

Studies on Community Structure and Biodiversity of Zooplankton in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea

【作者】 陈洪举

【导师】 刘光兴;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 环境科学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 利用2006年6-7月、2007年1-2月、2007年11月和2009年4-5月在黄海和东海进行的4个航次的断面调查所获得的大中型浮游动物样品,对黄、东海浮游动物的种类组成、丰度及生物多样性进行了研究;采用多元统计方法分析了黄东海浮游动物的群落结构并探讨了浮游动物与环境因子间的关系;同时首次将分类学多样性指数应用于我国浮游动物生态学研究领域,研究了黄、东海浮游桡足类的多样性。本研究旨在较全面、系统地查明黄海和东海浮游动物的群落生态学特征,探讨我国东部陆架边缘海浮游动物群落演替规律及其与环境演变的关系,同时,为深入研究黄东海浮游动物的长期变化、海洋生态系统动态变化机制、生物资源持续利用研究和生态环境影响评价及生态环境保护措施的制订等提供基础资料和不可或缺的重要依据。结果表明:黄、东海浮游动物种类组成十分丰富,4航次共记录浮游动物种类859个、浮游幼虫37类,合计种类896个。黄、东海浮游动物的种类包括原生动物门、刺胞动物门、栉水母动物门、环节动物门、软体动物门、节肢动物门、毛颚动物门和脊索动物门等。甲壳动物和刺胞动物是种类最丰富的浮游动物类群。浮游甲壳动物的种类数量占到总种数的一半以上,桡足类是其主要类群。黄、东海浮游动物的丰度呈现明显的季节波动,原生动物、桡足类和浮游幼虫是数量最丰富的类群,总丰度的平面分布主要由这3个类群决定。春季,浮游动物平均丰度为5036.9 ind/m3,丰度的高值区主要密集于山东沿岸、长江口水域和浙闽沿岸;原生动物占绝对优势,平均值为3964.6 ind/m3,其次是桡足类,平均丰度为707.6 ind/m3,浮游幼虫的平均丰度为78.4 ind/m3。夏季,浮游动物平均丰度为1118.8 ind/m3,黄海的浮游动物丰度显著低于东海,高值区主要分布于东海近岸水域;原生动物的丰度大幅度降低,平均丰度仅为16.3 ind/m3,桡足类的平均丰度为443.9 ind/m3,分布相对均匀,浮游幼虫主要分布在长江口外围水域和浙闽沿岸以及山东半岛北岸,平均丰度为57.4 ind/m3。秋季,浮游动物平均丰度为790.2 ind/m3,在整个研究水域分布比较均匀;原生动物的平均丰度为167.9ind/m3,桡足类的平均丰度为353.8 ind/m3,浮游幼虫的平均丰度达到四季的最高值81.8 ind/m3。冬季,浮游动物丰度大幅下降,达到全年最低,平均值仅为162.3ind/m3,黄海和东海近岸水域丰度下降幅度非常大,使得东海外海成为浮游动物丰度的高值区;桡足类及浮游幼虫的分布趋势与总丰度类似,其平均丰度分别为64.8 ind/m3和9.3 ind/m3。由于各季节浮游动物不同生态类型间的比例有很大变化,而且环境条件差异显著,所以浮游动物丰度与环境因子的相关性并不一致,这也说明在不同季节,影响浮游动物种类组成和群落结构的外因不同。秋冬季浮游动物生物多样性明显高于夏春季,但4个季节的生物多样性平面分布趋势基本一致,即东海外海>东海近岸>黄海。浮游动物的种类数随纬度的减小而逐渐增大。在黄海,种类数的纬向梯度很小而趋于均匀;而在东海,浮游动物的种类数变化梯度很大,且存在明显的经向梯度。多元统计分析显示,黄海与东海的浮游动物群落存在显著差异。黄海的浮游动物群落属于偏温带类型的群落,主要有黄海群落(Y)和黄海近岸群落(苏北近岸群落)(SC),其浮游动物种类组成简单,群落结构比较单一;而东海的浮游动物群落则属于暖水性群落,主要有黑潮群落(K)、东海混合水群落(EM)和东海近岸群落(EC)。东海的浮游动物群落结构复杂,3个群落在陆架延伸方向上依次呈带状分布。此外夏季还在长江口邻近水域划分出长江口群落(CJ)。浮游动物群落结构受环境变量的显著影响。各浮游动物群落均有其相应的分布区域,但在不同季节随着各水系的消长,浮游动物群落的分布范围也存在季节性的变化和位移。浮游桡足类生物多样性总体呈现从外海到近岸、从南至北逐渐降低的趋势,但其分布模式,随采用不同的指数而有所不同。根据本次调查结果并综合目前关于我国渤黄东海浮游桡足类研究的文献,系统整理黄、东海浮游桡足类的总种类名录,并计算了其等级多样性。黄、东海有浮游桡足类406种,隶属于109属,44科,5目。根据总名录,计算了平均分类差异指数(△+)和分类差异变异指数((?)+)的理论平均值及95%置信曲线,其中△+的理论平均值为84.3。4季各群落浮游桡足类的平均分类差异指数(△+)都位于95%置信漏斗曲线的内部,说明黄、东海浮游桡足类群落结构正常。黑潮群落和东海混合水群落的绝大多数站位的分类差异变异指数((?)+)显著偏高,并有相当部分位于95%置信漏斗曲线的外部,这是由该水域浮游桡足类种类组成复杂、分类学差异大造成的。

