

The Dark Ecological Consciousness in the Poems of D.H. Lawrence

【作者】 闫建华

【导师】 史志康;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 戴·赫·劳伦斯是一位伟大的小说家,也是一位伟大的诗人。虽然他作为小说家享有盛名,但他的诗名却仍然不为许多人所知。然而,劳伦斯恰恰是在诗歌中说出了他20年来一直想说的真心话,而且只是在诗歌中或者首次是在诗歌中表达了他的一些思想。诗歌作为劳伦斯内心情感生活的传记,凝聚着他对自然生命的全部感悟和哲思。本论文拟以生态批评理论为依托、以文本细读为基础、以当代生态诗歌为参照,结合考古学、人类学、自然科学等学科的一些相关研究成果,对劳伦斯诗歌中的黑色生态意识予以全面考察。劳伦斯的黑色生态意识本质上是一种深刻的生命意识,这种生命意识是劳伦斯看待一切事物的出发点和落脚点。劳伦斯在诗歌中着力表现的三大主题??“野蛮人”、动物、死亡??都是从不同的侧面、以不同的方式表达了劳伦斯对生命的关怀:他对基督教一神教的摒弃、对“野蛮人”原始自然宗教的皈依是为了重新完善自我与自然的关系,促进自然生命的活跃和繁盛;他对“低等”和“有害”动物的肯定和理解、对人与动物之间平等互通的倡导和描写扩大了生命想象的范畴,激发了尊重每一个动物、敬畏一切生命的理念;他对永恒的质疑和否定、对自然暴力的肯定和褒扬是出于对死亡即再生的深刻思考,是为了藉由死亡来保障生命之树的常青。就劳伦斯黑色生态意识的论述而言,论文共在五个方面有所创新:提出并论证了劳伦斯的生态意识是黑色的生态意识这一核心概念。这一概念的提出旨在说明,通常所说的绿色生态意识不能有效地表征劳伦斯生态意识的前瞻性、深刻性和独特性,而黑色的生态意识无论从主题覆盖面的广度、生态蕴意的深度还是劳伦斯钟情于黑色、喜用黑色来表征生命/生命力的反传统品格来看,都能很好地反映出劳伦斯生态意识的深刻内涵。以当代生态诗歌为鉴来反观劳伦斯的诗歌。当代生态诗歌是当代生态思考的前沿,其中的一些前沿思想大都可以从劳伦斯的诗歌中觅得。这一反观视角不仅映现出劳伦斯生态意识的前瞻性和深刻性,而且也映现出它在当下生态语境中勃发出来的生命力,而这正是其前瞻性和深刻性的价值和意义所在。将叙事空间理论引入诗歌解读。劳伦斯是一位空间意识很强的作家和诗人,他的空间意识定会在诗歌中得以体现。运用叙事空间理论的一些原则和方法来解读劳伦斯的诗歌,不仅是对学界仅在时间叙事的框架下来解读劳伦斯诗歌的一种突破,而且在空间纬度上进一步凸显出劳伦斯的黑色生态意识。厘清了生态批评话语对拟人论的歧见,肯定了劳伦斯诗歌中拟人论的生态价值和生态意义。劳伦斯笔下的拟人论不仅揭示了动物作为主体的异质性,而且也揭示了人类与动物之间的同质性,这种同质性在生命的最深处彰显出人兽之间的平等与互通。这也就是说,即使在拟人论这个容易与人类中心发生纠葛的视点上,劳伦斯的生态意识照样能够得到充分彰显。针对学界对劳伦斯灵魂不灭思想所下的“唯心”定论,提出并论证了劳伦斯笔下灵魂的物质属性和灵魂不灭的科学依据,并从劳伦斯对火之灵魂的钟情入手来说明他笔下的灵魂是指万物的灵魂,而灵魂不灭自然是指万物的灵魂之火不灭,进而揭示出劳伦斯灵魂不灭思想中所蕴含的深刻而独特的生态伦理价值。本研究的启示意义共有三点:对生态现实的启示意义,对生态书写的启示意义,对劳伦斯文化定位的启示意义。

