

Study of Traditional Chinese Sports Health-preserving from the Perspective of Cultural Philosophy

【作者】 康德强

【导师】 虞定海;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 民族传统体育学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 中国传统体育养生文化博大精深,汇聚了中国历代对于生命、宇宙、社会等一切自然、人文现象的思考与探索,是如何保持生命健康长寿、社会和谐发展的智慧结晶。如何在当今世界全球化、现代化的历史背景之下继承发展中国传统体育养生文化是一项具有理论与实践意义的课题,它的研究成果必然会有效地促进民族传统学科的完善、人的健康幸福、社会的和谐发展乃至全人类的友爱和平。本研究以中国传统体育养生文化为逻辑起点,尝试运用各种文化哲学的理论,汲取不同人文、社会学科的研究成果,从宏观的视角对中国传统体育养生文化进行整体和系统的研究。本文首先揭示了传统体育养生文化现象的发生与本质规定性以及传统体育养生文化模式中内隐的理论规范体系,即其思维模式、价值取向、行为规范及行为模式。在此基础之上,通过对中国传统体育文化的现代化反思与批判,提出了全球化形势下中国传统体育养生文化实现现代化创新与转型的策略与途径。本文将传统体育养生文化置于文化哲学的视野之下,深刻剖析养生文化现象背后的养生文化模式内涵及其内在机理,凸显中国传统体育养生文化的文化哲学价值、理论价值以及全球化语境下的社会价值、实践价值,或许这一研究视角与立意具有一定的挑战意味和创新之处,但这也正是本文的难点所在。本文以文化哲学为方法论指导,搜集和整理中国传统体育养生文化的相关文献,从社会现实中搜集有关社会事实的信息资料,并对其进行系统分析和文化哲学研究。具体采用的研究方法包括:文献资料法、社会调查法(专家访谈法、实地考察法)、唯物辩证分析法、文化历史研究法(文化发生方法、历史比较方法、否定性方法)等。研究结论1、从文化哲学的角度来审视,传统体育养生是历史地凝结成的文化知识体系,主要由传统体育养生理论体系和技法体系两部分组成。就其本质而言,它是对生命、自然、社会超越的基础上,经过各种创造性社会活动,而形成的一种促进和规范人们健康长寿的身体运动和身体练习式的性命修炼方式。2、从宏观的视角审视,传统体育养生文化模式内在地具有中华民族性和农耕文明时代性。而从微观的视角审视,传统体育养生文化模式主要有四个维度构成:其一,由“观物取象、立象尽意”的认知大道思维、“立天之道以定人道”的规范人道思维、“尚象制器、以道论器”的创造思维构成的意象思维模式;其二,“以人为本、天人合一”的基本价值取向;其三,由自然规范、社会规范、生命规范和技法规范组成的行为规范体系;其四,调形调气调神三调一体的行为模式。其中意象思维模式和“以人为本、天人合一”的基本价值取向是传统体养生文化模式的核心基因,并决定着传统体育养生的行为规范和行为模式。3、在国际全球化和国内现代化的大背景下,传统体育养生文化必须进行适应时代性的变革,但前提是保持民族性。因此,面向全球化的现代转型,传统体育养生必须以批判地继承传统体育养生文化为基础,汲取和整合西方体育文化中有益于现代化的时效成分和价值因素,进而整合创新出具有中华民族特色的现代体育养生文化体系。而具体到现代体育养生文化的建构,其根本是以意象思维模式和“以人为本、天人合一”的基本价值取向为基础,建立现代思维模式和现代价值取向。

