

Spirits Imagine of Tang Five Dynasties Period

【作者】 赵一霖

【导师】 邹进先;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 精怪小说是唐代小说的一个类别。本文以唐五代精怪小说为研究对象,对这类小说的命意与叙事的基本状态进行描述与分析,论述唐五代精怪小说的思想艺术成就及其在中国小说史上的地位。论文绪论部分,对精怪概念的内涵和外延进行界定,指出精怪是人的观念之物,它的产生、嬗变与人类的生存状态、思想意识和思维方式密切相关。六朝精怪小说基本形态为“粗陈梗概”式的“丛残小语”,内容上多表现精怪为实有之意,基本上是一种历史性的叙事。唐五代传奇体精怪小说则是唐人有意为之的文学创作,通过文学性叙事,借助想象的奇异和文采的优美,表现他们对社会人生的思索、理解、想象与向往,展现他们的审美意趣与才华。论文的正文由上编和下编两部分构成。上编主要研究唐五代精怪小说的命意。唐代是小说文体独立的时代,在这样一个背景下,唐五代精怪小说也表现出相应的进步。从命意角度看,唐五代精怪小说存在着两种情况。种是对唐前精怪小说命意的延续,这一类小说的外在形态大都保持了六朝志怪小说“丛残小语”、“粗陈梗概”的特点;一种是以传奇体写成的精怪小说,这类小说的形态与古体精怪小说不同,它通过文学性叙事通过审美想象,构筑了自足的审美世界,其命意虽也有保持精怪小说传统命意的个别情况,但更多的则在于命意的推陈出新,表现了唐人独有的心曲和审美意趣。这一编的重点,是从对爱情婚姻、对功名利禄、对生命、对宗教以及对人情世态的态度等方面,考察和论述唐五代精怪小说命意上的新变。下编主要研究唐五代精怪小说的叙事问题。唐五代精怪小说作为古代文言小说的一个类别,历史性叙事与文学性叙事同时作用于它的成长过程。唐五代精怪小说在叙事方面的成就与贡献就在于它突破六朝志怪小说历史性叙事的藩篱,创撰出文言小说的文学性叙事文本。本编以西方叙事学理论对唐五代精怪小说的叙事问题进行研究,从叙事主体、叙事视角、叙事意象、叙事模式、叙事修辞等方面对唐五代精怪小说叙事的形态、特点、创新等等进行探索与描述,以期重点把握唐五代精怪小说的艺术成就及其对中国古典小说的艺术贡献。

【Abstract】 Monsters in the novel are a novel type of the Tang Dynasty.In this paper, Tang trickster novel as the research object, the Naming of such fiction and narrative description and analysis of the basic state discussed Tang trickster novel ideas artistic achievements and its position in the history of Chinese fiction.Thesis introduction, the concept of the trickster to define connotation and denotation, that trickster is the concept of human things, it’s produced, the survival of the state of human evolution, ideology and ways of thinking are closely related. Six Monsters in the basic form of fiction as a "rough sketch Chan" style "cluster remnant small words," more than content with the performance of Spirits is a real meaning, is essentially a historical narrative. Tang is a Chinese legendary trickster novels deliberately literary creation, through the literary narrative, with the help of singular imagination and literary grace of the beautiful, the performance of their social life, thinking, understanding, imagination and desire to show their aesthetic taste and talent.The body of the paper compiled by the last series and the next two parts.Allocated to the major novels of the Tang and Five Monsters in the life of meaning. Tang is a novel style era of independence, in such a context, the Tang Dynasty Spirits novel will also show progress. Life meaning from the perspective of the Tang Dynasty there are two situations Monsters Fiction. One is the life of Tang ago trickster novel extension of meaning, this type of novel forms mostly kept outside the Six Ghost Stories, "Cong residual small language", "Chen rough sketch" character; a body is written in legend Spirits and novels, such novel forms and archaic trickster novel different, it is through literary narration, by the aesthetic imagination, and build self-sufficiency of the aesthetic world of its life meaning while also maintaining trickster novels traditional life means the individual, but more than that Italian life is on the innovation, the performance of the Chinese Inner Voices and unique aesthetics. The focus of this series is on love and marriage, Cyril, on fame, life, religion and the state’s attitude towards human world, the study and discusses life in·Tang trickster novel views on the new changes.Tang made under the main research question the novels Spirits.Tang trickster novels as a category of Chinese classic novels, historical narrative and literary narrative act on it while growing up. Tang trickster narrative fiction in terms of achievements and contribution to the breakthrough lies in its historical narrative Six Ghost Stories barriers, create a classical Chinese novel of literary essays narrative text. This compilation of Western narrative theory Spirits Tang study the issue of

【关键词】 唐五代精怪小说命意叙事