

Research on Character Expression of Long-span Public Buildings

【作者】 李欣

【导师】 刘德明;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 大跨公共建筑体量庞大,造型突出,拥有着与其它建筑类型不同的性格特点,同时随着近年来建设数量的增多,在性格表达中暴露出一定的问题如性格表现手法的误用或滥用、建筑文化和技术内涵的缺失、忽视细部节点处理等。文章通过对大跨公共建筑性格发展历程与动因的分析,并通过对经典实例的解读及大量文献的整理,提出大尺度、整体感、标志性是大跨公共建筑主要的性格特征,也是大跨公共建筑的外部造型对内部空间结构和使用性质的自然流露。本文以大跨公共建筑的典型性格特征作为研究线索,以大跨公共建筑性格表达设计主要制约因素的深入分析为基础,探讨如何处理好其内部空间和外部造型之间的关系。论文首先从历史的角度对大跨公共建筑性格的形成过程进行了梳理,通过比较分析的方法总结了各个时期影响大跨公共建筑性格发展的制动和促动因素,提出了大跨公共建筑的典型特征即大尺度、整体感和标志性,为后文设计方法的展开奠定了基础。其次,从宏观的角度,系统地分析了大跨公共建筑性格的整体表现手法,在内部空间体量的表征、建筑使用性质的表达、特定技术的展示三个核心方面构建了整体设计手法的研究框架并依次进行了系统的分析。提出了设计中应突出主体空间特征,体现空间组合模式,要注重建筑的场所地位及内涵表达,特定功能建筑性格的表现并结合特定的技术手法即大跨结构选型技术、大众传播技术和生态设计技术表现建筑的性格特征。最后,从微观的角度,阐释了大跨公共建筑性格的细部表现手法,主要从比例尺度的控制、色彩肌理的表达、构件特征的捕捉三个方面进行了探讨。从整体与细部设计的关系出发,提出了性格表达中应注重重点部位的处理、表皮色彩肌理的表现,并应注重表露建筑的典型特征,注重构件加工美的表露和建筑构造美的表达。课题研究针对当前大跨公共建筑性格表达中出现的一些问题,并结合国内外已有的大量的建筑设计实例,总结其成功抑或是失败的经验,与理论有机结合,提出相应的设计策略与方法,以期更好地指导创作实践。

【Abstract】 Large-span public buildings are gigantic volume, modeling outstanding and having different personality characteristics with other building types.At the same time,as increasing in the number of construction in recent years,some problems have been revealed in the character expression,such as the misuse and abuse of character technique of expression,the missing of building cultural and technological content and the ignorance of the detail node processing.By analyzing the personality development process and the motivation of the large-span public buildings,and through the interpretation of the classic examples and the collation of extensive literature,this article puts forward that the main character traits of large-span public buildings are large-scale,sense of whole and landmark.It is the nature expression of the external shape across the interior structure and use property of large-span public buildings.The research clues of this article are the typical character traits of large-span public buildings and the basis is the in-depth analysis of the main constraints to the character expressional design of large-span public buildings.To explore the ways how to deal with the relationship between the internal space and the external shape. The paper starts from a historical point of the formation of the character of long-span public buildings. By using the comparing analysis method, the paper summarized the influence of internal and external cause about the development of the character of long-span public buildings in different periods. And it raised the typical characteristic of the long-span public buildings, that is large scale,associative perception and affinity, and laid foundation for the design method of the postamble. Secondly, from the macroscopic perspective, the paper analyzed the method of general performance of the character of long-span public buildings. Constructing the research framework of the overall design method from the characterization of the interior space, the expression of the usage nature of buildings, the the expression of special technique and then conducted a systematic analysis of those. We should highlight the main spatial characteristics, reflect the spatial combination mode in design l. And should pay attention to the status and connotatively expression of buildings, the character expression of special function with a particular technical approach, that is technology of structure selection, technology of mass communication, eco- technology. They together expressed the character trait of buildings. Finally, from the microcosmic of view, the paper explained the detail expression methods of the character of long-span public buildings. Mainly from three aspects that are controlling of the ratio scale, the expression of color and texture, seizing of the features of components. The paper raised that we should pay attention to the key parts of the treatments, the expression of the color and texture of epidermis, and also about the revealing the typical characteristics of the building, the revealing of the beauty of processing components and the expression of the beauty of construction from the relationship between the overall and detail.The purpose of writing this thesis is to sum up the problems of the characteristic of long-span public buildings, and to combine the architectural design examples at home and abroad that also existed. The paper summed up the experiences of success or failure of those examples and combined with the thoeries, raised up the design strategies and methods and hoped that it can better guide the design practice.


