

Research on the Urban Social Sports Organizations’ Development Model under the Context of Public Services

【作者】 刘明生

【导师】 李建国;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育人文社会学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 公共服务背景下,为了解决我国体育公共服务总量供给、体育公共服务主体单一等问题,必须重视城市社会体育组织在城市体育服务建设中作用和功能的发挥。因此,加强城市社会体育组织发展模式的研究,将对加快体育行政部门职能转移进程、构建一个公平普惠、完备、高效的体育公共服务体系具有理论和现实意义。通过文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法及逻辑分析法等,对公共服务背景下城市社会体育组织发展模式进行了理论和实证研究,初步构建了城市社会体育组织发展的理论架构,结合上海城市社会体育组织参与体育公共服务现状分析基础上,建立了城市社会体育组织发展模式、策略及路径。研究发现,城市社会体育组织发展状况薄弱,组织功能定位不够清晰。主要存在组织功能定位与体育公共服务对接不协调,组织服务的专业化不够,组织的独立性和自主性等方面不强,难以满足体育公共服务建设的需要。在公共服务背景下,体育领域政府职能转移滞后,与体育领域外政府职能转移相比明显缓慢。社会体育组织发展模式、政府转移职能的不够明确,政府促进社会体育组织参与体育公共服务的路径选择不够清晰,对承接政府转移职能的核心类组织扶持力度不够等方面不足,影响了城市社会体育组织在体育公共服务体系建设中作用的发挥。我国城市社会体育组织发展主要经历四个阶段:政府主导型的依附政府发展阶段(建国初——文革前);社会体育组织停滞阶段(文革中):政府主导型恢复阶段(20世纪70年代末—20世纪80年代中期);政府选择与社会选择模式并存下的多元化发展阶段(20世纪80年代中期至今)。社会转型对社会体育组织发展的影响主要体现以下方面:行政管理体制改革给城市社会体育组织发展提供了发展空间;政府职能转变给城市社会体育组织作用的发挥创造了有利条件。对城市社会体育组织发展的要求是:社会体育组织管理由管理型向公共服务型转变、城市社会体育组织功能由普化到专门化、管理理念由人治向法治转变、组织结构由同质向异质转变。体育公共服务建设对社会体育组织发展的要求是:以参与体育公共服务为主要目标;有效承接公共体育服务职能,成为政府帮手;有效提高体育公共服务效能。城市社会体育组织在体育公共服务中的作用主要体现以下方面:是体育公共服务主体之一,实现供给主体多元化;是实现体育公共服务社会化的有效途径;是体育公共服务体系的组织基础。上海市基本形成有利于社会体育组织发展的法制环境、城市社会体育组织发展迅速、体育公共服务设施建设加快、建立了四级健身设施网络体系、市民对体育健身多元化需求、体育行政部门启动对社会体育组织规范化评估、初步构建政府主导的体育公共服务体系;对体育健身组织员的调查发现:组织成员对活动组织、健身指导、设施状况等方面满意程度不高问题。体育公共服务建设中,政府职能转移难以有效实施,社会体育组织分类发展方面的不足,严重影响了其参与体育公共服务的功能发挥。按照体育公共服务分类,将社会体育组织有效分成组织服务、活动服务、指导服务、信息服务、设施服务、体质监测等六类服务组织,以更好的实现参与体育公共服务体系的功能对接,为城市居民提供高质量的体育公共服务。公共服务建设中,政府通过重点扶持六类服务核心组织,以六类核心组织为主要载体,以更好的实现体育公共服务体系与社会体育组织的功能对接。建立政府引导下的城市社会体育组织发展模式,构建惠及城市居民体育公共服务体系,政府应明确自身角色定位,通过提供合理政策、制度供给来促进社会体育组织发展。建立分类承接、分层实施的城市社会体育组织发展模式,充分发挥其在体育公共服务中作用。

【Abstract】 The context of public services, in order to solve the total supply of public services, sports, sports a single public service and so the main contradiction, we must attach importance to urban community sports organizations in strengthening the construction of urban sports service role and functions of play, therefore, strengthen urban community sports organizations Development, will transfer the functions of the executive branch to promote sports to speed up the process, build a fair and inclusive, comprehensive and efficient public service system sports theoretical and practical significance.Through literature, interview, questionnaire, logic analysis, on the urban social context of public service development model sports organizations a theoretical and empirical studies, the initial construction of the urban social development of the theoretical structure of sports organizations, combined with Shanghai Society sports organizations in the sports service the main problems existing in established urban community development model of sports organizations.Study found that China’s urban social development of poor sports organizations, organizational functional orientation is unclear. Organization functions primarily in public service orientation and physical docking lack of coordination, inadequate professional service organizations, organizations such as the independence and autonomy is not strong, difficult to meet the physical needs of the Public Services.In the context of public services, delayed transfer of government functions, sports, and sports fields outside the apparent slow compared to the transfer of government functions. Social development model sports organizations, government transfer functions is not clear enough, the government sports organizations in the promotion of social public services, sports Choice is not clear, right to undertake the transfer function of core organizations have not done enough to support Deng Fangmian inadequacies have undermined the urban social sports organization public service system in the sports role to play. City Social Sports Organizations in China mainly through four phases: government-led development stage of the government dependency (the founding of the early-before the Cultural Revolution); community sports organizations stagnation phase (during the Cultural Revolution); government-led recovery period (late 20th century,70-20 century and the mid-80s); the Government chose to co-exist with social choice model under the diversified development stage (mid-80s since the 20th century).Social transformation of the social development of major sports organizations reflect the following areas:administrative management system for urban social development of sports organizations to develop space; transformation of government functions to the city to play the role of community sports organizations to create favorable conditions. Community sports organizations in urban development requirements; social sports organization and management of public services from the managed to change into an urban society of sports organizations to the specialized function of the general management concept the rule of law by the rule of man to changes in organizational structure from homogeneous to heterogeneous change; Sports Public Service Building on the requirements of the development of social sports organization:to participate in sports as the main target of public services, effective services to undertake the functions of public sports, as the government help, and effective public services to improve sports performance; urban community sports organizations in the sports service in the Role:is one of the main public services, sport and achieve diversification of supply, is to achieve public service to the community of sports effective way is the sports organization based public service system.Shanghai basically conducive to social development, legal environment for sports organizations, the rapid development of urban community sports organizations, sports and public service facilities to speed up, the establishment of the four fitness facilities, networks, public diversified needs of sports fitness, sports, start on the executive branch Standardized assessment of the community sports organizations, the initial government-led construction of sports public service system; on the fitness organization member survey found that:the existence of organized activities, fitness guide, facilities such as satisfaction with the status of the problem is not high.Sports Public Service building, difficult to effectively implement the transfer of government functions and social development in category sports organizations lack a serious impact on their participation in physical functioning of public services. Sports Public Service in accordance with the classification of sports organizations will be effectively divided into six categories of social service organizations to better participate in sports public service system to achieve the functions of docking, to provide high quality sports urban public services. Construction of public service public service system should be organized sports services, activities, services, guidance services, information services, facilities, services, physical monitoring services, the six-pronged approach, by focusing on six categories of services to support the core organization to six core organizations as the main carrier, to better realize the sports public service systems and social sports organizations docking, which is building a more effective public service system sports one of the key links.Establish a government under the guidance of the urban social development model sports organization, build benefit of the Sports Public Service System, the Government should clarify its role, by providing a reasonable policy, system supply to promote social development of sports organizations. Undertake the establishment of classification, hierarchical implementation of the development model of urban social sports organization, give full play to its role in the sport of public services.

  • 【分类号】G812.4
  • 【被引频次】13
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