the Competency Construction of Grass-roots Civil Servants in China

【作者】 李晓霞

【导师】 吴志华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 基层公务员作为公务员队伍的主体,是党的路线方针政策的具体实施者和执行者,是联系上级公务员与民众关系的桥梁和纽带。其能力素质的高低直接反映出党的执政能力的高低以及政府管理效率的高低,并直接影响着党和政府同民众之间的关系。加强基层公务员素质建设,培养和造就一支高素质、专业化的基层公务员队伍是加强党的执政能力建设的重要组成部分,是切实把党政方针转化为为人民服务的实际行动,全面落实和实践科学发展观的客观需要,也是提高政府工作效率的前提条件。加强基层公务员素质建设,提高基层公务员队伍的整体素质,已经成为当前十分紧迫的现实问题。基层公务员素质建设是一个系统的、全面的、动态的过程。本论文在科学界定素质及素质模型概念的基础上,运用素质模型理论、职位分类理论、目标管理理论等与公务员素质建设直接相关的基础理论,前瞻性地把握了当今“世情”、“国情”对基层公务员素质提出的新要求,结合我国基层公务员素质的现状,提出我国基层公务员素质建设存在的问题及其原因序列,进而对比分析并合理借鉴了当今国外公务员素质建设的成功经验,就如何培养造就一支高素质的基层公务员队伍这一主题进行了深入研究。具体而言,本论文研究主要包括五个方面。一是对我国基层公务员素质“应然”与“实然”状态的对比与分析。不可否认,自从推行公务员制度以来,我国公务员管理体制得以不断完善,公务员的整体素质也正逐步提高。但是,随着当今时代变迁速率的大大加快,基层公务员素质逐渐暴露出种种缺失与不足,基层公务员素质建设显得任重而道远。本论文分别从我国公务员素质建设的历史发展、当今世情、国情对公务员素质的要求出发,运用历史研究法、比较分析法、文献研究法等基本方法,探讨了我国基层公务员素质“应然”与“实然”状态的不同,并结合典型案例从思想理念、标准设定、制度建设等方面剖析了当前我国基层公务员素质建设存在的问题及其成因,从而为有针对性地开展基层公务员素质建设研究提供了理论依据。二是对当今发达国家公务员素质建设的理性分析与合理借鉴。我国的国情和社会制度不同于发达国家,这决定了我国基层公务员素质建设不能简单地照搬国外的新做法。但另一方面,公务员素质建设本身存在一些“类”特征,合理分析、提炼当今国外公务员素质建设的某些方法论因素能够为我国基层公务员素质建设研究提供一定的理论指导。本论文在探讨如何加强基层公务员素质建设时,首先对比分析了当今发达国家,如美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国家公务员素质建设的实践,结合当今国外公务员制度的特点和时代环境的变化,深入分析并整合性地概括出国外公务员素质建设的某些共性特征和基本趋势,从中提取可以为我国基层公务员素质建设所参考或借鉴的合理因素,例如价值理念的转变、公务员素质模型的构建以及基于素质模型的公务员制度建设等,为加强我国基层公务员素质建设提供了参考。三是对基层公务员价值理念的阐释。价值理念是公务员实际行动的指针,它直接影响并决定着公务员具体行为的选择。本论文从“官本位”的危害出发,着重分析了公务员主体观念、服务理念以及管理理念转变的重要性和必要性,总结归纳了当今时代基层公务员所应具备的民本管理理念、能本管理理念以及公共服务理念等核心价值观念,旨在为我国基层公务员素质建设提供一定的价值导向。四是基层公务员素质建设标准的设定。在基层公务员素质标准设定方面,本论文运用实证研究的方法构建了我国基层公务员通用素质模型。论文首先通过对基层公务员素质建设的历史脉络分析、世情国情等时代特征分析以及发达国家公务员素质建设经验的合理借鉴,从理论上探讨了我国基层公务员的“应然”素质,并以此为基础推导出基层公务员应具备的素质要素,开发设计了我国基层公务员素质要素问卷调查表,并对该问卷调查表进行了信度和效度检验,进而运用一元统计法、因子分析法、方差分析法等统计分析方法对收集的样本数据进行分析,构建了我国基层公务员通用素质模型,然后分别针对年龄、工龄、学历、行政级别、工作类别等相关变量进行了多视角的分析。五是对基于素质模型的基层公务员制度完善的探讨。制度是人们共同遵守的办事规则或行动准则,公务员素质建设一系列措施的实施最终还需要依靠制度和法律来保障。通过对比分析国外公务员素质建设经验、剖析我国公务员素质建设的历史与现状,可以看出,解决我国基层公务员素质建设存在问题的关键在于加强公务员制度的建设。因此,本论文在构建基层公务员通用素质模型的基础上,探讨了基于素质模型的公务员分类制度、考试录用制度、培训制度、绩效考核制度等公务员制度建设,用以指导基层公务员素质建设实践。基于素质模型的公务员制度建设对于加强基层公务员素质建设,促进我国年轻的公务员制度不断完善与发展都有着十分重要的意义。

