

The Research of Chinese Urban Family Care and Pension under the View of Harmonious Society

【作者】 祁峰

【导师】 薛忠义;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着人口老龄化社会的来临,任何一种单一的养老方式都不能满足老人养老的需求,需要建立家庭、社区、政府、非营利组织共同支撑的养老保障网络——居家养老,它是一种顺应福利多元化趋势的养老方式。发展社会化居家养老,正成为包括我国在内的世界各国解决养老问题的共识。第1章,中国城市居家养老的概念及相关理论。居家养老在我国的产生和发展,是近十年的事情,它是在西方发达国家社区照顾基础上发展起来的,是社会化福利服务的一项重要内容。到目前为止,居家养老的概念还没有统一起来,有场所论、主辅论等五种观点,为大多数人所认可地为“主辅论”。居家养老的内容包括:物质帮助、生活照料、精神慰藉、医疗保健等。居家养老特征主要有:养老功能全方位性、多元性、社区性、方便性。第2章,中国城市居家养老主体的地位与功能。居家养老的主体有家庭、社区、非营利组织、政府。家庭是社会生活的基本细胞,是社会福利的原始提供者;社区既可满足老人在家养老的愿望,又能弥补机构养老和家庭养老的不足;非营利组织参与居家养老是通过政府向非营利组织购买居家养老服务,非营利组织提供养老服务来实现的,非营利组织起到桥梁作用;政府在居家养老中发挥主导作用。第3章,中国城市居家养老典型分析。中国的居家养老主要有三种典型方式,分别是大连的居家养老院、上海的政府购买居家养老服务、宁波的非营利组织参与居家养老服务。中国的居家养老存在服务项目少、内容简单、资金缺乏、功能设置不合理、服务人员素质不高等问题。居家养老需要政府大力支持、社会参与、服务专业化,以及提供多元化养老服务体系。第4章,英国、日本的居家养老。英国、日本特别重视家庭的养老功能,英国主要采用社区照顾的方式,为老年人和社会需要援助的人提供适当的社区照顾和支援,从而使这些人在自己熟悉的家中和社区环境中过独立、正常的生活;日本制定护理保险法强化居家养老护理服务,服务内容多达142页,分别有居家上门服务、短时托付服务、长期照顾服务、健康指导服务。第5章,构建中国城市居家养老体系。中国城市和谐居家养老体系包括:政府、社区、家庭、非营利组织等多种主体,在居家养老中,需要政府科学掌舵、社区积极服务、非营利组织大力合作、家庭履行义务。居家养老应遵循:实用性、多元性、以人为本、法制原则。居家养老所要达到的目标:老有所养、老有所医、老有所教、老有所学、老有所乐、老有所为。

【Abstract】 With the advent of population aging society, there is no single approach can meet the pension needs of the aged. It needs to build pension protection network----home care and pension, which is supported jointly by family, community, government and non-profit organization. The home care and pension is an approach to conform to the trend of welfare diversification. Development of social home care and pension is becoming the consensus to solve the pension problems in the world which is including our contries.First chapter is that the conceptions and relative theoretics of urban home care and pension in China. In recent ten years, home care and pension appears and be developing in our contry. Home care and pension developed on the basis of community care of Western developed countries, and it is an important part in social welfare services. So far, the concept of home care has not unified, there are five views including "place theory" and "major and minor theory"which is recognized by most people. Home care and pension includes material assistance, life care, spiritual comfort and health care. The characteristics of home care includes full of caring functions, diversity, community and convenience.Second chapter is that the status and function of urban home care’s main body in China. The main body of home care includes family, community, non-profit organizations and government. The family is the basic cell of social life and the original provider of social welfare; the community can not only meet the elderly aspirations of home caring, but also can make up for the shortages of institutional pension and family pension; non-profit organization taking part in home care and pension is by the government which will purchase the home care services from the non-profit organization, and it plays a bridging role; the government plays a leading role in hom care and pension.Third chapter is that analysis of Chinese typical urban home care and pension. There are three typical ways for Chinese home care and pension:they are Dalian’s-home nursing homes、the government buying home care services in Shanghai、Ningbo’s non-profit organizations taking part in the home care services.There are some shortcomings in Chinese home care and pension system, such as few services、simple content、lack of funds、unreasonable function setting、low service quality and so on. Home care and pension need strong support from government、community involvement、professional services and providing diverse pension service system.Forth chapter is that the home care and pension in England and Japan. United Kingdom and Japan pay much attention to the family tending, the aged and some people who need help are supplied with appropriate community care and support in United Kingdom, thus these people can have independent, normal lives in their familiar home and community environment; the nursing care insurance law is developed in order to enhance the service for home care and pension in Japan, and service contents are up to 142 pages;they are home services、short entrusted services、long-term care services and health aide services.Fifth chapter is that constructing the Chinese urban harmonious home care and pension system. Chinese urban harmonious home care and pension system including: government、communities、families、non-profit organizations and other subjects. We need scientific steering by government、active service from communities、strong co-operation from non-profit organizations、families’obligations.Home care and pension system should follow:practical、diversity、people-oriented、legal principles. Home care and pension system’s goal:elderly pension、elderly medicine、elderly teach、elderly learn、elderly fun、elderly worthness.
