

Study on Group Pressure in Large Mining Height Fully-mechanized Face in Chenghe Mining Area

【作者】 欧亚伟

【导师】 索永录;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 采矿工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 澄合矿区5号煤厚3.5~4.0m左右,处于中厚煤层~厚煤层的过渡区间,煤质松软,局部为不稳定的复合顶板,极易破碎冒落,具有特殊性和复杂性,因此其综采采场矿压规律的研究具有重要意义。论文采用现场矿压观测、理论分析、相似材料模拟实验及数值模拟等方法,以澄合二矿24504工作面和董家河矿22305工作面为研究对象,对澄合矿区5号煤综采采场的矿压规律及工作面围岩控制技术措施进行比较深入的研究。根据现场矿压观测及相似模拟实验,分析了工作面支架载荷特点和周期来压规律。应用有限差分程序FLAC3D模拟分析了工作面前方支承压力、煤壁拉应力区及塑性区分布规律。最后分析了工作面端面冒顶及煤壁片帮防治措施。研究表明,与一般综采工作面相比,澄合矿区5号煤3.5~4m采高综采工作面的矿压显现特征有其特殊性:工作面支架载荷较普通综采大;来压时动载系数小;周期来压比较明显,但不强烈。数值模拟研究表明,随着采高的增加,工作面前方支承压力的作用范围按非线性关系递增,峰值点位置越来越远离工作面,而应力集中系数随之减少。以工作面矿压规律研究为基础,提出了一种适用于澄合矿区5号煤层综采液压支架工作阻力的计算方法。

【Abstract】 The thick of fifth coal seam in Chenghe mining area is 3.5~4m.Between the middle thick coal seam and thick coal seam Due to the special characteristics of rules of overburdell layer’s movement and strata behavior in the large mining height fully—mechanized face in the Chenghe mining area,the dissertation has chiefly studied the characteristics and laws of strata behavior and stress fields so realizes the regularity of mine pressure have the important meaning highly effective.This paper uses monitoring system、the coal sample mechanics characteristic experiment, the similar material modelling,the computer numerical calculus and the theoretical analysis method, study the characteristics of stata behavior in fully-mechanized coal mining face of greater mining-heigh in five coal seam of chenghe mining area.According monitoring systerm and the coal sample mechanics characteristic experimert,analysis the regularity of pressure.Use the computer numerical calculus and the theoretical annlysis method,analysis abutment pressure and stress distribution.Based on the above, Analysis of face in roof fall and ribmeaure..According to the results,it is indicated that the characteristics of strata behavior in the large mining height fully-mechanized face are particular with these of other mining technology under the different geological conditions.It is especially included that the load of support in the workface is bigger than the general mechanized faces,that the coefficient of dynamic load is littler and there is no impact load,that the load of powered support mostly belong to static load in the face. According to similar simulation test and theoretical analysis,the rules of abutment pressure ahead of face are obtained.As increasing of the cutting height,he effect range of abutment pressure gradually and nonlinearly increases,the position of peak point gets farer from face and the center coefficient of stress reduces to a contain valu.At last,based on the regularity of mine pressur, established a static load calculation based Chenghe coal mine on the 5th mechanized mining of coal roof support resistance calculations mechanical model portfolio.