【Abstract】 Traditional Chinese Sports Health-Preserving Culture, with extensive knowledge and profound thoughts, involving Chinese thinking and exploration of all the natural and cultural phenomena such as life, nature and society during the long history of more than five thousand years, is the crystallization of wisdom on how to keep good health and longevity and harmonious development of society. The topic on how to inherit and develop Traditional Chinese Sports Health-Preserving Culture in the historical background of present globalization and modernization is really important for its theoretical and practical significance, because the results of the study will effectively improve the perfection of traditional Chinese disciplines, human good health and happiness, harmonious development of society and even fraternity and peace in humankind. This study, with Traditional Chinese Sports Health-Preserving Culture as its logical starting-point, attempts to give it a comprehensive and theoretical study from a macroscopic perspective by absorbing and applying a variety of theories and studies of cultural philosophy and other humanities and social sciences. It firstly reveals the origination and essentiality of Traditional Chinese Sports Health-Preserving Culture, and then the inherent theoretical norm system in its cultural pattern, i.e., thinking patterns, value orientation, norm patterns and behavior patterns. Based on this discussion and by means of modernized introspection and criticism of Traditional Chinese Sports Health-Preserving Culture, it furthur points out the strategies and ways of modernized innovation and transformation of Traditional Chinese Sports Health-Preserving Culture in the situation of globalization. This study, with Traditional Chinese Sports Health-Preserving Culture studied from the perspective of cultural philosophy, thoroughly analyzes the implied cultural-pattern connotations of health-preserving cultural phenomena and its inherent mechanism and reveals the cultural-philosophical values, theoretical values of Traditional Chinese Sports Health-Preserving Culture and its social values and practical vlues in the context of globalization. It is probable that the perspective of the study and its conception is, to some degree, challenging and original, but it is also the difficulty of the study. This study, under the instruction of cultural philosophy methodology, collects and sorts out the relevant literature of Traditional Chinese Sports Health-Preserving Culture and relevant information of relative social facts derived from society, and then puts them into a theoretical analysis and cultural-philosophical study. The specific methods applied are:method of literature, method of social research (method of expert interview, method of field work), method of materialistic dialectical analysis, method of cultural historical study (method of cultural origination, method of historical comparison, method of negativity), etc..Results of the study1. From the perspective of cultural philosophy, Traditional Chinese Sports Health-Preserving Culture is a historically condensed cultural system, which mainly includes Traditional Chinese Sports Health-Preserving theoretical system and practical system of physical exercises. As to its essence, it is a collection of the methods of physical exercises and movements used for cultivating one’s life to realize good health and longevity, which is the result of all kinds of human creative social activities, based on the their transcendence of nature, society and themselves. 2. From a macroscopic perspective, Traditional Chinese Sports Health-Preserving Cultural pattern inherently has the features of the times of agricultural civilization and Chinese nationality. From a microscopic perspective, Traditional Chinese Sports Health-Preserving Cultural pattern mainly consists of four dimensions:firstly, the thinking pattern of "obtaining images by observing objects and forming images to show its total meanings" used to perceive the greatest way in the nature, the thinking pattern of "establishing the way of heaven to establish the way of man" used to regulate the way of man, the thinking pattern of "making implements according to images and evaluating implements according to the way" which is composed of creative thinking; secondly, the basic value orientation of "oneness of heaven and people" and "people foremost"; thirdly, the behavior norm system including norms of nature, society, life and techniques of phsical exercises; fourthly, behavior pattern of the unification of regulating one’s spirit, Qi and body. Among the four, Imagery Thinking pattern and the basic value orientation of "oneness of heaven and people" and "people foremost" are the foremost genes of Traditional Chinese Sports Health-Preserving Cultural pattern, which determines its behavior norm and behavior pattern.3. In a situation of international globalization and domestic industrial modernization, Traditional Chinese Sports Health-Preserving Culture has to undergo some innovation to meet the requirements of the new era, but the precondition is to keep its Chinese nationality. Therefore, globalized modern transformation of Traditional Chinese Sports Health-Preserving Culture must be based on critically inheriting Traditional Chinese Sports Health-Preserving Culture, accepting and integrating the helpful elements suitable and effective for the modernization and value factors of Western sports culture and finally form a modern Chinese Sports Health-Preserving Cultual system.
