

【作者】 古中博

【导师】 林洪; 潘克厚;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 渔业经济与管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,海域富营养化现象不断加重,赤潮灾害发生频繁,防治工作实施刻不容缓。赤潮灾害防治工作是一项涉及多领域的复杂工作,需要进行生态、环境、经济、社会等系统不同层面的协调,由于缺乏不同层面的协调机制,现有的防治体系存在政策实施效率较低、可行性较差的问题,难以满足赤潮防治工作的要求。因此,赤潮防治研究工作的关键是如何将不同领域理论进行融合,为防治工作提供有针对性的、具体的、系统的理论指导,构建较为完整的赤潮防治理论体系。基于这一点,本文从如何提高赤潮防治工作的效率和如何提高赤潮防治工作实施可行性两方面内容展开,创新也多与这两方面内容相关,具体如下:一是探讨赤潮发生的内在社会经济机制根源,并提出相应的解决方法。如:针对海域环境资源使用存在的共有性问题,提出海域环境资源权属分离解决方案;针对外部性问题,探讨实施有差别收费和基于科斯手段进行排污权交易的可行性;针对政府管理失效问题,提出有效降低信息不对称的解决方案。二是构建赤潮灾害防治体系,制定有效的防治措施。如:对富营养物质过度排放问题进行系统研究,提出进行适度的生态补偿等富营养物排放的管理控制思路。三是对赤潮发生的生态系统、经济系统进行量化研究。构建赤潮发生过程动态演变模型、赤潮防治的投入产出模型等相关模型,通过对赤潮灾害发生的过程分析、投入产出的效果评价和分析,为赤潮防治资源分配和相关管理政策制定提供依据。四是构建了赤潮防治工作指标体系和评价体系。包括:海域环境容量估算、赤潮危害量化计算和赤潮防治工作效益评价体系等,为政策制定和方案实施提供参考。各章节的具体研究内容如下:第一章:对赤潮灾害成因、危害、赤潮技术研究进展和存在问题进行简要分析,同时对赤潮防治相关基础理论进行介绍。第二章:对我国的现行赤潮防治体制进行分析,简述目前管理体制存在的主要问题。对不同手段在赤潮发生过程所应发挥的作用进行了阐述。第三章:探讨赤潮发生的社会经济机制根源,分析现行防治政策实施过程存在问题并考察相关防治政策实施的可行性。第四章:进行赤潮防治资源配置与优化研究,通过防治资源分配的调整和优化,提高防治资源的使用效率,并达到防治的社会效益最大化和经济效益的最大化。第五章:建立了一系列赤潮防治生态—经济模型,如:赤潮防治的系统模型、赤潮发生过程动态演变模型、赤潮防治投入产出模型等,利用这些模型对赤潮发生进行了量化研究及对防治工作进行投入产出研究。第六章:进行富营养物质排放控制研究,提出应改变现行的浓度为主的控制模式,构建赤潮防治的富营养物排放控制的新体系。第七章:构建赤潮防治工作的评价指标体系,以衡量赤潮防治工作合理性与有效性。并通过赤潮灾害损失评价、富营养物总量控制实施效果评价、赤潮防治方案的经济效益评价研究,构建赤潮防治的评价体系。并借助赤潮防治工作评价指标和评价体系,为赤潮防治方案的实施提供指导或对实施过程进行所遇到的问题进行分析研究。

【Abstract】 As HABs have occurred frequently these years due to the extra nutrition of certain oceanic districts, it is high time we implemented the blue print of the precaution and controls. Yet this project is a complex relevant to a large number of fields. And it is in desperate need of coordination from different systems and multilevel concerning ecology, environment, economy and society and the like. However, it is rather difficult for the current system of the precaution and control to meet the demand, for we tend to be confronted with the problems of low efficiency and feasibility of a sort. In this case, the key of the project rests with how to integrate theories of different fields so as to render a relative, specific, and effective guideline and shaping relatively integrated theory system of the precaution and control of HABs. The thesis chiefly focuses on how to boost the efficiency and strives to increase the feasibility of the project. Hence, the innovation is mainly relevant to the two aspects. More details are as follows:1 To probe into the cause of the interior mechanism of society and economy and come up with an innovative blue print to solve the problem. For instance, the thesis puts forward a plan to resolve how to sever the ownership according to the common issue in utilizing the environmental resources of certain oceanic districts. Another case in point is to discuss the feasibility of emitting deal based on Koth means. Additionally, the thesis seeks a key to the problem of information asymmetry in allusion to the ineffective management of the government.2 To found a system of the precaution and control of HABs and provide relati ve steps. For example, the thesis conducts a systematic research about the problem of excessively emitting of extra nutrition and puts forward a systematic thought to control and manage the project, that is, the emitting gross of extra nutrition-the evaluation of environmental effects-the permission of emitting-the system of targeting responsibility.3 To conduct a research measured by quantity concerning ecosystem and economic system in the process of outbreak of HABs, say, to establish dynamic evolvement models and the model about the relationship of input and output. In addition, the analysis of outbreak of HABs, the means of the precaution and control, and the appraisement of the effects lay a solid foundation for potential policies and the assignment of resources.4 To set up the system of guide line and appraisement in the project of the precaution and control of HABs. The system encompasses the estimate of the environmental capacity in certain oceanic districts, the calculation of HABs from the perspective of quantity, and evaluation system of the effects attributed to the project, which renders a reference for the establishment and implementation of relative policies.We may take a look at every single chapter respectively.Chapter 1 briefly aims at analyzing the cause and harms of the outbreak of HABs, and the advance and setbacks in relevant researches. Meanwhile it introduces basic theories especially Biku and Koth theories.Chapter 2 is to analyze the current system of the precaution and control of HABs, and point out principal problems existing in current management system. It also illustrates respective functions of politic and economic means in the process of the outbreak of HABs.Chapter 3 probes into the cause of the occurrence of HABs from the perspective of the mechanism of society and economy. Also, it analyzes the problems existing in the implementation of the policies of the precaution and control, and testifies the feasibility of them. Chapter 4 focuses on assigning and optimizing resources of the project, boosting the efficiency in utilizing resources, refining ecological quality of ocean, reducing the occurrence of HABs, and maximizing the economic benefits of society.Chapter 5 concentrates on setting up a series of ecological and economic models to prevent and control HABs, encompassing systematic structures, dynamic evolvement, and output-input optimizing models and so forth. Moreover, it makes full use of these models to conduct researches concerning HABs and input-output of the blue print.Chapter 6 illustrates how to take a good control of emitting of extra nutrition. What is more, it comes up with an idea for the purpose of changing the current controlling mode and establishing a systematic management chain, namely, emitting gross of extra nutrition-appraisement of environmental effect-the permission of emitting-time limit renovation-the system of targeting responsibility.Chapter 7 is to found the evaluating guide line to evaluate harms of HABs and the achievements of the precaution and controls, and to weigh rationality and validity of the work. In the meantime, it lays a solid foundation for the blue print through establishment of the objective evaluation system about loss, effects and benefits. Chapter 7 is mainly concerning the analysis of the problems existing in implementation of the precaution and control of HABs.
