

Quantitative Analysis of the Characteristics of Offense Organize on International Men’s High-level Vollevball Teams in Points Contest Process

【作者】 石琼

【导师】 尹洪满;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 排球比赛中进攻组织的核心是二传,他是实现教练员的战术意图和实施有效进攻的组织者,其技术水平的高低、发挥的稳定与否决定着全队进攻战术的质量及球队的胜负。因此,探讨高水平二传进攻组织的特征和规律,有助于教练员在今后的训练中选拔优秀二传并有侧重点的进行培养。本文以世界高水平男排为研究对象,通过文献资料法、数理统计法、录像观察法对北京奥运会男排的六场比赛进行技术统计分析,旨在揭示世界高水平男排分竞赛过程的多级结构及进攻组织的分布特征,揭示现今世界高水平男排发球进攻系统和接发球进攻系统进攻组织的特征,分析中国男排与世界高水平男排进攻组织的差异。得出结论:1.世界高水平男排比赛分竞赛过程多级结构成正偏态分布,平均值为2.70,标准差为1.55,级数最小值为1最大值为12。分竞赛过程各战术环节呈递减趋势,进攻组织和战术进攻组织的频数也呈递减趋势,进攻组织在接发球进攻、发球方第一次拦防和接发球方第一次拦防这三个环节运用最多。2.接发球进攻系统进攻组织技术以跳传为主,战术以强攻为主,快攻、立体攻相结合,进攻组织的稳定性强,分配球合理,能够有效的突破对方的拦防。发球进攻系统进攻组织技术以跳传为主,战术以强攻为主,由于当今世界高水平男排进攻水平提高增大了防守难度,主二传很难组织出多变的快攻和立体攻。3.接发球进攻系统进攻组织中国队与世界强队在3号近体快的组织上有显著性差异。发球进攻系统进攻组织中国队与世界强队在进攻组织上没有显著性差异。4.胜队与负队接发球进攻系统进攻组织以强攻为主,胜队的进攻组织效果好于负队,主二传的组织更加合理,强攻、快攻和立体攻的分配更为合理,而负队过于注重强攻,不利于牵制对方拦网,在攻防中处于被动地位。胜队与负队发球进攻系统进攻组织以强攻为主,在进攻组织效果上胜队的组织较为合理,主二传与进攻队员的配合较为默契,能够更好的突破对方的拦防,负队的进攻过于单一。

【Abstract】 Setter is the core in the competition who set up on offense and carry out coach’s tactics intention. The whole team’s offense tactics’ quantity and quality according to the setter’s technical level and he is stable or not. So, analysis the character of the setter’s set up on the offense and the law of the international high level men’s volleyball team is help to the coach select the setter and training the setter.In this thesis, international high level men’s volleyball teams are the study object, techniques statistical analysis of the six Beijing Olympic game volleyball matches have been conducted through several scientific methods including literature review, video statistical and mathematic statistics. For reveal the multilevel structure of the points contest process, distributing character of the offense organize, find out the offense organize character of the serve offense system and reserve offense system of the high level international men’s volleyball teams, analysis the difference between international high level Men’s volleyball teams and China.The conclusions are:1. The international high level men’s volleyball match points contest process multilevel structure is positively skewed distribution, with an average of 2.70. standard deviation of 1.55, the minimum is 1, the maximum is 12. The various tactics in the points contest process are decreasing, the frequency of the offense organize and tactics offense organize are decreasing too, the number of the offense organize is used most during the reserve first offense, serve first offense and reserve second offense.2. Jump pass is the most technical used in reserve offense system, power attack is used more than other attack, the offense organize are stable and rational, it can breakthrough opponent’s defense availably. Serve offense system is also use jump pass most, power attack is most, the promoting of the offense ability increasing the difficulty of the defense, it’s difficult for setter to organize quick attack and three-dimensional attack.3. There is a significant difference in middle attack during the reserve offense system between China and international high level men’s volleyball teams, but in serve offense system there is little difference in offense organize.4. Winning teams with the negative teams are mainly organize power attack in the reserve offense system, but the effect winning teams is better than the negative teams, the offense organize is more rational and stable, the negative teams is too focus on power attack, it makes the opponent easy to block and defense. Winning teams with the negative teams is mainly organize power attack in the serve offense system, winning teams’ offense organize are more rational and stable, the cooperation between setter and attacker is greater privity.

  • 【分类号】G842
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】112

