

A Study of the Narrative Forms in Jin Ping Mei

【作者】 孙志刚

【导师】 张锦池; 刘敬圻;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨师范大学 , 中国古典文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 《金瓶梅》是一本思想内容较为复杂的小说,有着大量的性描写。本文提出此书是“以艳当哭”的小说。在情色、金钱、权势之艳的背后,《金瓶梅》所写的是国家的悲歌、政治的悲歌、家的悲歌。而其深层艺术构思是“家国一体”。《金瓶梅》是以十回为一个叙事单元来叙事的,这是此书的基本结构。在每个叙事单元的内部的“逢7”回是此单元故事的转折点,而“逢9”回是此单元的故事高峰。这也是此书最基本的叙事章法。此书的叙事分为两条线索,即“西门庆家族史”和“权贵荣辱史”。而西门庆家族故事中西门庆与陈经济分别代表父辈和子辈,故《金瓶梅》所写的是两代人的故事。《金瓶梅》佚失的53回——57回重点所写的是“盐引”问题,这个问题是影射严嵩的。因这个章回涉及当时的盐业专卖制度而事关重大,故作者在写完之后可能是把这一部分抽出。故这一部分不是无意丢失,而是有意拿出。在叙事视角上,《金瓶梅》有俯瞰、冷眼旁观、“看—看透”三个视角。俯瞰视角代表作家写作态度;而冷眼旁观视角是作家的写作风格;而“看—看透”视角是作家给读者设计的接受模式。本文分析了此书中的七个人物。对西门庆,本文指出他是商海、宦海中的鲨鱼,并分析了作者对这个人物的设计以及人物的气质。对潘金莲,本文认为她是马蜂一样的人物,是个极端利己主义者。对李瓶儿,本文认为她是一个好女人,有着温厚的性格,但因气死自己的丈夫而最终受到惩罚。对宋惠莲,本文认为作者最后写出这个淫妇的“德行”,而这是“恶人有其德”的写人物方法。对王六儿,本文重点分析了她被金钱的“异化”。对陈经济,本文认为他是晚明时代“富二代”的代表,是一个毫无能力而放荡的人物。对应伯爵,本文认为他是小丑兼哲学家式的人物。在他的身上有落地书生的影子。本文认为《金瓶梅》最主要艺术风格是反讽,而这种反讽是无处不在的。本文指出,除现实主义和自然主义之外,此书还具有“怪诞现实主义”的写作方法。在文体形式上,本文认为《金瓶梅》是“俗讲”的继承者,故《金瓶梅》具有一定的说教性。《金瓶梅》在语言上是善于运用说唱、滑稽幽默的表现形式,此外,注重用人物的职业化语言风格来塑造人物。

【Abstract】 Jin Ping Mei is a novel with complex idea contents, full of sex descriptions. This dissertation points out that Jin Ping Mei is a work conveying sorrow through festivities. Behind the extreme description of carnal desire, power, and the worship of money, it is actually a novel expressing deep sorrow for the nation, the politics and the home, of which the collusion between officials and merchants is given the top priority in description. Jin Ping Mei is also a book for men of property, warning people of excessive indulgence.In regards to the narrative approach, this dissertation holds that ten chapters compose one narrative unit, where there is a unified narration rule.Within each unit, the seventh chapter is a turning point while the ninth chapter is a climax.There are two clues—history of Ximen’s family and the dignitaries’. Ximen and Chen Jingji represent father and son. So it is also a story of two generations.The missing 53-57 chapters are about salt problems, which allude to Yan Song. Because salt monopoly was a sensitive problem at that time, so this part was not lost, but taken away intentionally by the writer.This dissertation asserts that three kinds of narrative perspective exist at the same time, that is, an overlooking view, showing the writer’s attitude, a detached point of view, indicating the writing style and“Observe and See through”perspective, which is for the readers.This paper analyses seven characters. This dissertation points out that Ximen is a shark in business and officialdom. Pan Jinlian, like a hornet, is an extreme egomaniac. Li Ping, is a gentle woman in nature. This dissertation analyzes how Song Huilian is portrayed. For Wang Liu, this paper analyses how she is dissimilated by money. For Chen Jingji, the rich second generation, is a representative of dissolute characters. As to Ying Bojue, this paper thinks he is a clown philosopher, a false scholar.This dissertation holds that irony is the main artistic style of the novel. Besides irony, this novel is in a combination of bizarre and realistic styles.Regarding the text style, Jin Ping Mei in fact borrows from Buddhism a ’vulgar’ style of language, adding a didactic and religious flavor to the novel. In regards to the language, Jin Ping Mei is of hip-hop nature, fresh and interlocutory nature, which are all closely related with a popular usage of language.

【关键词】 《金瓶梅》思想主旨叙事人物艺术
【Key words】 Jin Ping Meiideological ideanarrationcharactersartistic