

Research of 3G-Terminal Oriented Mobile Geographic Information Services

【作者】 宁安良

【导师】 孟凡顺;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 海洋地质, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 地理信息服务在现代信息服务业中占有非常重要的地位,许多发达国家都将地理信息服务列为国家发展的战略计划和工作重点,从个人用户到国家研究的科研课题中均强调要利用网络和信息技术及时有效地为用户提供综合、客观的地理信息服务。信息通信技术是现代服务业发展的“引擎”,智能移动通信终端正在人们生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色,成为个人信息中心。在需求和技术的双重驱动下,移动通信与空间信息的集成成为必然,移动空间信息服务将取得突飞猛进的发展。如何把地理空间信息在移动通讯设备上发布是当今的热门话题,依赖后台的地理空间数据库,提供实时的地理信息服务,并把查询结果按照符合移动通讯设备的格式发送到终端是本文的研究目标。如何将互联网上的海量信息和强大的应用服务功能扩展到移动终端上,利用空间定位技术和GIS技术,将获取的位置信息以及其他空间和属性信息搜集起来,然后自动地从这些信息中提取出用户感兴趣的信息,并将这些信息以用户想要的形式展示给用户。本文主要从以下几方面来研究:1.IT技术的进步从根本上改变了信息服务和知识获取的方式,分析研究在现代信息服务技术条件下地理信息公众服务的方式、体系实现等问题。2.地理信息技术的发展应用为移动地理信息服务的产生和发展奠定了基础,良好的服务模式是地理信息服务得以实施的关键问题。分析研究了网络计算环境下的地理信息服务模式,主要是WebGIS,GRIDGIS的地理信息服务体系。3.移动互联网正在改变互联网的应用类型,改变互联网的覆盖范围和方式,改变互联网的用户群,改变人们对互联网的理解和使用,并将极大地改变互联网的社会化应用的广度和深度。分析研究了移动计算环境下地理信息服务的模式。4.研究了位置服务LBS的体系组成和设计原则。LBS在利用移动通信技术和移动定位技术的基础上做了的积极探索,为实现在宽带移动互联网条件下的地理信息公众服务的实现提供了有益的借鉴。5.移动终端尤其是智能移动终端在人们生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色,成为个人信息中心。如何把地理空间信息在移动通讯设备上发布是当今的热门研究话题,本文在Ophone系统平台上做了一些探索研究。本文的主要创新点:1.从一个独特的视角分析了去研究实现面向公众地理信息服务的必要性,即从地理信息的社会属性和经济属性出发,研究作为现代信息服务主体的地理信息服务的用户需求、服务分类、服务提供等的社会基础问题。2.比较分析了固定网络环境下基于WebGIS, GridGIS等地理信息服务的体系结构,服务架构,服务的实现,指出了传统互联网发展的瓶颈问题对网络环境下的地理信息服务提供和推广的影响。3.在空间信息服务中引入网格技术,利用网格技术来改造空间信息服务,增强服务功能,提高服务效率,实现按需提供服务,在空间信息充分得到共享的基础上,满足多用户、多层次、多样化的空间信息应用需求。利用空间信息多级网格(SIMG)作为工具,实现网格技术与空间信息技术的结合,从而实现在开放网格体系结构中,全面吸收Web Service的技术和标准,找出适合网格计算将对空间数据的应用扩展到网格服务的层面上,充分利用格网体系结构中的先进特性,使空间信息更好地满足用户需求。4.以Web 2.0理念以及相应技术体系(Grid, Ajax, CSS+XHTML)为各种地理信息应用带来全新的技术和运维支撑,同时也要求为用户提供的各种服务具备体验性、沟通性、差异性、创造性和关联性等特性。移动G1S集成服务本质上不是单纯的某一项技术,而是由多学科、多技术领域交叉,提出了新技术条件下移动地理信息服务模型。5.利用Ophone/iPhone先进的网页浏览条件,建立面向Ophone/iPhone的WebGIS应用系统,满足社会大众对于WebGIS应用需求。采用SUN公司J2ME平台设计GIS手机终端上的应用程序,通过3G通信网和LBS获取的移动定位信息服务。尝试构建一个地理信息公共服务平台,在网络化内容服务、多尺度互联互通等方面满足政府、专业部门和公众的多层次需求。

