

Relevance Study on "Culture Revolution Literature" and "New Period Literature"

【作者】 杨素秋

【导师】 王尧;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 从“文革”到“新时期”这一过渡期,既是社会发生重大变革的时期,也是文学更新的重要节点。文学界对此的研究一般可分为两类观点。一类是流行于上世纪80年代的断裂论。持论者大多强调“文革”后文学对“文革文学”的颠覆,很少讲到他们的联系和演变。上世纪90年代,随着对“文革”文学多层面的认知推进,另一类关联式的研究兴起。这类论者充分发掘了“文革”地下文学中孕育的积极因素,关注地下文学与新时期文学的隐秘联系。在今天,对“文革”中“潜流”的关注远远大过了对公开文学的关注,从“文革”到新时期的“纯文学”线索也已经得到有效梳理。一个显在的缺失是:“文革”公开文学得到讨论不多,从“文革”到“新时期”的左翼线索也被忽视。而实际上,有许多在“文革”中已公开发表文学的作者,在“新时期”继续创作,对他们作品的流变研究将非常有意义。梳理“左翼”线索也将能有效地还原文学的全貌。另外,还有一些边缘作品虽然被发掘,但仍然处于“禁毁”的地位,它们也理应得到更多的关注。拙文将结合西方马克思主义的意识形态理论及“新批评”、叙事学等“内部研究”理论,避免脱离文本的高度抽象结论或是过于孤立的文本分析。上篇考察过渡时期的历史语境。这一时期文学与政治的关系纠结盘杂。政治场内部,高层力量角逐的变化导致了政治环境的一张一弛,文学环境也随之宽松或紧张。文学场内部针对文学与政治关系展开的争论颇为激烈,有作品与政治亲和,亦有作品刻意背离。在知识场内,“文革”期间的知识分子分裂为失语与爱智两大类型,后者在高压下的坚持为文化维持着一线生机,新时期知识分子的整体形象在意识形态、媒体和自身的合力重塑下跃变为精英:评论者欠缺宽容和理性,文学批评时常裹挟着政治的因子,这样的状态在1985年前后才有所改善;文学史家的观点则经历了两次大的变迁,最终,“纯文学”和“现代主义”的崛起对左翼和现实主义造成了一定贬抑。下篇展示文学内部的冲突、延伸与裂变。过渡时期的作品既有显在的分层,又有层间对流。载道、言志、现代主义等文学传统在作家身上形成异质碰撞,创作者内心的分裂、矛盾、和成长在作品中体现的歧异让问题更加复杂。食指、高晓声、梁小斌等作家的心路历程矛盾重重。这一时期的文学变革首先从内容层面开始,进而波及到形式层面。从总体上来看,文学的主题由单一走向复杂化和日常化,由直白宣教变为朦胧多义;人物塑造起初单薄激进,壁垒分明,后来逐渐增强立体感,形成参差对照;古旧的线性进展模式和情节中心的结构模式在粉碎情节的潮流中被解构。除了存在上述的线性发展和文学差异之外,不同时段的文学之间也存在着非线性的逆向线索和千丝万缕的联系。譬如,部分“文革”地下小说已经相当熟练地运用了心理中心的结构模式,一些地下诗歌的现代主义锋芒极其锐利,它们都在某种程度上超越了许多新时期文学。而新时期之初的“伤痕文学”、“改革文学”等流派在主题、情节、人物、语言诸方面突破都不大,事实上沿袭了“文革”主流文学的创作模式。韩少功、莫言、王安忆、张洁等作家身上均显现了这种渐变与突变。

【Abstract】 The period of time from culture revolution(1966-1976) to the New Period (1976-present) in China is not only a time for a significant social change but also a time for an important change in literature. Generally, perspectives on the literature of this period time can be categorized into two groups.One of them is the perspective of disjuncture.It emphasizes subversion that the post-culture-revolution literature has brought to the culture revolution literature yet rarely refers to the connection and development between the two. In the 90’s of last century, since the understanding towards culture revolution literature was more comprehensive, a relevance study had been initiating. Researchers who advocated this study had found out positive aspects of Subterranean Literature (the literature written secretly during the time of Culture Revolution) and paid attention to relevance between the Subterranean Literature and the New Period Literature(1976-present).Until now, people has been paid far more attention on the Subterranean Literature than the published literature of the time of culture revolution as well as well-analysed the Polite Literature (the literature that not are written for propaganda or entertainment) However, there is an obvious deficiency:discussions on the published literature during the culture revolution period were few while studies on the left-wing literature of the time from the culture revolution to the New Period were also under strict control.In fact, many authors who had published during the culture revolution were insisting on writing after that particular time.In this sense, studies on their work will be very valueble to the genre change research.Besides,although some of the Edge literature works have been found out, they should receive more attention since they are still in a sensitive position of "ban and destroy". This paper will combine theories such as the "New Criticism", "Narratology" and "Intrinsic approach to the study of literature" with Marxism to avoid any excessively abstract conclusion or isolated analysis.The first chapter is discussing the historical background of the transition time from the Culture Revolution to the New Period. During this period of time, relationship between literature and politics was extremely complicated.Struggle within authorities had led to unstable political and literature environment. Arguments in the Chinese literature academia on the relationship between literature and politics were especially fierce:Some of the literature works were closely related with politics while others were intentionally avoiding politics.Scholars at the time of culture revolution can be categorized into two kinds:one is called "Shiyu" who lost their rights to express their ideas or lost their freedom to speak the truth; the other is named "Aizhi" who read, wrote and conducted academic studies secretly. It is just the latter’s persistence that has assured the preservation of the Chinese culture in an extremely intense political environment and guaranteed scholars’images of the New Period to upgrade to elites with the cooperation of ideologies, medias and themselves. Besides, conditions were not improve until 1985,for instance tolerance and rationality were rare and literary criticisms were always going with politics.Moreover, perspectives of literary history had been through significant change twice and finally the rise of the "Polite Literature" and "Modernism"The next chapter displays multiple changes within lines.Literature genres during this special period were various whereas having connections with each other, for instance genres of "Zaidao" (the literature work with a great amount of preaching),"Yanzhi" (the work which is aiming to bring strength to people and encourage them to pursue a goal with determinations),and Modernism collided with each other. At the mean time authors’ intrapsychic cleavage and conflicts and self-development had made the situation more complex.For example, authors like "Shizhi", "Gaoxiaosheng", "Liangxiaobin" showed their conflicts in their works.Literature reform at the time of transition started from contents,and then went to formats.From an overall point of view, literature subjects during this time updated from monotony to pluralism and were much closer to real life.Characters had been lacking of individuality and politicalized at the very beginning but gradually tended to be more individualized later. The traditional linear sequential development mode and plot-centred structure collapsed in the trend of getting rid of traditional plot-centred mode. During the transition period, besides the linear sequential development mode and literature diversity that have mentioned above, there were also many connections between literatures of different time in a non-linear-sequential-development-mode.For instance, some of the literature works that had been written secretly during the time of culture revolution were practicing adequately a mode of psychological description and the poems among this type of works were shining with sparkles of modernism which had exceeded the following literatures of the new period of time to some extent.In comparison with them, the literature works that were written at the very beginning of New Period such as Scar literature, Reform literature, had not made any impressive progress in aspects of subjects, plots, characters and languages.In fact, they just maintained the writing mode of main stream literature at the time of culture revolution. Both of the gradual changes and sudden changes can be seen in the works of some authors, for example Han Shaogong, Mo Yan, Wang Anyi and Zhang Jie.

【关键词】 文革新时期关联叙事学
【Key words】 Culture RevolutionNew Periodrelevancenarratology
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期