

Research on Online-shopping Preceived Risk

【作者】 李思志

【导师】 纪成君;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 伴随互联网迅速普及,网络购物(简称“网购”)市场得以迅猛发展,但在此期间,网购感知风险问题越来越突显,成为影响网购交易的根本原因之一。立足网购市场实际,研究网购感知风险影响因素和网购感知风险维度,并在此基础上提出减少网购感知风险的有效对策,成为改善和促进网购市场良性发展亟待解决的问题。本论文在界定研究主体基础上,结合相关理论探讨网购感知风险产生的理论根源,进一步对网购感知风险维度和影响因素进行系统分析,并结合动态思想提出网购感知风险维度和网购感知风险影响因素动态模型,运用统计分析方法和结构方程模型对调查数据进行分析,揭示了网购感知风险影响因素与具体风险维度间关系,在此基础上提出基于企业视角和监管者视角的减少网购感知风险的对策建议。本文主要研究工作如下:(1)进一步研究网购感知风险产生的根源,认为除现有文献中提及的信息不对称理论外,认知失调理论和有限理性行为决策等理论,也是网购消费者感知风险产生的理论根源。(2)设计了网购感知风险维度测量量表,并在获取数据基础上采用统计分析方法和结构方程模型进行分析,提炼出网购感知风险的8个维度:判别风险、信息风险、产品风险、支付风险、数据传输风险、网购操作风险、物流配送风险和售后服务风险。(3)设计了网购感知风险影响因素测量量表,并基于系统理论和方法,对网购感知风险影响因素进行深入剖析,构建了包括个体基本特征、个体内在变量、产品因素、网站因素、服务因素及环境评价因素等在内的网购感知风险影响因素系统,改善了网购感知风险影响因素指标体系。在此基础上提出网购感知风险影响因素作用过程模型,揭示了网购感知风险由初始状态——发生波动——调整变化——做出网购选择——影响下一次网购感知风险的初始状态这一动态作用过程,随之提出相应的网购感知风险各维度动态变化模型。(4)对网购感知风险影响因素与风险维度之间的关系进行分析,并提出相应假设。利用结构方程模型等统计分析方法与工具,对二者间关系进行验证,结果表明个体内在变量和环境评价因素对网购感知风险各个维度均有显著影响;学历因素对网购感知风险无显著影响;产品因素中的价格变量、网站因素中的声誉变量也对网购感知风险各个维度有显著影响;而其他影响因素仅对部分网购感知风险维度产生显著影响。(5)婴幼儿妈妈群体网购其他物品通常寻求产品效用最大,而对网购婴幼儿用品感知风险维度进行层级排序研究,结果表明:产品风险对其网购感知风险程度起决定性的“一票否决”作用。此外,有过网购经历的婴幼儿妈妈群体还表现出不同于其他消费群体的追求’品牌价值、喜欢方便快捷、乐于自由消费、比较依赖网络等消费特征。(6)在减少网购感知风险方面,对婴幼儿用品企业提出对策建议,如:安全性能宣传放首位;争创网购渠道品牌、加强媒体公关等;对于监管部门或机构提出对策建议,如:倡导网购市场的“诚信自律”;制定“失信封杀”制度;联合构建网购市场信用共享平台;推进权威“信用等级”认证等。

【Abstract】 With the rapid popularization of Internet, online-shopping market gets almost explosive growth. But in the meantime, perceived risk of online-shopping is more and more outstanding which has become one of the basic reasons affecting purchasing online. Considering the reality of the online-shopping market, the study on the relationship between the factors affecting the perceived risk of online-shopping and perceived risk dimensions in order to find an effective way of decreasing the perceived risk of online-shopping is now "put on the agenda".On the basis of defining the research subject, the study integrates relevant theories to explore the theoretical sources of the perceived risk of online-shopping, analyzes the relationship between perceived risk dimensions of. online-shopping and influencing factors and proposes a dynamic model of it. By means of statistical analysis techniques and structural equation model, the author reveals the relationship between the factors affecting online-shopping risk and specific risk dimensions. Corresponding suggestions are proposed from the perspective of enterprises and supervisors in order to decrease online-shopping perceived risk. The efforts are summarized as follows:(1) The further exploration of the sources of online-shopping perceived risk suggests that besides the Information Asymmetric Theory mentioned in existing literature, cognitive dissonance theory and limited rational behavior decision-making theory and other theories are also theoretical sources of analyzing the perceived risk.(2) Design the measurement scale for online-shopping perceived risk dimensions, and then by means of statistical analysis techniques and structural equation model, eight dimensions of perceived risk are refined as distinguishment risk, information risk, product risk, payment risk, data transmission risk, online-shopping operation risk, logistics distribution risk and after-sale service risk.(3) Design the measurement scale of influencing factor for online-shopping perceived risk, and on the basis of the systematical analytical ideas and methods, combine with the detailed analysis of the influencing factors affecting perceived risk not only help to construct a system of influencing factors affecting perceived risk which includes personal basic characteristic, personal immanent variable, product factor, website factor, service factor and external evaluation factor, but improve the index system. On this basis the author proposes an operating procedure model of online-shopping perceived risk and influencing factors, represents a dynamic operating process of online-shopping perceived risk from original state—fluctuation—arrangement—make the decision about online-shopping to the influence of next original state, and describes corresponding dynamic changes model of perceived risk dimensions.(4) Through analyzing the relationship between influencing factors affecting online-shopping and risk dimensions, the author proposes relevant assumptions. The relationship between them has been guaranteed by the use of structural equation model such kinds of statistical analytical methods and tools. The results indicate that individual internal variables and environmental evaluation factors have a marked effect on each dimension of perceived risk of online-shopping; education variable has no obvious effect; price variable in product factors and reputation variable in website factors also have a significant effect; while other influencing factors only give a notable effect on parts of the perceived risks.(5) Mothers often like utility maximization when they buy other commodity which is not for infant. But in affecting mothers’perceived risk of online-shopping for infants, the results from further sorting the dimensions of perceived risk represent that the product safety risk dimension plays a "veto by one vote" role. In addition, mothers online-shopping also possess the more abvious features than traditional consumer groups, such as pursuing brand and value personalities, having a fancy for convenience, being fond of free consumption, relying on internet, etc.(6) Some countermeasures and advice on decreasing perceived risk of online-shopping are proposed for relevant enterprse including putting the promotion of security performance on the first place, creating famous brand in online channel and improving relations with media, etc. From the perspective of supervision department and organization, the suggestions include:advocate the discipline of "integrity and self-regulation", establish the mechanism of "break faith will be thrown out", create a credit sharing platform in online-shopping market, and promote authority "credit rating" certification, etc.

  • 【分类号】F224;F724.6
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】2319
  • 攻读期成果