【Abstract】 Geographic information services have quietly stepped into our lives in recent years, and geographic information services are gradually being applied in various fielda now. With the development of GIS technology, wireless positioning technology of mobile terminals, wireless transmission technology of spatial information and mobile representation technology of spatial information services. It becomes true to learn and cognize the knowledge about surrounding and environment more clearly in the digital earth and the digital city. The capabilities of applying the information, especially the spatial information, are not only the privileges in the government, enterprises and scientists, but also the demands of the public. Being directed by the idea of serving the people, the new information-applying mode is proposed. Anyone can request to use the advantages which the science and technology bring us in anywhere. It should serve to the public and the society firstly. As part of these high-techs, the Mobile GIS Service was represented in this thesis.However, poor performance hardware of mobile terminals, narrow bandwidth of wireless networks and slow transmission of spatial data make enormous challenge for the application of mobile spatial information services. The emergence of mobile internet with its personalized mobile communicationa and massive internet inforamtion has changed people’s life and working. Mobile computing will become mainstream computing environment, and mobile GIS becomes to the important growth point in GIS domain. This paper intends to put forward some new thoughts and methods on key technologies for mobile spatial information services and to validate them efficiency and practicability through theory and practice. Main researches and concrete work include following aspects:1. the composition and characteristics of mobile spatial information services are discussed and related key technologies of mobile spatial information services from the technical aspect are analyzed, including deployment and management technologies of spatial information, wireless positioning technology of mobile terminals, wireless transmission technology of spatial information and mobile representation technology of spatial information. The analysis about these technologies is the basis of the researches of mobile spatial information services.2. Discusses the technical issues involved in the combination of mobile GIS and grid GIS. Based on the analysis of geographic information services, mobile GIS, grid GIS, and other related technical, the technical issues that involved in the combination of mobile GIS and grid GIS includes:the spatial information services that fully consider the characteristics of mobile devices and fit for the mobile users need to be established; a reasonable mechanism for scheduling grid resources and information fault-tolerant strategy should be researched; the spatial data compression and the wireless network asynchronous data transmission must be supported; the spatial data access mechanisms for the balance of remote data access and local data storage need to be considered; the humanistic man-machine interface should be designed.3. Based on the analysis of the mobile environment characteristics, a mobile user oriented spatial information grid service model is designed, and the specific methods are presented. It is divided into spatial information service layer, grid management layer, wireless transmission layer and mobile terminal layer. The spatial information service layer is consisted by the numbers of mobile spatial information services in the network; the grid management layer supplies a geographic portal to deal with the mobile users’ requests and manage the mobile services; the wireless transmission layer is the bridge between mobile user and grid service center; the mobile terminal layer, which access the grid by a lightweight embedded GIS program, is the client of the model.4. Integrated by Mobile Communication, Geographic Information System and localization technology, Location-based Services can have an effect on Emergency Aid, Logistics Management, Tourism and Entertainment; it’s a promising add-on service. Specifically, restricted to its own conditions, mobile devices experience small memory, low capacity, narrow bandwidth and frequent disconnection issues.5. The dissertation includes the research and analysis of those relative questions of mainstream platform, exploration the technology, service discovery and registration of platform of geographic information services based on OpenGIS and Web Service.The main innovation of this paper can be concluded as follows:1. Explores the management mechanism of mobile spatial information service resources in grid environment. To decrease the bandwidth consumption, reduce the network latency, and fully considering the network instability, the way that build grid system for managing mobile spatial information services is discussed, and the grid management mechanism is designed and realized.2. Using the independently developed spatial database engine, the complete process for constructing a mobile spatial information service is introduced detailed. Then, through the grid directory and agent technology, the distributed heterogeneous mobile spatial information services are managed unified according to certain rules, so the requirement of parallel and implicit service communication in the grid environment is met.3. Paper discussed the data integration technologies faced multi information sources, the rapid searching and intelligent distilling technologies of layered magnanimity spatial data, two buildings’ best route choice arithmetic based on the road network, interoperation in different GIS platform, GIS WAP Service faced the mobile communication mechanisms upward 2.5G, the system architecture based on Agent and MAS etc. All of above were separated from three directions, spatial information dealing, service and the demonstration system integration. These technologies were born from the engineering practice and experience.4. Studies on the spatial information service calling method for mobile devices in grid environment. The mobile devices use a lightweight embedded GIS program to access grid. First of all, the mobile device captures the GPS signals from GPS receiver, parses and processes the signal to position information; then, the GIS program organizes the XML request and sends to the grid service center; the center transfers the compressed spatial data which obtained by service calling back to the device asynchronously through a wireless network; the GIS program builds cache and cache index on the receive data, and uses the cache elimination mechanism to manage it finally, the program displays the result on the device screen.5. Combination of mobile GIS and grid GIS. Based on the analysis of geographic information services, mobile GIS, grid GIS, and other related technical, the technical issues that involved in the combination of mobile GIS and Ophone platform includes:the spatial information services that fully consider the characteristics of mobile devices and fit for the mobile users need to be established.
