

Research on the Parenthesis in Modern Chinese

【作者】 邱闯仙

【导师】 马庆株;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文运用语义功能语法理论,并借鉴认知语法、语法化、系统功能语法等功能主义的研究方法,对现代汉语中的插入语进行研究。文章界定了插入语的范围和性质,对现代汉语中的插入语做了分类,分析和描写了各类插入语的性质、语义和功能,对于相关语言现象,根据其特点,从语义、功能、认知或历时演变等不同方面做出了解释。在总体研究的基础上,文章选取了三个个案,分别以主观性、交互主观性和相近语言形式的比较为侧重进行了专题研究。第一章:绪论。本章概括综述了现代汉语插入语的研究现状,分析了研究的必要性和所面临问题,概要介绍了本文研究的主要问题,说明了本文研究的理论前提和所运用的理论方法。第二章:现代汉语中的插说成分及插入语的范围。本章分析描写了现代汉语中的各种插说成分,从信息传递的角度分出冗余性插说成分和非冗余性插说成分,并根据语义和功能特征将非冗余性插说成分分为按注性插说成分和主观性插说成分,在以上分析的基础上界定了插入语的范围,认为表达语言的主观性是插入语的本质功能,对插入语和独立语两个概念之间的关系进行了研究,讨论确定了传统研究中所说的独立语的范围,认为独立语是插入语的句法归属。第三章:插入语的语义功能和类别(上)。首先概括了插入语的句法特征、意义特征和功能特点,然后根据语义和功能对插入语进行分类,确立了现代汉语插入语的分类系统。本章主要研究了非交互主观性插入语,包括非语义关系类和语义关系类插入语。语义关系类插入语包括情感类、态度类、认识情态类和信息来源类;语义关系类插入语包括总括类、解释类、补充类和说理类。文章对每一类插入语的形式特征做了考察,以期为我们的分类提供形式上的验证,描写和分析了各类插入语的语义和功能,并运用相应的理论方法,对相关的语言现象做了必要的解释。第四章:插入语的语义功能和类别(下)。本章主要对交互主观性插入语进行研究,认为可以分为“你看”、“你想”、“你说”三大类,考察了每一小类的形式意义特征和功能,探讨了某些插入语的具体的语用功能及其交互主观性意义的产生过程。本章结语部分概括总结了汉语插入语的形式、分布及语义语用特征,讨论了插入语和语用标记以及话语标记之间的关系,认为插入语从功能上讲就是一种语用标记语。第五章:“瞧”的主观性。本章研究“瞧”的语用功能。通过对“瞧”在共时系统中的各种用法的考察,认为在表示“提请注意”的意义的基础上,“瞧”产生了强调话语信息与说话人预期的关系的语用功能,成为表示说话人预期的语用标记。文章分析了“瞧”的主观化过程及其动因和机制,并探讨了汉语中视觉动词语义演变的类型学意义。第六章:“你想”的语义演变和语用功能。考察了现代汉语中表示行域义的“你想1”和表示知域义的“你想2”,分析了“你想”的语义演变,论证了其语法化过程:言说义动词>认识义动词>语用标记。在此基础上,对“你想”作为语用标记的具体用法进行考察,认为语用标记语“你想”是一个表达交互主观性的插入语,求同功能是其本质的语用功能。同时,由于表达了对受话人的认识的关注,语用标记“你想”具有缓和语气的作用。本章还对语用标记“你想”与不同语气词连用的情况做了分析。第七章:“别是”与“别不是”。本章研究“别是”和“别不是”这两个认知性插入语(epistemic parenthesis),立足于共时层面,从他们各自的意义和用法入手进行考察,研究二者在语义和功能上的异同,并探讨了“别是”在共时系统中的语法化过程,解释了“别不是”的成因。认为现代汉语中,“别是”已发展为表示说话人对命题确信程度的认识情态标记,“别不是”主要用来表示说话人对命题内容的期望程度,是担心-认识情态标记。第八章:结语。本章对论文内容做了总结,指出插入语是一个半开放的类,其内部成员的个性大于共性,要对插入语进行深入的研究,还需从一个个个案的研究做起。总之,本文对现代汉语中的插入语现象做了宏观的探讨,也进行了一些微观的分析,致力于对语言事实的细致描写,同时努力对一些相关语言现象做出必要的解释。文章努力发掘语言事实和语言规律,在具体的研究中,注重语义的基础作用、语用的推动作用和认知的解释作用,在分析的基础上进行综合,力争对一些语言现象做出统一的解释;在共时分析和历史考察中,我们注重共时分析,探讨各类插入语成分在共时平面上的各种意义和用法,努力为汉语插入语理论的建设提供语言事实依据,同时希望我们的研究结论能对汉语语言的教学和自然语言的计算机处理提供一点参考,这是我们的目标所在,即力求我们的研究具有一定的理论意义和实践价值。

