
不同饲料对刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)生长及能量收支的影响及机制

Effects of Dietary Diets on Growth and Energy Budget of Sea Cucumber, Appostichopus japonicus Selenka

【作者】 刘营

【导师】 董双林;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 水产养殖, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过一系列的实验研究了使用黄泥替代海泥,不同的饲料组分和搭配对刺参生长、摄食、饵料转化率以及能量收支的影响,结果总结如下:1.饲料中黄泥或海泥的含量对刺参生长及能量收支的影响本实验研究了刺参摄食含有不同比例黄泥或海泥的饲料对其生长及能量收支的影响。结果表明,用黄泥配制饲料与用海泥配制饲料养殖刺参幼参的生长没有显著差异(P<0.05);用100%的海藻粉喂养刺参的生长速度与添加5-60%黄泥或海泥的效果差异并不显著,而添加20%黄泥和海泥的刺参生长速度似乎更快一些;随饲料中泥含量的增加刺参摄食率和排粪率有升高的趋势,而表观消化率呈下降趋势。特定生长率在泥的添加量超过20%后有降低趋势,刺参的排粪能和呼吸能是其能量支出的主要部分。刺参的摄食能随着饲料中泥含量的下降而逐步上升,80%的黄泥(Y80)和80%海泥(S80)处理组的摄食能显著低于其他处理组(P<0.05),而100%藻粉(Z100)处理组摄食能显著高于其他处理组(P<0.05)。处理组Y80与S80刺参的生长能显著低于其他处理组(P<0.05)。并且其生长能占摄食能的比例最低,虽然处理组Y80和S80排粪能最低,但其占摄食能的比例最高。处理组Z100的呼吸能显著高于其他处理组(P<0.05),占摄食能的比例为44%。在含有相同比例的黄泥与海泥饲料处理组之间刺参的能量收支无显著差异(P>0.05)。生产中在饲料中添加20-40%的黄泥是经济、环保、可行的。本实验中刺参平均能量收支公式为:100C=4.27G+55.44F+3.69U+36.60R。2.不同藻粉种类对刺参生长及能量收支的影响采用80%的鼠尾藻粉、马尾藻粉、海带粉以及海带根粉四种不同藻粉与20%的黄泥和海泥制成配合饵料,对刺参的生长以及能量收支进行了研究。结果表明,刺参分别摄食黄泥或者海泥饵料对其生长无显著性影响(P>0.05);刺参摄食海带粉其特定生长率显著低于其他三种藻粉处理组(P<0.05),刺参的特定生长率在鼠尾藻、马尾藻以及海带根粉处理组之间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。刺参的摄食率在海带根粉处理组最高,海带粉处理组次之,鼠尾藻和马尾藻粉处理组最低。鼠尾藻粉处理组以及马尾藻粉处理组刺参的饵料转化率最高,且两者之间无显著差异(P>0.05),而海带粉处理组以及海带根粉处理组刺参的饵料转化率显著低于鼠尾藻粉以及马尾藻粉处理组。鼠尾藻和马尾藻粉处理组的刺参生长能占摄食能的比例(7.14-7.35%)显著高于海带粉以及海带根粉处理组;海带根粉处理组刺参的排粪能占摄食能的比例为64.29-65.27%,在各处理组中比例最高(P<0.05)。因此,使用价格低廉,资源丰富的海带根粉取代鼠尾藻粉是可行的。3.饲料中添加底栖硅藻对刺参生长及能量分配的影响通过在基础饲料(鼠尾藻粉与20%黄泥)中添加不同比例的底栖硅藻粉(0%、3%、9%和15%),对刺参的生长以及能量收支进行了研究。结果表明,饲料中不同比例的底栖硅藻对刺参的生长影响显著。刺参在摄食含9%底栖硅藻饲料时,其特定生长率达到最高值,且显著高于对照组(80%鼠尾藻+20%黄泥或海泥),但是在硅藻粉处理组之间无显著性差异。实验结果显示,饲料中的硅藻粉对刺参具有诱食作用,刺参摄食硅藻粉时其摄食率显著高于对照组。刺参的饵料转化率随饲料中硅藻粉含量的增加而升高。本研究证实,在饲料中添加9%的硅藻粉,能顺应刺参的食性,减少对海泥的依赖,并能够提高刺参的特定生长率和饵料转化率。4.鱼粉与鼠尾藻粉的不同搭配对刺参生长及能量分配的影响本实验使用不同比例的鱼粉(0%、5%、10%、15%以及20%,分别表示为F0、F5、F10、F15和F20)、鼠尾藻粉以及20%黄泥或海泥制成配合饲料,研究了不同比例的鱼粉对刺参的生长以及能量收支的影响。结果表明,刺参摄食含有黄泥与海泥的饲料其特定生长率无显著性差异。不同比例的鱼粉对刺参的生长以及饵料转化率影响显著。刺参摄食10%以及15%鱼粉的特定生长率显著高于对照组(0%鱼粉),且刺参摄食15%鱼粉的特定生长率显著高于摄食5%鱼粉的刺参,但是与10%以及20%处理组无显著性差异。刺参的摄食率以及排粪率随着饲料中鱼粉含量的升高呈下降趋势,而刺参的饵料转化率随鱼粉含量的上升而升高,刺参摄食含有10%以及20%鱼粉处理的摄食率显著低于对照组SS(80%藻粉+20%海泥)以及YS(80%藻粉+20%黄泥),并且处理组F20刺参的摄食率显著低于处理组F15(P<0.05)。刺参的排粪率也具有相似的规律,刺参的排粪率在F20处理组显著低于其他处理组,摄食含有鱼粉的刺参的排粪率也显著低于对照组SS以及YS。刺参的饵料转化率随饲料中鱼粉比例的升高而上升,在处理组F20达到最大值(3.79%),而对照组SS以及YS的饵料转化率只有1.47-1.74%。刺参摄食含有鱼粉的饲料其用于生长的能量高于没有添加鱼粉的处理组刺参,这表明在饲料中添加一定比例的鱼粉(10-15%),提高饲料的蛋白含量,能够提高刺参的特定生长率以及饵料转化率,提升刺参对饲料的利用效率。5.鱼粉与海带粉的不同配比对刺参生长及能量分配的影响实验采用不同比例的鱼粉(0%、7%、14%、21%、28%、35%与42%,分别表示为F0、F7、F14、F21、F28、F35和F42)与海带粉以及20%黄泥搭配,以80%鼠尾藻粉和20%黄泥作为对照组,对刺参的生长以及能量收支进行了研究。结果表明,刺参单一摄食海带粉,其特定生长率显著低于鼠尾藻粉处理组,刺参在摄食不同比例的鱼粉与海带粉饲料时,随着饲料中鱼粉比例的不断升高,其特定生长率也随之升高,在鱼粉的比例达21%及以上时,其效果与鼠尾藻粉相同;在鱼粉比例为35%时,特定生长率达到最高值为0.99%d-1。刺参的摄食率随着饲料中鱼粉比例升高成抛物线状,在饲料中鱼粉比例为14%时,达到最高值,在鱼粉比例42%时处于最低为0.24 g g-1d-1。刺参的排粪率呈现与摄食率相同的趋势,F35(35%鱼粉)处理组的刺参其饵料转化率最高,且显著高于其他处理组。刺参的生长能占摄食能的比例在对照组最高为4.63%,最低出现在F7(7%鱼粉)处理组为2.97%。对照组的刺参排泄能为3.14%,高于其他各个处理组,并显著高于处理组F0、F7、F14、F21和F28的刺参。研究结果表明,饲料中添加大量的海带粉在一定程度上阻碍刺参的生长与吸收,而饲料中添加高蛋白含量的鱼粉则对提高刺参的生长率以及饲料利用率有很大作用。

