

Study on Property Efficiency of Marine Space Resources Assets

【作者】 高伟

【导师】 王淼;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 农业经济管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 海洋空间资源是海洋资源的重要组成部分,既是一种自然资源,也是容纳其他海洋资源的空间载体,因此海洋空间资源性资产的产权归属对所有海洋资源的开发利用都有直接的影响。我国海洋空间资源性资产作为国有资源性资产,长期存在无偿占用和无序开发等现象,海洋空间资源性资产配置低效,国家所有权得不到经济利益上的实现,究其根源在于我国现行海洋空间资源性资产产权制度效率的低下。本文研究的目的在于通过对海洋空间资源性资产产权制度效率的分析,为我国建立完善而高效的海洋空间资源性资产产权制度提供理论支持,以实现我国海洋空间资源性资产的可持续利用和海洋经济的可持续发展。本文在综合国内外相关研究的基础上,采用定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法,针对海洋空间资源性资产产权效率的界定、影响因素、测度方法、优化方法进行重点研究,并探讨如何设计高效率的海洋空间资源性资产产权制度,进而为我国现行海洋空间资源性资产产权制度改革提出建议。本文研究内容可以分为以下几个部分:第一,对海洋空间资源性资产和海洋空间资源性资产产权的概念进行界定,分析海洋空间资源性资产的自然特征、社会经济特征以及海洋空间资源性资产产权的特征。诠释海洋空间资源性资产产权制度的定义,分析构成产权制度的基本要素以及产权界定的主要内容。第二,论述有效的海洋空间资源性资产产权制度应该具备的减少不确定性、形成激励与约束机制、优化资源配置等功能,借鉴马克思主义经济学和新制度经济学的产权制度效率标准,对海洋空间资源性资产产权效率进行界定,并从资产产权、外部性、产权制度、科学技术等四个方面系统分析海洋空间资源性资产产权效率的影响机理。第三,运用成本效益分析法对海洋空间资源性资产产权效率进行分析,研究产权制度的创立成本、实施成本、经济效益、社会效益、生态效益的评估方法并尽可能的进行货币化计量。将产权制度的成本和效益的货币化计量结果进行比较,从而得出海洋空间资源性资产产权效率测度方法,建立产权效率静态测度模型和动态测度模型。第四,提出优化海洋空间资源性资产产权效率的要求,选择多目标规划的优化方法,建立海洋空间资源性资产产权效率的分层多目标优化模型,并着眼于产权制度的三个关键环节分析产权效率的提升路径。以海洋空间资源性资产的可持续利用、社会公平和高效配置为目标,按照制度可行性、适应海洋空间资源性资产特点、产权清晰、权责对等的要求设计高效率海洋空间资源性资产产权制度,提出设计高效率海洋空间资源性资产产权制度的总体思路,并从所有权代理制度、产权初级分配和产权交易市场三个方面分析产权制度的运行策略。第五,在回顾我国海洋空间资源性资产产权制度的历史演变,阐述现行海洋空间资源性资产所有权行使制度和产权管理体制的基础上,把理论研究的结果运用到对实践的分析中,解析我国现行海洋空间资源性资产产权制度低效率运行的原因,并针对这些原因,从提高产权效率的角度出发,提出我国现行海洋空间资源性资产产权制度的改革取向、产权制度改革的保障体系,提供切实可行的实施对策。

【Abstract】 Marine space resources are important components of marine resources. They are not only a kind of natural resources, but also spatial carriers to accommodate other marine resources. Any marine resource development and utilization activities are related to the occupation of marine space resources, so the ownership of the property rights of marine space resources assets has a direct impact on development and utilization of other marine resources. China has jurisdiction over the marine space resources of 300 million square kilometers wide, but the marine space resources assets which can be used effectively under the existing conditions are very limited. China’s marine space resources assets are state-owned resources assets. Free occupation, anarchic exploitation and inefficient allocation of marine space resources are long-standing phenomena. The economic interests of country ownership cannot be achieved. It is rooted in the low efficiency of the existing property system. Purpose of this study lays in the analysis of property efficiency of marine space resources assets, to provide theoretical support for establishing sound and efficient property system of marine space resources assets of China, in order to achieve the sustainable use of our marine space resources assets and the sustainable development of marine economy.The main research of this article focuses on:Firstly, define the conceptions of marine space resources assets and the property of marine space resources assets, analysis the natural features, socio-economic characteristics of marine space resources assets, and the characteristics of the property of marine space resources assets; Analyze the definition of property system of marine space resources, the basic elements constitute the property system and the main content of property definition.Secondly, discuss effective property system of marine space resources assets should be available to reduce uncertainty, create incentive and restriction mechanism and optimizing resource allocation; Learning property system efficiency standards from Marxist economics and new institutional economics, define the property efficiency of marine space resources assets; Analyze influences to property efficiency of marine space resource assets from following seven aspects:property right, property right system, externalities and technology.Thirdly, research on property efficiency of marine space resource assets using cost-benefit analysis; Study the assessment methods of creation costs, implementation costs, economic benefits, social benefits and ecological benefits of property system, find a way to the conduct of monetary measurement; Compare the monetary measurement results of the costs and benefits of property system to establish the measurement model of property efficiency.Fourthly, propose requirements for optimizing the property efficiency of marine space resources assets; Use multi-objective planning optimization method to establish the hierarchical multi-objective optimization model for property efficiency of marine space resources assets; Analyze the path to enhance property efficiency of marine space resources assets form three key aspects of property rights system; The sustainable use of marine space resources, social equity and efficient allocation as the target, in accordance with the requirements of feasibility of the system, adaptation to characteristics of the marine space resources assets, clarity of property, equalities between rights and responsibilities, design an efficient property system of marine space resources assets; Propose the general concept for designing an efficient property system of marine space resources assets, and analyze the operation strategy in three aspects, including the property agency system, the initial allocation of property and property trading market.Fifthly, base on reviewing the historical evolution of China’s property system of marine space resources assets and introduction of current ownership exercise system and property management system of marine space resources assets, linking theory with practice, analyze the reasons for low efficiency of China’s existing property system of marine space resources assets; In response to these reasons, from the perspective of improving the property efficiency, propose the direction of reform and security system for China’s existing property system of marine space resources assets, and then provide practical implementation measures.
