

Vegetation Degradation and Ecological Restoration Mode in the Tongbo-Dabie Mountainous Area in Huaihe River Basin

【作者】 刘刚

【导师】 张光灿;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 森林培育, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 论文以淮河流域桐柏大别山区为研究对象,综合运用地理信息学、生态学、森林资源管理学和水土保持学理论与方法,采用水土保持“3S”信息监测与地面监测、森林植被资源清查、植物群落样地调查、水土保持功能试验观测和社会访问调查等相结合的技术手段,开展植被退化机制与水土保持生态修复模式的研究。旨在阐明人为干扰下的植被退化类型及其结构与功能退化特征,揭示生态退化驱动机制与生态修复限制因子,进行生态修复适宜性评价与分区,提出水土保持生态修复模式与关键技术。为流域管理机构全面开展水土保持生态修复工作提供科学的决策与规划依据。获得以下主要研究结果与结论:(1)桐柏大别山区森林植被资源结构格局特征①大别山区森林覆盖率较高为32.33%,但存在区域分布不均的问题。金寨县、霍山县、舒城县和新县、光山县、罗山县的森林覆盖率较高。②大别山区有林地林种结构中,六安市用材林已成为面积比例最高第一大林种,占有林地的53.5%,而薪炭林资源却很少,占有林地的0.02%。由此可能产生的林地水土流问题不容忽视。③虽然大别山区森林覆盖率较高,但防护林资源面积依然较低,土地覆盖率仅9.7%,占有林地的28.1%;水土保持林和水源涵养林资源偏少,两者土地覆盖率仅9.4%,占有林地的27.2%。总体的水土保持植被资源仍然不足。④尽管桐柏大别山区经济林面积比例不是很高,占有林地的16.7%,但坡地水力与重力梯度较大,在缺乏必要水土保持工程和耕作措施的区域,林地生态退化和水土流失比较严重。⑤大别桐柏山区的森林资源中,幼龄林和中龄林面积比例很大,占有林地的51%和37%%,但近熟林和成熟林较少,只占有林地的9.5%和2.5%,导致森林生态系统结构和功能脆弱。(2)典型植物群落结构与水文功能退化特征①针对淮河流域大别山生态修复研究和实践的需求,提出在不同人为活动干扰下,山地丘陵区产生12种典型的植被退化类型;包括5种群落退化(逆向演替)类型和7种群落恢复(正向演替)类型。②植物群落结构的演替主要取决于人为活动的干扰方式,不同干扰方式及其强度下,植物群落结构的退化或恢复特征都比较明显。在各种不合理的人为生产活动的强度干扰下,以顺坡耕作农田和经济林地的植被退化较严重,其次是樵采或放牧林地的植被退化。而封禁保护措施明显改善植物群落结构,例如实施生态林禁牧禁伐后,林地草本层盖度增加17.7倍,物种丰富度增加了52%,物种多样性指数增加了5倍。③大别山植物群落的水文生态功能,受人为干扰方式的影响较大,在不同的人为活动干扰方式(土地利用方式)以及强度和频度作用下,各种植物群落水文功能具有明显不同的退化特点。林地樵采放牧、顺坡农田耕作及坡地经济林耕作群落的土壤容重分别达到1.71、1.70、1.65g/cm~3;土壤分形维数分别为2.420、1.998、2.230;土壤非毛管孔隙度分别为5.75%、7.5%、8.15%。④植物群落数量指标和水文指标之间相关性显著,相关系数均在0.72以上;群落总郁闭度与枯落物持水量和土壤总孔隙度、土壤分形维数和之间的相关性均较强,其相关系数分别为0.718、0.858和0.693。(3)桐柏大别山区生态脆弱性与生态退化驱动力①不同土地覆被类型的生态脆弱性,以经济林地和耕地最高,残疏林地的次之,灌木林地和草地为一般,有林地最低为潜在脆弱。②在土壤侵蚀影响因素中,人为因子是第一位的,而自然因子的驱动作用处于第二位;在影响区域土壤侵蚀的11个自然与人为因子中,“人均经济林面积”、“农村薪柴比例”、“人均粮食产量”和“年均降雨量”是名列前4位的主导驱动因子。③人为活动不合理的强度干扰破坏是生态退化的主要原因,经济林开发、耕地垦殖、樵采放牧是生态退化的主导驱动力。(4)水土保持生态修复适宜性评价与分区①依据桐柏大别山区生态退化的主导驱动因子以及生态修复限制因子,提出了由海拔高度、土地利用类型(植被覆盖类型)和地面坡度因子组成的生态修复适宜性评价与分区指标体系。②在桐柏大别山区,按海拔高度因子划分为3个区域等级,分别是中山区(1001~1800m)、低山区(501~1000m)和丘陵区(101~500m);按土地利用方式和植被类型划分为6个土地利用/覆被类型,分别是水源生态林地、一般生态林地、经济林地、耕地、灌草地、裸岩地;将土地利用/覆被类型中的一般生态林地、山坡经济林地和山坡耕地,按地面坡度大于25度和小于25度划分为2个等级区域。③针对桐柏大别山区水土保持生态修复研究目标和实际需求,构建由海拔高度、土地覆被类型、地面坡度共3个评价指标分级组合而成的27个生态修复适宜性评价单元体系,划分“适宜”、“暂不适宜”和“不适宜”3个生态修复适宜性等级,提出16个生态修复适宜性类型及其分区。(5)桐柏大别山区生态修复模式与关键技术①针对水土保持生态修复实践的实际需求,将山地丘陵区划分出生态林草植被封禁、樵采与放牧林草地、农田垦殖坡耕地、经济林开发坡地4种水土保持生态修复区域类型。②依据水土保持生态修复内涵和外延和生态修复适宜性分区,提出桐柏大别山区水土保持生态修复的2类“属性模式”、4类“区域模式”和12项“技术模式”,并提出各种技术模式的关键技术措施。

【Abstract】 Taking Tongbo-Dabie Mountainous area in Huaihe River Basin as the research object, comprehensive application of theory and methods of geographical informatics, ecology, forestry resource management science and Soil and Water Conservation, integrated use technological means of water and soil conservation 3S information monitoring and ground monitoring , forest resource inventory, plant community survey, experimental observation of water and soil conservation function and community interviews, this dissertation studied the mechanism of vegetation degradation and ecological restoration mode. The aim of this paper is to elucidate vegetation degradation types, structure and functions degradation characteristics, to reveal the driving mechanism of ecological degradation and the limiting factor to ecological restoration, to make ecological restoration suitability assessment and zoning and to suggest ecological restoration mode and key technologies. The results and conclusions are as follows:(1) Structural pattern of forest vegetations resources of Tongbo-Dabie mountain area①The forest coverage of Dabie mountain area is higher as 32.23%, but the distribution of the forest is not evenly. The forest coverage of Jinzhai County, Huoshan County, Shucheng County, Xin County, Guangshan County and Luoshan County is higher.