

Research on the Expression of Arch Structure in Long-span Buildings

【作者】 张智远

【导师】 刘德明;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以最为经典的形态作用结构——拱结构为研究对象,试图从结构和建造的角度分析当代作品,努力挖掘当代建筑形式作为一种结构和建造诗学的发展历史。拱是杆轴线为曲线并且在竖向荷载下会产生水平反力的结构,内力主要为压力,是使构件摆脱弯曲变形的一种突破性发展;几何形态多样,力的分布、传导方式与结构的承载效率主要受线型、矢跨比、截面形式及材料性能的影响。拱能够利用砖、石砌体等脆性材料的抗压性能,实现梁式结构难以实现的大跨度。随着建筑材料的不断发展,铸铁、木材、钢筋混凝土、钢等材料的应用,提高了结构承载效率的同时,为拱结构赋予了新的丰富的形象。结构形象从沉重到轻盈的飞跃是拱结构在当代社会发展的明显趋势。在当代大跨建筑中,拱结构作为建筑屋盖的主要支承结构,独立应用或者与其他结构组成组合结构,共同承受荷载。拱结构通过各种组合手法的运用,创造了形式迥异的结构形态,为建筑设计提供丰富多彩的创作手段。拱在三大结构体系中的应用特点为:推力结构体系中,单拱通过并列组合与交叉组合可形成无限延伸的建筑空间,较多的平面形状和高低不一的空间变化以及形体变化,从而塑造出新颖独特的建筑造型。在拱与壳的组合中,拱以边缘构件、肋的形式应用于壳体结构,提高结构承载力,同时丰富着结构的表现力。张拉结构体系中,拱、索的结合,可以代替常规下必然沿屋盖周边出现的边梁和支柱,从而解放屋盖一侧或四周为无柱的开放空间。建筑造型上,拱与索的组合结构可塑造出独特的颇具震撼力的建筑形象,增添张扬之势和轻盈剔透的艺术效果;大跨建筑中,膜结构多与索、桁架、空间网架、拱等结构组合,形成骨架支撑,获得建筑形态、增大建筑的跨度以及结构的承载力。弯剪结构体系中,在大跨体育建筑中,拱与悬臂结构的组合结构常被用于屋盖结构;同时,拱作为大跨建筑的独立承载结构,通过悬挂的吊索或吊杆,悬吊其他形式的屋盖,如网壳、梁等其他结构形式,也广泛应用于当代大跨建筑中,为建筑造型提供了无限潜力。拱结构表现对当代大跨建筑设计构思的影响,主要体现于基地环境、建筑造型、空间及界面、节点等四方面。结构与环境相结合,主要通过体量的突显与隐藏,形态的相似与异构,尺度的对话与无视,材料质感的协调与对立,以及涉及于地域文化的隐喻与象征等方面来与环境对话;大跨建筑造型与空间设计中,结构与材料的组合应用、结构的力学逻辑、几何形状对空间和体量的表征以及个性的赋予为建筑造型及空间的创新提供了契机。在这里,结构的形态性能特点构筑了建筑的逻辑与表现。本文通过对国内外现代大跨度建筑中拱结构的应用及表现的研究,力图为大跨建筑设计构思方法与实践提供有意义的借鉴和参考。

【Abstract】 In this paper, I will take the most classic structure - arch structure as the research object, attempt to analyze contemporary typical works from views of structure and construction, in order to find out the law of contemporary architectural form as a structure and poetic history of construction.Arch is a structure with a curve rod axis and it can produce level counterforce under vertical load. The internal force is mainly the pressure. The arch is a breakthrough which makes the structure get rid of bending deformation; Its geometric patterns varies while force distribution, transmission methods and structural efficiency mainly depended on linear, span ratio, cross-sectional form and materials’performance. Arch can achieve a larger-span using compression resistance of brick, stone and physical brittle materials, which can not be done by beam structure. With the continuous development of building materials, more and more use of wood, reinforced concrete, steel and other materials improve the efficiency of the structure. At the same time, they provide various new outlooks of arch structure. The turning from heavy to lightness of structural image is a clear trend in contemporary society.In modern large-span buildings, arch acts as the main supporting structure of roofs in terms alone or together with other structures. Through various techniques and combinations with other structures, architects create abundant structural forms, which provide architectural design increasingly more creative ways. The using features of arch structure in three kinds of structure are as follows:In thrust structure system, extensive building space and more flat shape can be created through parallel combination and cross-combination of arches. It provides conditions to create new and unique architecture styles. In combinational structure of arches and shells, arches act as edge structure and ribs of shell to improve bearing capacity as well as enriching structure’s expression.In tension structure system, combination of arch and cable can replace roof beams and pillars along the edges of roof and therefore liberate interior space. In terms of architectural style, the combination structure of arch and cable can create the beauty of unreservedness and light-clear artistic effects; in long-span buildings, arch can also work with membrane structure acting as framework, to obtain architectural form while improving span and capacity of the structure.In shear-flexural structural system, combinational structure of arch and cantilever structure is usually used in roofs of long-span buildings. Meanwhile, the arch is also used as independent structure with slings and suspenders connecting with other roof structures such as reticulated shells and girders, and provides unlimited potential in long-span buildings’designing.In architectural designing process of contemporary long-buildings, expression of arch structure impacts on four aspects, which are environment, architectural form, space and interface and nodes. In environmental aspect, arch structure assorts with environment mainly through control of magnifying and hiding of volume, similarities and heterogeneity of shapes, coherence and ignorance of scale, coordination and confrontation of material and texture, as well as attention to local cultures through metaphor and symbolism. In large-span building form and space design, it provides opportunities to innovate through structure and materials, geometry volume of space and entity as well as enduing of personality. Here, characteristics of the structure build the logic of the construction and performance.In this paper, the writer do research on the expression of arch structure in modern long-span buildings at home and abroad, in order to provide meaningful reference to long-span buildings’design and practice.


