

Research on Roof Weighting Mechanism of Near Shallow Seam Longwall Face

【作者】 曹明

【导师】 黄庆享;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 采矿工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来我国对榆神府矿区典型浅埋工作面进行了比较深入的研究,得出了其矿压显现规律和顶板来压机理。然而,对基岩较厚、上覆双关键层的近浅埋煤层长壁工作面矿压显现规律和顶板来压机理研究很少,仍缺乏完整和统一的认识。因此,研究并揭示近浅埋长壁工作面的矿压显现规律和顶板来压机理对今后榆神府矿区近浅埋工作面的科学开采具有重要指导意义。本文以导师承担的教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目“浅埋煤层保水开采基础研究”为依托,以榆树湾煤矿20102近浅埋长壁工作面和海湾煤矿3号井2-2上近浅埋工作面为例进行研究。首先,对榆神府矿区近浅埋煤层的地质特征进行了分析。通过现场实测和相似模拟研究,得出了近浅埋长壁开采的特殊矿压显现规律。通过相似模拟和数值模拟研究,以岩层控制的关键层理论为基础,得出上覆基岩主、亚双关键层的破断运动规律。最后,通过理论分析和建立模型,揭示了近浅埋煤层长壁开采的顶板来压机理。研究表明,榆神府矿区赋存有大量的近浅埋煤层,主要表现为厚基岩,上覆双关键层结构。近浅埋工作面仍然存在明显的初次来压和周期来压,来压期间支架动载明显,无明显台阶下沉,来压步距及强度一般呈现非均匀性大小周期变化。相似模拟和数值模拟得出主关键层的破断导致下位亚关键层与之同步破断,主关键层初次破断和周期破断往往形成大来压,来压显现强烈,亚关键层初次破断和周期破断往往形成小来压,两组关键层的非均匀性大小周期破断是造成近浅埋工作面特殊矿压规律的根本原因。通过复合效应判别,两个近浅埋工作面上覆双关键层均会产生复合效应。通过来压影响程度判别,两个近浅埋工作面上覆主亚双关键层破断均会对来压产生显著影响。理论分析和模型计算得出近浅埋长壁工作面来压步距及强度一般呈现非均匀性大小周期变化,从而对近浅埋煤层长壁开采的特殊来压规律进行合理解释,为近浅埋工作面顶板控制提供理论依据。

【Abstract】 In recent years,we have done a lot of works of typical shallow seam of YUSHENFU coalfield,and got its rock pressure rule and roof weighting mechanism.But we did little of nearshallow seam long wall face with thick base rock and two key stratas.There is no unite resultsabout its rock pressure and roof weighting mechanism.So it is important for us to grip its ruleand mechanism.It will do good to the scientific explotion of near shallow seam long wall faceof YUSHENFU coal field.With the base of the tutor’s project of study abroad repatriate person of ministry ofeducation,we take 20102 near shallow seam longwall face of YUSHUWAN coal mine andnear shallow seam longwall face of HAIWAN coal mine for example.Through the actualmeasurement and analog simulation,we got the special rock pressure rule of near shallowseam longwall face.Through the analog simulation and numerical simulation,with the base ofthe key strata theory of strata contol,we got the rule of distortion and breakage of the two keystratas.At last,through the theory analysis,we got the roof weighting mechanism of the nearshallow seam longwall face.The investigation discovered that,there are a lot of near shallow seams in YUSHENFUcoal field.Its main character is that: thick basement rock,above it with two key stratas.Thenear shallow seam longwall work face still have strong rock pressure,and its rock pressuresteps are larger than typical shallow seam longwall work face.The bracket dynamic load isvery distinct during its rock pressure circles.Rock pressure steps and rock pressure strengthmanifests a large and a small with a circle change.Through anlog simulatin and numericalsimulation,the breakage distance of inferior key strata is smaller than the breakage distance ofmain key strata.The main reason of the special pressure rule is that:the non in phase breakageof both key stratas.With the basement of theory of strata control,we got the complex effect model to the near shallow seam longwall workface.The double key stratas of two near shallowseam longwall workface will both have complex effect.At last,we structured the double keystratas pressure model.we anlysed the breakage of the two key stratas and the pressure ruleand the roof weighting mechanism of near shallow longwall face.we explained the specialpressure rule properly through the modle.The investigation will offer a theory foundation tostrata control.


