

Study on the Top Coal Caving and Drawing Controllability in Fully Mechanized Caving Face of Steep Thick Seam

【作者】 张坤

【导师】 来兴平;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 采矿工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在急倾斜特厚煤层水平分段放顶煤开采中,由于开采空间的结构尺寸(变尺度)等特征,决定了开采扰动区内顶煤失稳具有明显的动力学倾向,且动力学坍塌速度很快。极易演化为覆岩介质的强度劣化产生坍塌失稳进而诱致伴生与衍生灾害。如不能及时掌握工作面顶煤破坏演化规律和提高顶煤可控性,急倾斜大段高综放工作面安全高效开采也将无从谈起。本研究以急倾斜煤层综放工作面安全高效开采为目标。首先结合国内外有关急倾斜煤层开采技术概况,现场调查急倾斜水平分段放顶煤工作面区域地质特征、生产技术条件。通过室内岩石物理-力学性质实验,获得急倾斜煤层-顶板物理力学指标参数。然后通过利用静态电阻应变仪和数字化声发射技术(acoustic emission,AE)进行大型三维立体相似模拟实验,对急倾斜高阶段顶煤放煤过程中,变形局部化的动态力学响应参数及其与之对应的微结构演化过程进行实时追踪。从宏观与微观角度揭示不同开采推进条件下煤岩复合围岩介质局部化变形-演化-失稳规律,并对大段高条件下支架工作特性进行了分析。结合大型三维立体相似模拟实验研究结果和椭球体放煤理论,针对具体工程地质条件对影响工作面顶煤可控性因素进行了理论分析,建立了局部灾害防治体系。最后对苇湖梁煤矿综放工作面在较大水平分段高度条件下的现有液压支架设备的适应性和工作面“支架-围岩”相互作用特征进行了论证分析。根据顶煤的放出特点结合现场工业试验提出了合理的放煤工艺参数。针对顶煤弱化问题,在注水弱化工业性试验的基础上确定合理的弱化技术参数。最终形成急倾斜特厚煤层顶煤可控性技术。本研究在应用于苇湖梁煤矿急倾斜特厚工作面生产过程中,取得了一定的成功,为急倾斜水平分段放顶煤工作面安全高效开采研究提供了可靠的依据,同时具有一定的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 The horizontal section top coal caving in steep thick seam using fully mechanized caving mining,because the mining structure of space dimensions (variable scale) and other characteristics,the top coal in excavation disturbed zone has obvious tendency to collapse and the dynamic collapse is fast.it easily transformed into overburden medium strength decreases and induced disasters associated with derivatives.If we can not grasp the top coal damage evolution law and not to improve the controllability of top coal,the large horizontal section top coal caving in steep thick seam using fully mechanized caving mining will also be out of the question.In this study the target is safe and efficient mining in the horizontal section top coal caving of steep thick seam using fully mechanized caving mining.First of all combine the domestic and foreign status of steep seam mining technology,through field survey, the horizontal section top coal caving in steep thick seam using fully mechanized caving face regional geology,production and technological conditions.By use of indoor rock physical mechanical properties experiments,we obtain physical and mechanical index parameters of the steep seam and the roof.according to the Physical model of Steep thick seam using fully mechanized caving in WEI Hu-liang mine face,by the use of static resistance strain gauge and acoustic emission technique (acoustic emission, AE) do real-time tracking analysis for dynamic mechanical parameters and their corresponding micro-structure evolution in the process of localization. From the macro and micro aspect revealed the localized deformation-evolve to instability rules in composite coal and rock medium under different mining conditions,and analyzed the working resistance of support which is under the condition of the large section top coal caving.With the large three dimensional similar material simulation experiment results and ellipsoid caving theory,demonstrated steep seam caving and drawing characteristics and analyzed the controllable factors.finally,existing hydraulic support equipment’s compatibility in fully mechanized caving face of WEI Hu-liang mine and interaction characteristics of the“support-surrounding rock”under the greater height of horizontal section conditions are analyzed,demonstrated according to the characteristics of top coal caving and the field experiment reasonable caving parameters was proposed.Aiming at top-coal weakening problems based on the water injection weakening industrial test reasonable water injection weakening technical parameter is determined.Finally formed top coal caving and drawing technology of steep thick seam.The technology had been successfully applied to the production process control in steep thick seam using fully mechanized caving of WEI Hu-liang mining face.The research provides a reliable basis for safe and efficient mining in the horizontal section top coal caving of steep thick seam using fully mechanized caving mining.At the same time, the control technology has a certain referent significance.


