

The Exploitation and Application of the Software System on Dealing with the Multiple Mining Environment Information

【作者】 李晓霞

【导师】 薛喜成;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 环境工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着矿产资源的持续开发,矿区及周边生态环境正面临巨大的威胁。在矿产资源开采、选矿和冶炼过程中,伴随着采矿废石、尾砂的连续排放与累积,矿区周边及河沟下游的自然环境日益恶化,不少矿区的地表水、地下水、土壤和植被已被污染,矿区环境正在遭受空前的威胁与破坏。近年来,频频出现的矿区环境污染事件,已引起人们的广泛关注。不少矿区因此加强了环境调查、监测和恢复治理等工作,逐步积累了大量的矿山环境信息。论文在广泛收集矿区环境信息的基础上,采用回归分析、聚类分析、趋势分析、对应分析和判别分析等线性数学模型,以及模糊数学、灰色系统等非线性数学模型,综合各类数学模型之优点,借助Visual Basic 6.0程序开发工具,设计并开发了一套矿山环境多元信息处理软件,实现了矿区环境信息的多方面深度处理。论文以矿区环境数据信息为基础,使用专用软件对矿区环境数据进行数学处理。实例数据信息结果显示:本次开发的软件系统模块功能正确,操作界面友好,系统功能全面,信息处理结果可靠。该软件系统可以充分利用矿山环境信息,帮助人类获得矿区环境问题的规律性认识,从而为矿区环境恢复治理与管理决策提供技术支持。

【Abstract】 With the continued development and utilization of mineral resources,mine and the surrounding ecological environment are in serious danger. During the mineral mining, ore dressing and smelting, natural environment of around mine and ditches downstream are deteriorating along with the continuous emission and accumulation of mining waste rock and tailings.The surface water,groundwater,soil,and vegetation of many mining has been contaminated. Mining area is suffering the unprecedented threat and the destruction. In recent years, the frequent event of mining environment pollution has attracted much attention. So environmental investigation, monitoring ,recovery management,and etc has been strengthened by many mining and so much mining environmental information has been accumulated gradually.On the basis of extensive collection of mining environmental information, paper selected regression analysis, cluster analysis, trend analysis, correspondence analysis and discriminant analysis which are linear mathematical model and fuzzy math ,grey system which are nonlinear mathematical model.Compositing the advantages and disadvantages of mathematical model which exceed and complement each other ,the paper ,with visual basic 6.0 development tools have designed and developed a multi-mine environment information processing software,which have basically realized the depth processing of various mining environmental information.Papers use the software for data processing relying on mining environment. The results of dealing with the example data show that the function of of the software system module we designed are correct and comprehensive.The result are accurate and reliable which can make the evaluation results accurate and reliable, and moreover it can provide the scientific basis and reliable technical support for mine environmental rehabilitation and mining environmental management and decision ultimately.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52;X751
  • 【下载频次】69