②The forest category structure of Dabie mountain area, The ratio of timber forest of Liuan city is the highest, as 53.5%, however, the fuelwood forest is less and the ratio is 0.02%. Water and soil loss of forest land caused by this situation can not be neglect.③Although the forest coverage of Dabie mountain area is higher, the protection forest resources area is small. The ratio of protection forest to land is 9.7%, and to forest land is 28.1%. Soil and Water Conservation Forest and water conservation forest is less. The ratio of the two forest category to land is 9.4, and that to forest land is 27.2%. The general water and soil vegetation resources are scarce.④Although the ratio of economic forestto forest land is not high, as 16.7, Water and gravity gradient of Slope land is high. In the area short of water and soil conservation engineer and tillage measure, ecological degradation and water and soil loss of the forest land are more serious.⑤I n the forest resources of Tongbo-Dabie Mountainous area, the ratio of young forest and middle age forest is high, the ratio to forest land is 51% and 37%, but the ration near-mature-forest and mature forest is less, the ratio to forest land is 9.5% and 2.5%. This situation cause fragile structure and function of forest ecosystems.(2)The structure and hydrological function degradation characteristics of typical plant community①A iming at the ecological restoration research and practice need, we suggest under different human activities there are 12 typical vegetation degradation types in mountain and hilly areas, including 5 community degradation(regressive succession) types, 7 community recovery (positive succession) types.②T he plant community structure succession mainly depends on disturbed mode of human activities. In different disturbed mode and disturbed strength, the plant community structure degradation or recovery characteristics is oblivious. In all kinds intensive unreasonable human activities, the vegetation of downslope cultivation and economic forest land degrade most seriously, followed by wood chopping and grazing . Closing protection measures obliviously improves the community structure. For instance, implementation of forbidding grazing and banning deforestation to ecological forest, the herb layer coverage of forest land increased 17.7 times, species richness increased 52%, species diversity index increased 5 times.③The hydrological function of plant community of Dabie mountain area is influenced more seriously by human activities. In different human activities, disturbance strength and frequency, the hydrological function of various plant community has different degradation characteristics. The bulk density of soil of forest land for wood chopping and grazing, downslope cultivation and economic forest reached 1.71、1.70、1.65g/cm3 respectively; Their soil fractal dimension was 2.42, 1.998, 2.23 respectively; their soil non-capillary porosity was 5.75%、7.5%、8.15% respectively.