

Traveling Theory: Acception and Absorption

【作者】 王娟

【导师】 谢天振;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 翻译学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 从不同角度对主体性哲学展开批判是西方后现代翻译研究的一个重要任务。而国内翻译研究主体性讨论由于社会、历史、学术的原因,对西方后现代翻译研究主体性哲学的批判有吸收、也有变异。本文从梳理影响国内翻译研究主体性讨论的几个主要西方后现代翻译研究流派入手,探讨吸收、变异形成的原因,分析、批判这些流派的主体性批判思想在国内翻译研究主体性讨论中的吸收、变异的现象,以使对国内翻译研究主体性讨论的发展有所裨益。本文共11万余字,分五章:第一章绪论部分主要介绍课题的由来、课题史回顾、研究目的、方法及步骤。第二章主要分析、评价了西方后现代翻译研究主体性哲学批判,涉及的历史背景、具体表现、对翻译研究的推动及其局限性。这一章主要采用的是对文献梳理分析的方法,涉及:1)现代哲学阐释学;2)解构主义;3)翻译研究文化转向;4)后殖民主义;5)后现代女性主义。之所以选取这五个流派的翻译研究,因为它们是影响国内翻译研究主体性讨论的几个主要西方后现代翻译研究流派。这些理论虽已经反复探讨,但是其中所体现的对主体性哲学思想的批判这一方面,并未受到更多关注,却是理解这些西方后现代翻译研究流派本质的一个必要途径。第三章分析主要有三种因素影响了西方后现代翻译研究主体性哲学批判在国内翻译研究主体性讨论中的接受:一是中国社会文化环境的特殊性。中国传统文化背景、政治环境等因素,国内翻译研究缺乏西方那样对理性的推崇传统,近代历史和思想文化的动荡、汉字的特殊性,以及中国上个世纪八九十年代至今处于社会转型时期的政治特点,是影响国内翻译研究主体性讨论对西方后现代翻译研究中的主体性批判思想的接受的一个重要因素。二是主体(性)概念的译介。分析了主体性概念的译介与政治文化环境的影响,以及主体(性)概念在译介过程中的意义流变对于本文所关心的理论旅行现象的影响。在国内翻译研究主体性讨论中,对于主体(性)的理解也显然受到了主体性理论旅行所带来的意义流变的影响,从而构成了一种“先见”,影响了对于西方后现代翻译研究主体性批判思想的接受。三是国内翻译学科建设的特点,分析了国内学科建设过程中的权力影响及其特点以及这种特点对翻译学科发展的影响、对西方后现代翻译研究中的主体性哲学批判在国内翻译研究主体性讨论中的接受所产生的作用。第四章主要是分析、批判国内翻译研究主体性讨论对西方后现代翻译研究主体性哲学批判的接受情况。这一章分为三部分。第一部分是国内翻译研究主体性讨论对西方后现代翻译研究主体性哲学批判的借鉴与吸收,包括两点,分别是对传统忠实翻译观的反思;从一元到多元角度的转变。中国传统翻译思想对忠实于原文十分推崇。这种对忠实的追求并不现实。