【Abstract】 1. Effects of dietary sea mud and yellow soil on growth and energy budget of the sea cucumber(Apostichopus japonicus Selenka)The effect of diets containing 0%、5%、10%、20%、40%、60% and 80% of yellow soil or sea mud on growth and energy budget in sea cucumber was studied. Results showed that sea cucumber obtained best growth fed with diets containing 20% yellow soil or sea mud, different percent of yellow soil or sea mud in diets affected the food ingestion, feces production and digestive ratios, and showed significant difference. As the percentage of soil or mud in the diets increased, energy lost in feces went up and energy deposited in growth went down, Sea cucumber fed with diets containing 80% yellow soil or sea mud got lowest energy from food, and sea cucumber fed with diets containing 20% yellow soil or sea mud had the highest energy deposited in growth than other diets. The average energy budget formula was 100C= 4.27G+55.44F+ 3.69U+36.60R. According to the study, sea mud in diets for sea cucumber could be replaced by yellow soil.2. The effect of different macroalgae on growth and energy budget of sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus Selenka)A study was conducted using diets containing 80% different seaweeds (Sargassum thunbergii, Sargassum polycystum, Laminaria japonica leaf or thallus and Laminaria japonica root) and 20% yellow soil or sea mud to generate information on growth and energy budget of sea cucumber(Apostichopus japonicus). The results showed that there’s no difference between diets containing the same proportion of sea mud and yellow soil. Sea cucumbers fed with diet containing the Laminaria japonica leaf or thallus had a significant lowest specific growth rate (SGR) in different four diets (P<0.05), and there was no different in three other diets. There was a highest level on ingestion rate of sea cucumbers fed with Laminaria japonica root diet. Sea cucumbers fed diets containing Sargassum thunbergii and Sargassum polycystum showed a highest energy deposited for growth, and had significant difference from animals fed Laminaria japonica leaf or thallus and Laminaria japonica root. The energy lost in feces accounted for the majority of the energy intake, and showed a highest percent in Laminaria japonica root treatment (64.29-65.27%).3. Effects of diatoms in diets on growth and energy allocation of sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus Selenka)This study investigated the effect of different percent diatoms (0%,3%,9%and 15%) on growth and energy budget in sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus). The result showed that there were significant differences on growth when sea cucumbers were fed diets with different percent of diatoms. Sea cucumbers fed with 9% diatoms showed the highest specific growth rate (SGR) and had the significant difference with the 0% diatoms (SS or YS treatments) treatments, no significant