【Abstract】 As the majority of the civil servants, grass-roots civil servants are the implementers of the CPC’s philosophical lines and policy, and the bridge between the masses of the people and the superior civil servants. Their knowledge and ability is the reflection of the CPC’s governance capability and the government’s administrative efficiency, and has direct influence on the relationship among the Party, the government and the masses of the people. So enhancing the competency construction of grass-roots civil servants and bringing up a team of highly qualified and professionalized civil servants is the important part of the development of CPC’ governance capability, the need of transferring the Party’s guide line into the action of serving the public, and the precondition of improving the government’s working efficiency. In another word, enhancing the construction of grass-roots civil servants and improving their competency is becoming an increasingly important issue.The competency construction of grass-roots civil servants is a systemic, holistic and dynamic process. This thesis begins with the scientific definition of Competency and Competency Model. Based on the definition and the relative theories such as Competency Model Theory, Position Classification Theory and Management by Objectives (MBO) Theory, it looks forward to the future competency requirements for the grass-roots civil servants. Then the thesis makes an analysis of the current competency situation of the grass-roots civil servants in China, and demonstrates its problems and the causes. By borrowing the experience of the civil service competency construction in other countries, the thesis proposes some ways to improve the civil service competency in our own country. Specifically, the thesis can be divided into the following five parts.In part one, the thesis analyzes the gap between what-it-is-to-be and what-it-is. Obviously, since China initiated the civil service system, the system has been becoming better and better, and the civil service competency is improving step by step. However, due to the great change of the times, the competency management of the grass-roots civil servants is showing its shortcomings. It seems that the grass-roots civil service competency construction has a long way to go. The thesis recalls the historical development of Chinese civil service competency construction, and analyzes the requirement for the civil servants under the current international and national situations. With such basic methods as historical methods, comparative analysis, data studies, the thesis explores the differences between what-it-is-to-be and what-it-is. Then it makes use of some typical cases to demonstrate the problems and their causes in our civil service competency construction from the perspectives of ideology, standards and system, so as to provide the rationality for the construction.The second part analyzes the current civil service competency construction in the advanced countries and borrows their reasonable experience. Due to our different national conditions and social systems from those in the advanced countries, it is impossible for us to copy directly their methods. But the competency construction of civil servants still contains category features, which are the same even in different countries. So if dealt with properly, some methods of civil service competency construction in other countries can be brought into our practice. When discussing how to enhance the competency construction of the grass-roots civil servants, the thesis begins with the analysis of the civil service competency construction in such advanced countries as the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia etc. Against the features of the civil service systems in other countries and the change of the times, it outlines the common features and the basic tendency of the civil service competency construction both home and abroad. From this outline, it draws out some reasonable factors to borrow in the value, competency models and civil service system development based on the competency model.The third part elaborates the value and ideology of grass-roots civil servants. Value and ideology is the guideline of the civil servants, and has direct influence on their choice before action. This part starts with the analysis of the shortcomings of the official standard system, and highlights the necessity of the change of the civil service conceptions in their subjectivity, service and management. Then it summarizes the core conceptions that the current civil servants should have, such as the public oriented management conception, the competency oriented management conception, and the public service conception. Its aim is to provide a direction for the civil service competency construction in our country. The forth part is to set the standards for the grass-roots civil service competency management. By using the questionnaire, this part develops the common competency model for the grass-roots civil servants in our country. First, it analyzes the historical experience of the Chinese civil service competency management, the current international and national situations, and the experience of the advanced countries. Based on it, it probes what the grass-root civil service competency should be like in our country. Secondly, it infers the competency elements that the grass-roots servants should have, and designs the relative questionnaire. It checks the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, and analyzes the collected data with unitary statistical methods, factor analysis method, and methods of analysis of variance. Thirdly, it develops the common competency model for the grass-root civil servants. Finally, from various perspectives, it makes the analysis of the variables such as the ages, length of service, educational background, tires of jurisdiction, job categories, etc.The fifth part probes the way to better the grass-root civil servant system based on the competency model. Systems are the common rules and laws for people’s action, and are helpful to assure the implementation of the measures of the civil servant competency construction. By comparing the experience home and abroad and against the past and present situations of the civil service competency construction in our country, we would find that enhancing the civil service system is the core of solving the problems in improving the grass-root civil service competency. Therefore, based on the common competency model, this part probes the construction of the civil service classification, recruitment, training and performance appraisal. The civil service system construction based on the competency model is of great significance for improving the civil service competency and promoting the development of the relative systems.

  • 【分类号】D630.3
  • 【被引频次】24
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