【Abstract】 The species composition, abundance and biodiversity of zooplankton in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea were studied based on the samples collected during four cruises in Jun.-Jul.2006, Jan.-Feb.2007, Nov.2007 and Apr.-May 2009. Zooplankton community structure were analyzed through multivariate analysis method. The correlations between zooplankton community and envionmental factors were also discussed. The taxonomic diversity of pelagic copepods in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea were studied. This is the first time of taxonomic diversity to be used in community ecology of zooplankton in China seas. The major objective of this study is to elucidate zooplankton species composition and distribution on the shelf and to explore the relation of zooplankton community with environment. This research can provide fundamental information for the long-term monitoring of plankton ecology in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. The main results are as follows:A total of 859 zooplankton taxa and 37 pelagic larvae were identified during 4 surveys. The zooplankton species belong to 8 phyla:Protozoa, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Annelida, Mollusca, Arthropoda, Chaetognatha and Urochordata. The species number of Crustacea and Cnidaria were most abundant among these identified groups. The species number of pelagic crustacean represented above 50% of total species richness and copepods was the most important component.The abundance of zooplankton in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea changed dramatically during 4 seasons. Protozoan, copepods and pelagic larvae were the most abundant groups, which greatly controlled the distribution of tatal abundance. In spring, the mean abundance of zooplankton was 5036.9 ind/m3, and the high value area was located in coastal region of Shandong, Zhejiang and Fujian Province and the adjacent waters of Changjiang River Estuary. Protozoan was in great dominance, with mean abundance of 3964.6 ind/m3, followed by copepods (707.6 ind/m3) and pelagic larvae (78.4 ind/m3). In summer, the average abundance of zooplankton was 1118.8 ind/m, and the abundance in the East China Sea was higher than that in the Yellow Sea. The high value area located in coastal area of the East China Sea. The protozoan abundance declined obviously (16.3 ind/m3) during summer. The average abundance of copepods was 443.9 ind/m3, and its spatial distribution was relatively even in suvryed area. Pelagic larvae mainly distributed in the coastal region of Zhejiang and Fujian Province, the adjacent waters of Changjiang River Estuary and in the north of Shandong Peninsula, with mean abundance of 57.4 ind/m3. In autumn, the average abundance of zooplankton was 790.2 ind/m3, and distributed relatively even in suvryed area. The mean abundance of protozoan was 167.9 ind/m3, and copepods was 353.8 ind/m3. Pelagic larvae abundance came to the maximum value (81.8 ind/m3) in the year. Zooplankton abundance decreased sharply during winter (162.3 ind/m3), the highest value presented in the offshore area of the East China Sea. The distribution trend of copepods and pelagic larvae was similar with total abundance, and the average value was 64.8 ind/m3 and 9.3 ind/m3, respectively.There were many different ecological categories in zooplankton community in this region, and each category had its relevant hydrographic factor. The proportion of each category varied following the change of environmental conditions in different seasons, so the zooplankton abundance showed different relationships with environmental factors in 4 seasons.Zooplankton biodiversity was significantly higher in autumn and winter than that in summer and spring, but the spatial distribution pattern was almost the same: Offshore area of the East China Sea> Inshore area of the East China Sea> the Yellow Sea. The species richness decreased gradually with increasing latitude. Especially in the East China Sea, zooplankton biodiversity performed an obvious gradient across the shelf.According to the multivariate analysis, significant differences of zooplankton communities were detected between the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. Communities in the Yellow Sea belong to "temperate fauna", with simple species composation, including Yellow Sea Community (Y) and Yellow Sea Coastal Community (Subei Coastal Community, SC); Communities in the East China Sea belong to "warm-water fauna", including Kuroshio Community (K), East China Sea Mixed-water Community (EM) and East China Sea Coastal Community (EC). Zooplankton community structure was more complex in the East China Sea,3 communities form a cross-shore zonation. Besides, a Changjiang River Estuary Community (CJ) was detected in summer in the neighborhood of Changjiang River delta, as a result of the great influence from Changjiang River discharge. Environment with different oceangraphic features support pelagic fauna with different species compositions. The present study showed a clear relationship between zooplankton assemblages and water masses distributions. The boundaries of the different planktonic communities shift with changes in hydrographic conditions, especially, with changes in the movement of water masses and currents in different seasons.The biodiversity distribution tendencies of pelagic copepods showed different patterns depending on which index was being calculated. Species richness and Shannon-Wiener index were significantly higher in East China Sea, whereas taxonomic distinctness was significantly higher in the Yellow Sea.Based on the present surveys combined with previous studies, the master list of pelagic copepods in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea were set up, and its hierarchical diversity was analysed. A total of 5 orders,44 families,109 genera and 406 species of pelagic copepods heretofore recorded in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. The funnel plots with 95% confidence limits for both Average Taxonomic Distinctness (AvTD,⊿+) and Variation in Taxonomic Distinctness (VarTD, A+) and the ellipse plots with 95% probability contours for the joint distribution of AvTD and VarTD of the pelagic copepods master list of the Yellow Sea and East China Sea were established, and the AvTD is 84.3.The AvTD value of each community in different season all fell inside the confidence funnel, which indicated a normal state of community structure. The VarTD value of many stations of Kuroshio Community and East China Sea Mixed-water Community fell above the confidence funnel, indicating a higher than expected variation in distinctness of species pairs.
