

【作者】 魏铜铃

【导师】 张国镛;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 教育的本质是发现人的价值、发挥人的潜能、发展人的个性、促进人的发展。大学新生所处的年龄阶段是其人生发展的重要转折期、个体社会化的关键期,同时,大学新生也处于人生受教育转折阶段的关键时期。新生能否成功实现从中学生到大学生的角色转换,能否适应大学学习和生活,不仅关系到个人未来发展,也关系到高等教育目的的实现,更关系到能否培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义合格建设者和可靠接班人。因此,把握大学新生的特点,坚持以人为本地做好新生入学教育工作,是教育的本质要求,是高校人才培养的内在要求,是大学新生健康成长成才的要求,具有重要的意义。本文所作的以人为本视阈下的大学新生入学教育研究,是在深入学习实践科学发展观、提高高等教育质量的时代背景下提出和展开的。为此,本文以“以人为本”思想为逻辑原点,以大学新生入学教育为主线,用三个部分对“以人为本”视阈下推进大学新生入学教育进行了研究。第一部分:根据以人为本的内涵,结合对大学新生特点的分析、大学新生入学教育内涵的界定,论述了以人为本思想在新生入学教育中的重要意义,为以人为本视阈下大学新生入学教育研究提供理论基础。第二部分:对我国大学新生入学教育的现状进行分析,梳理了当前大学新生入学教育的基本做法及成效,研究了当前大学新生入学教育存在的主要问题及原因,为以人为本视阈下大学新生入学教育研究提供合理前提和现实基础。第三部分:基于前两部分的研究,提出了“以人为本”视阈下推进大学新生入学教育的思考。认为在大学新生入学教育中必须首先解决基本理念问题,应从注重人的全面发展、尊重新生的个性和特点、充分发挥学生的主体作用、注重发挥教师的主导作用、重视学生的社会性等方面入手,在新生入学教育中树立以人为本的理念。认为要从根本上解决目前入学教育中存在的主要问题,应当从明确大学新生入学教育的目标定位和基本原则、优化教育内容、丰富教育形式和载体、加强条件建设和环境营造等方面入手,着力构建以人为本的新生入学教育体系。

【Abstract】 The natures of eduction are finding the value of people, bringing the talent into full play, developing the personality, promoting the development. The period for freshmen is an important turning point of their life, also a critical period of individual socialization. At the same time, the period for freshmen is a critical period of their eduction turning point. Whether the freshmen can change the role of themselves from high school students to college students successfully, whether they can adjust to college study and life, are not only related to their personal feature, but also related to the realization of the purpose of high eduction. Grasping the characteristics of freshmen, doing the entrance eduction work for them following the principle of people-oriented, are the fundamental requirements of eduction, the inherent requirements of the training of high eduction, palying an important sense in the healthy development of freshmen.This article studies the entrance eduction of freshmen from the view of people-oriented. We develop our study in the context of carrying out the scientific outlook on devolopment and enhancing the quality of higher education. This article take the idea of "people-orinted" as the logical origin, follow the main line of freshmen entrance eduction. The whole article is divided into three parts.Firstly, according to the content of people-orinted, combined the characteristics analysis of the freshmen with the definition of the content of freshmen entrance eduction, this article discusses that people-oriented mind plays an important role in freshmen entrance eduction, which can provide a theoretical principle for the study of freshmen entrance education in the perspective of people-oriented.Secondly, this article analyzes the present situation of freshmen entrance education in China, summarizes the basic practices and effectiveness of the freshmen entrance education, studies the main problems existing in the current freshmen entrance education, which can provide reasonable premise and realistic basis for our study of freshmen entrance education in the perspective of people-oriented.Lastly, this article proposes a thinking method of the freshmen entrance education in the perspective of people-oriented based on the study of the first two parts. We think that the most important problem should be settled is the basic concepts. We should establish the philosophy of people-oriented in freshmen entrance education from paying attention on man’s all-round development, respecting the characteristics of the freshmen, highlighting the main effects of the students, stressing the leading effects of the teachers, attaching importance to the social role the students played. We also think that if we want to settle the main problems in freshmen entrance education fundamentally, we should define the targets and principles of freshmen entrance education, optimize the education contents, enrich the instructional modes, build better environment and so on, do our best to construct a perfect system for freshmen entrance education in the perspective of people-oriented.

【关键词】 以人为本大学新生入学教育
【Key words】 people-orientedfreshmenentrance education
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期
  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】1469