④The plant community quantitative index and the hydrological function index had significant correlation, and correlation coefficient was all greater than 0.72; The canopy density and the water capacity of litter, soil porosity and soil fractal dimension had ad significant correlation, and correlation coefficient 0.718、0.858 and 0.693 respectively.(3)The ecological fragility and ecological degradation driving forces①The decreasing order of ecological fragility of different land cover is economic forest land , cultivated land, open forest, shrub, grassland and forest land.②Of the soil erosion factors, human factor is firstly, natural factor is secondly. Of the 11 natural and human affecting soil erosion factors, economic forest area per capita, the ratio of rural fuel wood, food production per capita and mean annual precipitation make the top four.③H uman unreasonable intensive disturbance activity is the main ecological degradation factors, and economic forest development, cultivated land development, wood chopping and grazing are the main ecological degradation forces.(4)Water and soil conservation ecological restoration suitability assessment and zoning①According to the leading driving force of ecological degradation and the limiting ecological restoration factors, we suggest a Water and soil conservation ecological restoration suitability assessment and zoning index system which is composed of altitude, land use type(vegetation cover type) and slope.②In the Tongbo-Dabie Mountainous area, according to altitude, three site types are classified including middle-mountain(1001~1800m), low mountainous (501~1000m)and hilly area(101~500m). By the land use type and vegetation type, 6 site types are classified including water source forest land, general ecological forest land, economic forest land, cultivated land, shrub and grassland and naked rocks. Ecological forest land, economic forest land, cultivated slope land are further classified to 2 types: slope degree is more than 25°and slope degree is less than 25°③Aiming at the ecological restoration research and practice need in Tongbo-Dabie Mountainous area, we constructed 27 ecological restoration suitability assessment unities system which was constructed by altitude, land use type(vegetation cover type) and slope. All unities were classified to suitability, temporary unsuitability and unsuitability. Sixteen ecological restoration suitability types and zones were proposed.(5)Ecological restoration mode and key technologies in the Tongbo-Dabie Mountainous①Aiming at the ecological restoration practice need, mountain area and hilly area were classified into 4 kinds water and soil conservation ecological restoration site types. They are ecological forest and grassland vegetation, wood chopping and grazing land, cultivated slope land and economic forest development.②According the intension and extension of water and soil conservation ecological restoration and ecological restoration suitability zoning, we proposed 2 types“attributes mode”, 4 types“site mode”and 12“techniques mode”for water and soil conservation ecological restoration in the Tongbo-Dabie Mountainous. Further, key techniques for all kinds mode were suggested.
