

Effects of Ultra High Pressure Processing on Aroma Compounds, Organic Acids and Stability in Danyang Rice Wine

【作者】 韦广权

【导师】 马永昆;

【作者基本信息】 江苏大学 , 食品科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 丹阳黄酒酿造史源远流长,据文献记载已有1700余年,新酿造的丹阳黄酒较辛辣,需要后熟一年以上方可出厂,天然陈酿后熟风味物质形成的速度较慢,稳定性较差,过程条件不易控制,这些已明显制约了丹阳黄酒的大规模加工生产,直接影响了黄酒加工的经济效益。本课题采用超高压技术处理丹阳黄酒,采用固相微萃取和气质联用技术分析丹阳黄酒的香气成分,并探讨了不同高压处理条件下的黄酒中挥发性风味成分的变化规律,运用高效液相色谱法分析高压处理后黄酒有机酸的变化,并对高压处理对黄酒的稳定性进行了研究,为利用超高压技术改善黄酒风味提供依据。研究结论如下:(1)选择了DVB/CAR/PDMS为丹阳黄酒香气固相微萃取的萃取纤维头,较佳萃取条件为萃取温度45℃,萃取时间为40min, NaCl加入量为20%。(2)采用顶空固相微萃取与气质联用对丹阳黄酒挥发物成分进行检测分析,检测出醇类、酯类、酸类、酮类、酚类以及呋喃类挥发物成分31种,其中以醇类、酯类、酸类为主。(3)经Osme法分析得到黄酒中各香气物质的香气强度值,确定出了17种化合物对丹阳黄酒具有重要贡献,分别是乙醇、2-甲基丁醇、3-甲基丁醇、1-辛烯-3-醇、2,3-丁二醇、糠醇、苯乙醇、乙酸乙酯、丙酸乙酯、苯乙酸乙酯、乙酸、丙酸、2-甲基丙酸、糠醛、苯甲醛、苯酚和4-乙烯基-2甲氧基苯酚。(4)丹阳黄酒经过300、400和500MPa处理20min后黄酒的香气种类增加,且异丁醇、异戊醇、2,3-丁二醇、苯乙醇、丙酸乙酯、乙酸乙酯和苯乙酸乙酯等成分的含量增加,乙酸和戊酸含量明显减少,对酮类和酚类等没有明显影响。(5)丹阳黄酒经过400MPa、20min处理其香气成分变化最明显,醇类中的异丁醇、异戊醇、2,3-丁二醇和苯乙醇的含量分别增加了20.1%、6.7%、84.2%和44.8%,酯类总量提高了93.2%,乙醛含量减少54.9%,该结果与400MPa、20min处理黄酒的感官评价最好的结论是相符的。合理的超高压处理条件能较好地保留黄酒的香气,并改善黄酒感官品质,使其口感更加鲜美、爽口、醇厚和协调。(6)丹阳黄酒中有机酸成分主要是乳酸、酮戊二酸、乙酸和酒石酸,其次是琥珀酸和丙酮酸,含量较低的是草酸、苹果酸和柠檬酸;经过高压处理后,有机酸含量增加的有酒石酸、草酸、苹果酸和乙酸,有机酸含量减少的有丙酮酸、酮戊二酸、乳酸、柠檬酸和琥珀酸。(7)通过对明胶、蛋清粉、PVPP和DHJ101等澄清剂处理黄酒后浊度值分析比较,DHJ101较适合丹阳黄酒的澄清,且经过超高压处理可提高黄酒稳定性。

【Abstract】 Danyang rice wine has about 1700-years long history. The newly brewed Danyang rice wine is rather spicy, generally it needs to be stored for more than one year. The time of flavor compounds formation is very long during its aging in porcellanic jar and its stability is low, which are difficult to control the process conditions. These clearly limit the large-scale production processing of Danyang wine and directly affect the economic efficiency of the production.Danyang rice wine was treated by Ultra High Pressure in this study. The aroma compounds were analyzed by combining solid phase microextraction with GC-MS. The change mechanism of aroma compounds in different treatment under UHP aslo had been studied. The kinds of organic acids under UHP aslo was detected using high performance liquid chromatography. The stability of rice wine aslo was explored. This study will give some basis on improving the flavor of Danyang rice wine with Ultra High Pressure.The results were summarized as follows:(1) The most superior extraction fibers for Danyang rice wine was DVB/CAR/PDMS and the better extraction condition was that temperature 45℃, extraction time 40min and the amount of salt NaCl about 20%.(2) The volatile components of Danyang rice wine were detected by Headspace solid phase microextraction and GC-MS.The result of analysis was that about 31 species volatile composition was detected in Danyang rice wine. These compounds were mainly alcohols, esters, acids, ketones, phenols and furans, which mainly contributed were alcohols, esters and acids.(3) Danyang rice wine was mainly contributed by 17 kinds of compounds with the Osme value.These compounds were ethanol,2-methylbutanol,3-methylbutanol, 1-octene-3-ol,2,3-butanediol, furfuryl alcohol, phenethanol, ethyl acetate, ethyl propionate, ethyl phenylacetate, acetic acid, propionic acid,2-methyl-propionic acid, furfural,benzaldehyde,phenol and 4-vinyl-2-methoxy-phenol.(4) The type of aroma compounds in Danyang rice wine was increased after 300MPa,400MPa and 500Mpa disposed about 20min. The content of isobutyl alcohol, isoamyl alcohol,2,3-butanediol, benzyl alcohol, ethyl propionate, ethyl acetate and ethyl phenylacetate were increased, the content of acetic acid and pentanoic acid were significantly reduced, but ketones and phenols were not affected.(5) The changes of aroma compounds in Danyang rice wine after 400Mpa dealing with 20min were most significant. The content of isobutyl alcohol, isopentyl alcohol,2,3-butanediol and phenethanol increased by 20.1%,6.7%,84.2% and 44.8% respectively.The total content of esters was increased about 93.2%, and the content of acetaldehyde was reduced about 54.9%. The results were the same as sensory evaluation.Sensory evaluation indicated that the proper conditions of high pressure treatment can be better to retain the aroma of wine, and to improve the sensory quality of rice wine and make its taste more delicious, refreshing, mellow and coordination.(6) The main organic acids of Danyang rice wine were lactic acid, ketoglutaric acid, acetic acid and tartaric acid, followed by succinic acid and pyruvic acid,Oxalic acid, malic acid and citric acid had a low level. After high pressure treatment, the content of tartaric acid, oxalic acid, malic acid and acetic acid were increased respectively, and the content of pyruvic acid, ketoglutaric acid, lactic acid, citric acid and succinic acid were decreased.(7) By the value of turbidity, DHJ101 clarifier was choosed for Danyang rice wine between the four kinds clarifier(gelatin, egg white powder, PVPP and DHJ101), and high pressure treatment can improve the stability of wine.

【关键词】 超高压丹阳黄酒香气有机酸稳定性
【Key words】 UHPDanyang rice winearomaorganic acidsstability
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江苏大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 06期

