

Research on Safety Evaluation of Fully Mechanized Longwall Mining in Pitched Seam

【作者】 周颖

【导师】 田水承; 贠东风;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着煤矿开采强度的不断增加,大部分矿区浅部开采条件好的储量接近枯竭。因此,大倾角煤层的安全高效开采备受关注。与近水平煤层和缓倾斜煤层比较,大倾角煤层综采工作面系统的安全性差、可靠性低,生产系统复杂。大倾角综采工作面生产系统的复杂性决定了其安全评价是一项复杂的系统工程,所以构建准确、合理、有效的大倾角煤层长壁综采安全评价指标体系至关重要。本文以确定大倾角煤层长壁综采安全评价指标体系为目的,采用以人为主的人机环管四因素相结合的系统分析法,以综采工作面中的人员、机械设备、环境和管理为研究对象,对综采工作面生产系统中存在的危险因素进行辨识和分析,建立了合理、有效的大倾角煤层长壁综采安全评价指标体系。安全评价指标体系由4个一级指标,14个二级指标和46个三级指标组成。通过对指标的量化处理,达到评价指标体系的实用性、可操作性。首先,采用专家调查法和层次分析法,确定了各指标的权重;然后,采用专家打分法确定第三级指标的隶属度;最后,运用模糊综合评价法,对大倾角煤层综采工作面进行安全综合评价。现场应用中,将此评价指标体系应用于新疆焦煤集团2130平硐25112工作面以及靖远煤业有限责任公司王家山煤矿44407工作面安全评价中。新疆焦煤集团2130平硐25112工作面安全系统得分80.01,靖远煤业有限责任公司王家山煤矿44407工作面安全系统得分78.659,两个工作面安全等级均为“好”。根据评价结果,提出了改进措施。

【Abstract】 With the increasing intensity of coal mining, the reserve of most mining area with simplegeologic conditions of shallow coalseam is close to depletion. Therefore, the pitched seaminto the people’s vision. Gentle slope and near the level of coal seam comparison, thehigh-pitched seam Workface system security, reliability and low complexity of productionsystems. Inclined fully mechanized mining face the complexity of production systems,determine its safety evaluation is a complex systematic project, so to build an accurate,reasonable and effective high-pitched seam Longwall safety evaluation index system isessential.This paper to determine the high-pitched seam Longwall safety evaluation index systemfor the purpose of the use of people-oriented man-machine combination of four factors EMSsystem analysis method, in order to fully mechanized coal face of the personnel, machineryand equipment, environment and management as object of study, pairs of fully mechanizedcoal face production systems that exist in identification and analysis of risk factors, the use ofanalytic hierarchy process, fuzzy evaluation methods such as the human, machine andenvironment, management, optimization of matching elements such as the establishment of areasonable and effective big dip Longwall coal mining safety evaluation index system. Safetyevaluation index system consists of four-level indicators, 14 indicators and 46 secondary threeindicators.Evaluation index system for achieving usability, operability of the indicators of、On-site applications, this safety evaluation index system is used in working face 25112of adit 2130 of Xinjiang Coal Group, Ltd.and working face 44407 in Wangjiashan Mine ofJingyuan Coal Industry Co, Ltd. Through calculations, the result of 25112 working face safetylevels obtains 80.01 points and 44407 working face safety levels achieves 78.659 points,this consequence shows that the safety levels of this two workplace reached“good”.Based on theevaluation conclusion, proposed measures for improvement.

  • 【分类号】TD823.9;X936
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】205
  • 攻读期成果