【Abstract】 D. H. Lawrence is a great poet as well as a great novelist. His name as a great novelist is known almost to everyone, but his name as a great poet is still to be known to many. The point is that it is in his poems that he speaks his mind which he pondered over more that 20 years, and it is in his poems that some of his reflections are expressed for either the first time or the only time. According to Lawrence, poems are a record of his innermost emotional life, it follows that they must be a crystallization of his intuitive understandings and philosophical perceptions of natural lives. Such being the background, this thesis attempts to make a comprehensive study of the dark ecological consciousness in D. H.Lawrence’s poems. The interpreting of his poems is based on meticulous scrutiny in the framework of theories of ecological criticism, with reference to contemporary ecological poetry and to the discoveries in archeology, anthropology, and natural sciences. Lawrence’s dark ecological consciousness, in essence, is a profound life consciousness, which serves both as the point of departure and as the point of stand for him to perceive things. The three major themes Lawrence deliberates on in his poems?“savages”, animals, and death?are the aspects in which he intimates his concern for life. His abandonment of Christian monotheism and his conversion to the primitive religion of nature practised by the“savages”are for the purpose of modifying the relationship between self and nature so as to enhance the liveliness and prosperity of natural lives; his affirmation and understanding of the“lower”and“verminous”species, and his advocacy and lineation of equality between humans and animals broaden our scope of imaginative response to life, thus inspiring respect in us for every animal and awe of every form of life; his challenge and negation of immortality, his approval of and praise for natural violence are the outcome of his deliberation on the death-life cycle, which is a guarantee of the ever-greenness of the tree of life. In discussing the essence of D. H. Lawrence’s dark ecological consciousness this thesis has made breakthroughs in the following aspects:Putting forward and demonstrating the core concept that Lawrence’s is a dark ecological consciousness. Whereas the generally-acknowledged green ecological consciousness can hardly represent, to its full extent, the pro-active, profound and unique nature of D. H. Lawrence’s ecological consciousness, a dark ecological consciousness can embody the connotations of his ecological consciousness since it boasts breadth of theme coverage, depth of connotations and his anti-traditional preference for dark colours in representing life and its vitality. Using contemporary ecological poetry as a frame of reference to study D. H. Lawrence’s poems. The contemporary ecological poetry is undoubtedly the frontier of human thinking on contemporary ecology. Some of its ideas can find their roots in Lawrence’s poems. This retrospective perspective does not only bear out the pro-activeness and profundity of Lawrence’s ecological consciousness, but it also demonstrates its vitality in the contemporary ecological context, and this is where their very value and significance consist.Introducing spatial narrative theories in the interpretation of poems. As Lawrence is a novelist and poet with a strong sense of place and space, his space consciousness, let us term it this way, finds expression best in his poems. Therefore, introducing principles and strategies evolved out of spatial narrative theories into the interpretation of Lawrence’s poems will not only break through the traditional practice of interpreting his poems under the framework of temporal narrative but also enable his dark ecological consciousness to transpire in a spatial dimension.Clarifying the biased concept of anthropomorphism commonly practised in ecological criticism and affirming the ecological value and significance of anthropomorphism in Lawrence’s poems. Anthropomorphism under Lawrence’s pen depicts not only the heterogeneity of animals as subject but also reveals the homogeneity between humans and animals. The latter is the grounds on which humans and animals are not only equal but also empathetic to each other. That is to say, even in terms of anthropomorphism, which is subject to association with anthropocentrism, Lawrence’s dark ecological consciousness can prove to be self-evident.Propounding and proving that soul under Lawrence’s pen possesses a materialistic property and his soul immortality is predicated upon scientific discoveries?contrary to scholars’idealistic definition of his soul immortality. Counting on Lawrence’s preference for fire souls, it is to be concluded that Lawrence’s concept of souls goes beyond human souls and pointing towards all souls of the earthlings and it is at this point that Lawrence’s faith in soul immortality merges with his animism. Such being the grounds, soul immortality in Lawrence’s poems means the immortality of all souls of the earthlings. Lawrence’s belief in soul immortality thus contains profound and unmatched values of ecological ethics.The significance of this study is embodied in the revelation for the ecological reality, the revelation for ecological writing, and the revelation for redefining Lawrence’s cultural position.

【关键词】 黑色生态意识野蛮人动物死亡
【Key words】 dark ecological consciousnesssavagesanimalsdeath
  • 【分类号】I561.072
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1185
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