

The Destruction and Control Measures of Mining Subsidence on Land Resources in Weibei Coal-mining Area

【作者】 冀伟珍

【导师】 夏玉成;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 环境工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来随着煤炭产业的快速发展,能源需求与环境保护的矛盾日益加剧,煤炭开采对环境的破坏越来越严重,尤其是对土地资源的破坏。研究开采沉陷对土地资源的破坏,揭示土壤理化性质变化规律,对于正确选择土地复垦措施和提高复垦土地生产力,合理开发和利用沉陷土地资源,保证煤炭工业的可持续发展,都具有十分重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文将开采沉陷对土地资源的破坏分为两种形式:显性破坏和隐形破坏。前者主要表现为地表移动变形,包括连续变形和非连续变形两个方面;后者主要表现为开采沉陷引起的土壤侵蚀、水土流失、土地荒漠化、沼泽化,以及土壤有效水分和土壤肥力发生变化,从而导致土地生产力的下降。以裂缝宽度/台阶高度、附加坡度、潜水位埋深这些指标作为评价参数,结合水利设施状况、植物长势以及对耕地的影响,将开采沉陷对土地资源的破坏划分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ四个等级。以渭北煤田的铜川矿区和澄合矿区为研究对象,通过对采自这两个矿区的4组土壤样品进行土壤含水量、容重、孔隙度、粒径、pH值、有机质、N、P、K、细菌数量、重金属含量的分析测定,研究开采沉陷对土壤理化性质的影响,发现渭北煤田井工开采在造成耕地开裂、塌陷等显性破坏的同时,还对土壤的理化性质产生了重要影响,其影响的最大幅度达到116.55%,这为开采沉陷区土地资源的治理恢复提供理论依据。针对渭北矿区开采沉陷对土地资源产生的破坏,提出了相应的预防与治理措施:通过分析开采沉陷的影响因素,提高预计精度,预先评估煤矿区地质环境可以承受的损害程度来预防开采沉陷;通过选择合理的开采方法,来减少开采沉陷;通过工程复垦、土壤修复等生态重建对策来治理开采沉陷。

【Abstract】 As the rapid development of coal-mining industry in resent year, the contradiction between the energy needs and environmental protection are increasingly aggravation, more and more serious damage of coal mining to environment, particularly the destruction of land resources. Study the destruction of mining subsidence on land resources and reveal the law of mining subsidence, which is important theory significance and the practical significance to choose the land reclamation measures and improve the productivity of land reclamation correctly, establish a scientific and reasonable standard of land expropriation and compensation costs, develop and utilize the subsidence of land resources reasonable, ensure sustainable development of coal industry.In this paper, the mining subsidence damage to land resources is divided into two forms: visible impact and invisible impact. The former mainly for the ground deformation, including the continuous deformation and discontinuous deformation; The latter is soil erosion caused by coal mining subsidence, soil erosion, desertification, marsh, and the soil moisture and soil fertility changes.To crack width / step height, additional slope, diving bit depth of these indicators as an evaluation parameter, situate the water conservancy facilities, plants growing and the impact on the land, divid mining subsidence damage to land resources intoⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳfour grades.To Tongchuan and Chenghe mine area in Weibei coalfield as research object. As a result of the underground mining, the visible destruction appears on the arable land such as crack, subsidence, and so on. Study of the mining subsidence impact on soil physical and chemical properties by the comparative soil water content, bulk density, porosity, partical size, pH, organic matter, N, P, K, bacteria, heavy metals of four soil samples from these two mine areas, show that the underground mining has a major physical and chemical impact on the soil, the largest influences reach to 116.55%, which provide the theoretical basis for the management and recovery of mining subsidence land resources.Puts forward prevention and control measures for the destruction of mining subsidence on land resources in weibei coal-mining areas, prevention of mining subsidence by analyzing the impact of factors of mining subsidence, improving the expected accuracy, and pre-assessmenting the withstand damage of coal mine geological environment. Reduce mining subsidence by selecting the reasonable mining methods. Control mining subsidence by engineering reclamation, soil remediation and other measures of ecological reconstruction.

  • 【分类号】TD325;F301.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】540