在国内翻译研究主体性讨论中,忠实翻译观遭到了来自不同学术背景的学者的强烈质疑、批判乃至全盘的否定。这种批判由于对西方后现代主义的借鉴而显得更有理论性、系统性。论者们运用西方后现代主义对传统忠实翻译观进行批判,从各个不同的角度,论证其不切实际性。而在传统的翻译评论和研究中,单一的视角占据主流地位,我们可以把它称之为一元视角,即一般只以忠实与否来评判译本的好坏。相比较而言,新的翻译批评和研究则不再拘泥于“技”的层面,呈现出多元的角度,视野扩大,意识形态、社会、文化等因素被考虑进来。第二部分是国内翻译研究主体性讨论对西方后现代翻译研究主体性哲学批判的变异与否定,包括四点,分别是:1、重视结论轻视论证。西方后现代主义在对传统忠实翻译观进行批判时,并不是直接加以否定,而是有一系列的论证,来证明传统忠实观的谬误。而国内翻译研究主体性讨论则不太重视论证过程;2、重视反叛性轻视肯定性。西方后现代翻译研究在对主体性哲学进行批判、否定时,也有其肯定性的一面。各个流派并非是完全的解构、摧毁一切,将世界描绘成一片灰色,也有希望所在。这种肯定性程度不同,表现也各异,是构成流派之间、不同论者之间区别的一个重要特征。国内翻译研究主体性讨论比较重视西方后现代翻译研究对传统的否定、反叛的一面。例如借用西方后现代翻译研究中的一些概念,偏见/前见、视域融合、延异等,通过突出这些概念中否定部分的含义来强调对翻译忠实观的否定,对原作误读现象存在的合理等。国内翻译研究主体性讨论对西方后现代翻译研究中肯定性的一面则较为忽视或避而不谈,这或许是因为主体性讨论存在自己的问题域和关心焦点,所以在对于西方翻译研究的借鉴、吸收的同时,往往忽略了西方后现代翻译研究的原意;3、批判的立场与标准:固守边缘还是走向中心。西方后现代翻译研究和国内翻译研究主体性讨论都对传统进行了批判,但批判的目的不同。在对传统主体性哲学及基于其上的忠实翻译观进行批判时,西方后现代翻译研究多是固守边缘的立场,试图将边缘群体的经验纳入知识生产,但不是要取代主流知识生产方式。而西方后现代翻译研究对传统的这种批判在国内翻译研究主体性讨论中,更多地被运用成一种走向翻译研究场域中心的策略。很多论者希望其能够帮助扫清不利于翻译研究发展的旧思想、旧观念,成为更为理想、更为完善的中心;4、对主流意识形态批判的两种态度。西方后现代翻译研究流派,对主流意识形态是持批判态度的。而国内翻译研究主体性讨论从不触及对主流意识形态的批判,却常常与主流意识形态保持高度的一致。第三部分是吸收、变异的利与弊。主要是:一些问题得到了重新认识,如翻译中的忠实、译者的作用、翻译研究的价值等问题,革新了翻译研究,推动了翻译学科的建设;但随着讨论的深入,对忠实观的反叛越来越突出,导致了意义虚无主义蔓延,等等。第五章是结语,即本文的简略概括,总结了西方后现代翻译研究主体性哲学批判在国内翻译研究主体性讨论中的理论旅行过程,以及理论旅行过程中的吸收和变异及其批判,并对国内翻译研究主体性讨论未来的发展进行了展望。国内翻译研究主体性讨论应该在批判和反思西方理论的前提下,既要“有容乃大”,更要植根本土。