【Abstract】 Based on semantic-functional grammar, and in the light of cognitive grammar, grammaticalization theory and systematic functional grammar, this paper studies the parenthesis in modern Chinese. The research scope of parenthesis is defined first, and about 260 parenthesis are classified, whose nature, semantic and functional characters are analyzed. Some phenomena are explained from the perspectives of semantics, function, cognition and diachronic evolution. In addition, three parenthesis are studied in detail.Chapter One is Introductions. It introduces the past study of parenthesis, the main issues, the theory and methods applied in the paper. The necessities and problems in the study are analyzed.In Chapter Two, different parenthetical components are studied and classified on the basis of the information redundance of parenthetical components. The research scope of parenthesis is defined, whose essential function are analyzed, which is to express the subjectivity. The relations between parenthesis and independent syntactic component are also discussed, and it is inferred that parenthesis is independent syntactic component.Chapter Three is about the functions and classifications of parenthesis. First, the syntactic, semantic and functional features of parenthesis are generalized. Then parentheses are classified into different groups on the basis of their semantics and functions. The non-inter-subjectivity parenthesis are mainly studied in this chapter. The semantics and pragmatic functions of different classifications are observed as well as their forms. Some necessary explanations are given.Chapter Four is on the inter-subjectivity parenthesis, which consists of three classes:Nikan(你看),Nixiang(你想)and Nishuo(你说),whose formal characters and pragmatic functions are studied. For some parentheses, the process of inter-subjectivization is described. The relation among parenthesis, pragmatic markers and discourse markers are discussed in the end. It is concluded that parentheses are pragmatic markers from pragmatic angles..Chapter Five studies the subjectivity of qiao(瞧).Different synchronic meanings and functions of qiao(瞧)are studied. It is inferred that qiao(瞧)is an expectation marker. While the subjectivizaion of qiao(瞧)is studied, the motivation and mechanism are analyzed. It is inferred that the semantic evolution of visual verbs in Chinese has universal senses.Chapter Six is on the pragmatic function and semantic evolution of nixiang(你想),whose grammaticalization is studied. The usages of different versions are described. As a pragmatic marker, the semantic and essential function of nixiang(你想)are to achieve the agreement on the speakers’opinions, and meanwhile Nixiang(你想)is a mitigation. It is concluded that Nixiang(你想)is used to express the inter-subjectivity. The co-occurrence of Nixiang(你想)and mood particles are studied, too.Chapter Seven is on the two epistemic parenthesis, Bieshi(别是)and Biebushi(别不是).The similarities and differences on semantic and function are studied. The synchronic grammaticalization of Bieshi(别是)are approached. The formation of Biebushi(别不是)are explained, too. The conclusion is that Bieshi(别是)is a epistemic markers, while Biebushi(别不是)is a apprehension-epistemic marker in modern Chinese.Chapter Eight is the conclusion of the dissertation. It sums up the characters of parenthesis in modern Chinese. It is concluded that each parentheses has its features and is worth studying.In a word, this dissertation offers micro analysis as well as macro explorations, and there are detailed explanations as well as descriptions of language facts. More attention is given to language facts, language laws; As to semantics, pragmatics and cognition, the study emphasizes the fundamental and decisive functions of semantics, the motive functions of pragmatics and the explanative functions of cognition; In synchronic analysis and diachronic investigation, we resort more to synchronic analysis. Diachronic investigation is done for the purpose of synchronic analysis. This dissertation aims at the theoretical and practical values, as is useful to the grammatical theory, Chinese teaching as a foreign language and language computer processing.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期