

The Ideological and Political Education During the Early Years of the People’s Republic of China and Its Basic Experience

【作者】 王员

【导师】 李康平; 祝黄河;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 建国初期是中国社会急剧变革的特殊时期,党的思想政治教育在推动社会变革平稳顺利实现中发挥了极其重要的作用。整个社会呈现出生机盎然的精神风貌和欣欣向荣的局面。本文在吸收和借鉴已有研究成果的基础上,依托大量历史文献,以马克思主义思想政治教育理论为指导,以思想政治教育基本规律为学科依据,系统研究这一时期的思想政治教育实践及其基本经验,对创新当代中国社会转型中的思想政治教育具有重要的启示意义。本文通过追溯和分析建国初期思想政治教育的理论来源与社会变革中思想政治教育的环境特征,为建国初思想政治教育寻求理论依据和实现出发点。马克思主义相关基本原理是建国初思想政治教育的基础理论,马克思主义思想政治教育理论是其直接理论根据。党在民主革命时期的思想政治教育及其理论总结,为建国初思想政治教育提供了实践经验。建国初思想政治教育政治环境特征体现为中共执政的全面性、社会形态的过渡性、政治体制的初创性和阶级关系的突变性;经济环境特征体现为经济形态的多样性和经济形势的严峻性;思想文化环境特征体现为各阶层社会心理的差异性和思想文化的多元性。特殊的环境特征成为建国初思想政治教育内容、载体、方法选择的现实根据。本文系统阐述了建国初期党从社会变革的特殊背景和现实环境出发,科学设置思想政治教育基本内容、合理选择思想政治教育方法、有效运用思想政治教育载体。一是以马克思主义理论教育为灵魂,以新民主主义和社会主义教育为核心,以形势任务和过渡时期总路线教育为重点,以无产阶级价值观教育为基础,构成一个层次清晰、错落有致的思想政治教育内容体系;二是综合运用了理论教育方法、实践教育方法、典型教育方法、批评与自我批评教育方法,以增强思想政治教育的针对性;三是充分利用丰富的执政资源和有利条件,科学有效地运用了活动载体、会议载体、大众传媒载体和文化载体等主要载体,有效地将党的思想理念、政治主张和价值观念等信息传递给教育对象,有效实现思想政治教育的目的,全面推进党的思想政治教育。本文合理评价了建国初期思想政治教育的成效及其历史地位。党从特殊的思想政治教育环境出发,科学选择和运用了符合实际的思想政治教育内容、载体和方法,使思想政治教育取得了良好的成效,对于引导各阶层对中国共产党的拥护与支持,推动社会变革、社会发展和社会转型平稳顺利实现,促进各阶层民众的主体性发展发挥了极其重要的作用,是党在新中国思想政治教育的开端,马克思主义思想政治教育理论中国化的重要阶段,在中国共产党思想政治教育史上具有承上启下的历史地位。本文系统总结了建国初期思想政治教育的经验、教训与启示。建国初党在思想政治教育中,通过加强教育主体自身建设,充分发挥马克思主义在社会转型中的核心作用,坚持为完成民主革命遗留任务和建设新中国的双重任务服务,充分运用政治动员的手段,坚持思想政治教育与满足人民群众合法利益有机统一,从而增强了思想政治教育的认同力、牵引力、现实力、感染力和说服力。但限于历史条件、已有经验和认识水平,在思想政治教育实践中存在对思想、理论和政治问题认识上的偏差,思想政治教育目标过高和步骤上的急于求成,以及群众斗争过度及方式简单粗暴的倾向,留下了深刻的教训。这些经验教训对当代中国社会转型中的思想政治教育具有重要的启示。

【Abstract】 The CPC’s ideological and political education played a vital role in promoting the stable and successful realization of the social transformation during the early years of the People’s Republic of China when great social transformation in China occurred rapidly. The whole society was full of life and prosperous. This paper systematically studies the ideological and political education practice and its basic experience at that time based on the existing research, a large number of historical documents, the basic law of the ideological and political education, and guided by Marxist ideological and political education theory. It has great significance on how to innovate the ideological and political education in contemporary China with social transformation.This paper tries to find out the theoretical basis and standing point at the time for the ideological and political education during the early years of the People’s Republic of China through retrospect and analysis of the theory source of the education at that time and its environmental characteristics in social transformation. The relevant basic Marxist principles are the basic theory of the education at that time. Marxist ideological and political education theory is the direct theoretical basis. CPC’s ideological and political education practice and its theory summarization in the period of the democratic revolution provided the education with practical experience. The political environment of the education at that time was CPC in power all over China, transition of social form, new establishment of political system and abrupt change of class relations. The economic environment was the diversity of economic form, the gravity of economic situation. The ideological and cultural environment was the different social psychology of different social strata and the diversity of ideology and culture. The choice of contents, media and methods of the education at the time was based on the unique environmental features.This paper systemically expounds how CPC scientifically designed the basic contents, reasonably chose the methods and efficiently used the carriers of the ideological and political education according to the special background of the social transformation and the social situation. Firstly, CPC took Marxist education as the soul, new democratic and socialist education as the core, the situation and task education, the general line in the transitional period as the focal point, the education of the proletariat values as its foundation to form a content system of the education with clear arrangement. Secondly, CPC used a comprehensive of efficient methods including theory education, practice education, typical education, criticism or self-criticism to increase the directedness of the education at that time. Thirdly, CPC made full use of the abundant resources when in power and the favorable conditions and scientifically and efficiently used the major carriers including activities, conferences, mass media and culture to effectively transmit CPC’s ideas, political opinion and values to those who were educated, and effectively realized CPC’s purpose of the education to promote the education all round.This paper reasonably assesses the effects of the ideological and political education during the early years of the People’s Republic of China and its historical status. According to the special situation of the education at the time, CPC reasonably chose and used the practical contents, carriers and methods to make the education effective, which played an important role in guiding different social strata to support CPC, successfully promoting the social transformation, social development, and the development of the people’s subjectivity at different levels. It is the beginning of CPC’s ideological and political education in New China and an important stage for the Marxist ideological and political education theory to be integrated with the specific conditions of China. It also forms a connecting link between the preceding and the following in the history of CPC’s ideological and political education.This paper systematically sums up the experience, lessons and inspiration from the ideological and political education during the early time. CPC then enhanced the self construction of the educating subjects, displayed core function of Marxism in the social transformation, persisted in the idea that the education served construction of New China and the completion of task left in the democratic revolution, made full use of political mobilization, integrated the education with satisfying people’s legitimate interests, which enhanced approval, traction, reality, appeal and conviction. But limited to the historical conditions, existing experience and knowledge, CPC left some profound lessons. For example, confusing ideas, theory, and political issues in the practice of the education, setting a too high goal for the education, being too anxious to achieve it, the mass struggle was beyond a certain degree and some manners were simple and rude. These experience and lessons have important inspiration to the ideological and political education in contemporary China where some social transformation is occurring.