【Abstract】 To criticize the subjectivity philosophy from different angles is an important task ofthe western postmodern translation studies. These criticisms are partly absorbed andpartly transformed in the Zhu‐ti‐xing discussion of the Chinese translation studies becauseof social,historical and academic reasons. This dissertation tries to probe the criticisms ofthe subjectivity philosophy in the five schools of the western postmodern translationstudies mainly influencing the Zhu‐ti‐xing discussion in the Chinese translation studies,investigate the acception of these criticisms by the Zhu‐ti‐xing discussion of the Chinesetranslation studies,discuss the causes of the absorption and transformation,and evaluatecritically the absorption and transformation of these criticisms by the Zhu‐ti‐xingdiscussion,and based on which the dissertation also shows the author’s view on thedevelopment of the Zhu‐ti‐xing discussion in the Chinese translation studies.This dissertation is divided into five chapters. Chapter One introduces the researchsubject with a review of the past research to the question under consideration. The finalaim of the research,the methods being used and a brief study plan are also included.Chapter Two mainly analyzes the criticisms of the subjectivity philosophy in thewestern postmodern translation studies,including the historical backgrounds,themanifestation,the contribution for the translation studies and the limitation of thecriticisms. The five schools analyzed in this chapter are the modern hermeneuticstranslation studies,the deconstruction translation studies, the cultural turn in translationstudies,the post‐colonialism translation studies and the postmodern feminism translationstudies,which mainly influence the Zhu‐ti‐xing discussion in the Chinese translationstudies. The Chinese translation studies are very familiar with the five schools,but notwith the criticisms of the subjectivity philosophy within,which,however,are necessaryto a further understanding of those five schools.Chapter Three analyzes three factors influencing the acception: 1、the Chinese socialand cultural context. The traditional Chinese social, cultural and political factors,theabsence of a tradition of the admiration of reason,the features of the modern history,the political context of the social transformation from the 1980s until today;2、thetranslation of the word subject/subjectivity,including the interaction between thetranslation and the social and cultural factors;3、the features of the construction oftranslation studies as a discipline,including the features of the Chinese discipline system,the influence of the features for the development of translation studies,and theimportance of the influence for the acception of the criticisms of the subjectivityphilosophy in the western postmodern translation studies by the Zhu‐ti‐xing discussion ofthe Chinese translation studies.Chapter Four mainly evaluates critically the acception (the absorption andtransformation) of the criticisms by the Zhu‐ti‐xing discussion in the Chinese translationstudies. This chapter is divided into three parts. The first part is the absorption,includingthe criticisms of the notion of fidelity in the traditional Chinese translation studies and theshift from the unitary angle to the multi‐angle in translation studies. The notion of fidelityis very important in the traditional Chinese translation studies,but is itheoreticallyuntenable, so in the Zhu‐ti‐xing Discussion, many scholars use the five schools mentionedabove for reference to criticize this notion severely from different angles in a theoreticaland systematic way. The unitary angle also plays a very important role in the traditionalChinese translation studies, and people usually evaluate the quality of translation with thestandard of fidelity. But in the Zhu‐ti‐xing discussion, many scholars are gradually used tostudying translation from different angles with the consideration of social, ideological andcultural factors. The second part is the transformation:1、the emphasis on the conclusioninstead of the argumentation. The careful argumentation that the notion of fidelity isuntenable in the western postmodern translation studies is usually absent in theZhu‐ti‐xing discussion of the Chinese translation studies;2、the emphasis on the negativeside instead of the positive side. There is a positive side in the criticisms of the five schoolsthat shows some hope of the five schools for the future of the world. The positive side isdifferent in the five schools,and is an important distinction of the different schools. TheZhu‐ti‐xing discussion in the Chinese translation studies pays more attention to thenegative side of the five schools. Many scholars emphasize the negative meaning of somepostmodern concepts,such as the former understanding,the fusion of horizons, differance,to criticize the central role the notion of fidelity plays in translation and provethe justified existence of the misinterpretation. This ignorance of the positive side of thefive schools is obvious,and it is maybe due to the fact that the focus of attention in theZhu‐ti‐xing discussion is not on the original meaning of the western postmoderntranslation studies;3、different standpoints:periphery or from periphery to centre. Thefive schools keep to a periphery standpoint and try to include the experience of marginalgroups into the mainstream knowledge production without an intention of replacing theway of the mainstream knowledge production. These criticisms in the westernpostmodernism translation studies are used for reference to a strategy of a standpointfrom periphery to center by the Zhu‐ti‐xing discussion of the Chinese translation studies.Many scholars hope the western postmodern translation studies can help to clear the oldideas unfavorable to the development of translation studies;4、different attitudes towardsthe dominant ideology. The western postmodern translation studies often criticize thedominant ideology severely, but the Zhu‐ti‐xing discussion of the Chinese translationstudies usually keeps consistent with the dominant ideology. The third part is theadvantages and disadvantages of the absorption and transformation, including a newunderstanding of some problems, such as the evaluation of the notion of fidelity, the roleof the translator and the value of translation studies, the development of the translationdiscipline, the reformation of translation studies, too much emphasis on the value of thetreason of the translator, the spreading of nihilism in translation, and so on.The last chapter is the summary of the whole dissertation, including the conclusionof the features of the travel of the western postmodern translation studies in theZhu‐ti‐xing discussion of the Chinese translation studies, the absorption andtransformation of the travel, and presents the author’s views about the trend of theZhu‐ti‐xing discussion of the Chinese translation studies. the Chinese translation studiesshould be tolerant towards the western theories,and at the same time should be deeplyrooted in the Chinese reality.

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