difference in SGR was found in diatoms treatments. The percent of energy deposited for growth raised with higher percentage of diatoms, and the percent of energy lost in feces had the same trend, however, the energy lost in respiration had the increasing trend. In this study, we found that the sea cucumber had better growth with 9% diatoms in diets, this could be helpful in the feed development for sea cucumbers.4. Effects of fishmeal on growth and energy allocation of sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus Selenka)This study investigated the influence of different proportions of fish meal and macroalgae (Sargassum thunbergii) on growth and energy budget in sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus). The result showed that the sea cucumbers fed with 15% fish meal had the highest specific growth rate (SGR), and was significantly higher than treatment containing 5% fish meal (F5 treatment) and control group (SS and YS treatments) (P<0.05), however, no significant difference was found among treatments fed with diets containing 10%,15% and 20% fish meal. The ingestion rate and feces production rate showed a descending trend as the percentage of fishmeal in diets increasing, while the food conversion efficiency showed ascending trend. Energy deposited for growth in fish meal treatments was higher than the control treatments, this indicated that there was more energy using for growth when sea cucumbers fed diets containing fish meal. It was a feasible approach for sea cucumbers fed diets containing 10-15% fish meal.5. The effect of fish meal and Laminaria japonica in diets on growth and energy allocation of sea cucumber(Apostichopus japonicus Selenka)Seven fish meal treatments (0%,7%,14%,21%,28%,35% and 42%) with macroalga (Laminaria japonica) were used to investigate the effect of different proportions of fish meal in diets on growth and energy allocation in sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus). The result showed that specific growth rate (SGR) in Laminaria japonica treatment was significantly lower than in Sargassum thunbergii treatment. The specific growth rate showed ascending trend as the proportion of fish meal in diets increasing, the SGR of sea cucumbers showed that the highest data (0.99% d-1) in treatment fed with diet containing 35% fish meal, however, no significant difference was found compared with the control treatment. The ingestion rate of sea cucumbers showed a parabola type as the proportion of fish meal in diets increased, the trend of the feces production rate was the same as the ingestion rate. Sea cucumbers fed diets containing 35% fish meal had the significantly highest food conversion efficiency. Energy deposited for growth was 4.63% in control group, higher than other treatments, and was lowest (2.97%) in 7% fish meal (F7) treatment. This study indicated that suitable proportion of Laminaria japonica and fish meal in diet was good for the sea cucumber culture.
